[Harry Potter] ~ Surprise, Surprise

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Returning to Hogwarts with no deathly threats to my life felt very weird. After Harry had finished off Voldemort last year, things had been pretty calm, and at first, I was enjoying it, but now, I felt really paranoid about Voldemort coming back to finish us. The rational part of me knew it wasn't possible, he was gone for good, we'd watched him and Harry fighting last year. We'd watched Voldemort turn into dust in the Ministry before our eyes.
I sat in one of the train compartments and waited for my friends and boyfriend. 
I hadn't seen much of them this summer, my parents had been all too eager to keep me under their wing, locked up and safe after all that had happened last year. 
I heard a knock on the door and looked up from my book, smiling brightly at the sight of Hermione. 
We hugged each other tightly, laughing lightly as I felt the sting of my happy tears for seeing her after so long.
"Mione! How have you been?" I asked as she sat down in front of me after we maneuvered her trunk into the overhead compartment.
"I've been good, been kept busy, and doing some reading ahead for this year's syllabus." Hermione smiled brightly when I chuckled, "What about you? I haven't seen you at all this summer!" 
I laughed, "Oh, Mum and Dad haven't let me go out much. I had to sneak out to see Harry, otherwise, I wouldn't have been out of the house the whole summer!" 
"Speaking of which," Hermione began with a teasing grin, "how are you two doing?"
I smiled, "Harry's been amazing! Godric, I miss him so much!" 
Hermione laughed, "He and Ron stayed behind a little to say goodbye to Mrs. Weasley and I came ahead because I saw your parents leaving."
"What about your parents? How have they been?"
"Pretty busy, but they've been so happy that I got out of that battle unscathed, they took a few weeks off and we went traveling! It was amazing!" 
"Did you take pictures? I want to see them!"
"Of course I did! My mum went to print them out, she'll mail me an album as soon as they're ready!" 

"What you girls talking about?"
I turned to the door, seeing Ron with Harry trailing in after him, and it took me a lot of effort to stay seated and let them put their trunks away. 
Not one second after Harry had put his trunk in the compartment, I jumped from my seat, hugging him closely as his hands went around my waist.
"Hello, sweetheart." 
I laughed, pressing a kiss to his lips as I heard Ron groaning, "Hi honey."
I reluctantly let go of Harry to hug Ron, "I missed you too Weasley."
Ron laughed as he patted my back, "Yeah, yeah, summer without you wasn't the same." 
We all sat down and Harry threw his arm over my shoulders, making me lean into him with a smile. 
"Now that your life is not on the line anymore what are your plans for this year, Potter?" I asked with a smile and Harry poked my ribs, making me giggle and slap his hand away.
"Well, I'm going to make the most of this year, and spend some well-deserved time with my girl." 
I blushed brightly at his words, pressing a kiss to his jaw, "You two are nauseatingly sweet. Good Godric help me." Ron complained and I flipped him off. 
"You only complain because you can't pull your head out of your ass and see what's right in front of you." I narrowed my eyes at him as both he and Hermione blushed under my stare, "What am I missing out on?"
"Nothing!" Ron and Hermione shouted in unison as the train began moving and I raised an eyebrow, turning to Harry.
"You haven't missed anything big, except for all the flirting." 
"The flirting?!" I screeched as I looked at Hermione with narrowed eyes, "And you didn't think to tell me about this in any of your letters?!"
"No one's flirting!" Hermione defended weakly and Harry snorted.
"Not with that attitude, you're not." Ron kicked Harry's shin, to which Harry hissed as he rubbed his abused shin, "They've been flirting all summer long." 
I looked between the two of them before I shook my head with a sigh, "Has any of you asked the other out yet or should I do it for you?" 
Ron and Hermione shared a look, before I felt Harry press a kiss to my head, "You look really pretty when you're playing Cupid."


I crossed one leg over the other and burrowed my head in my scarf, watching the Quidditch tryouts. Since Harry was now captain, I had to come and support my boyfriend. Not that I minded, I always enjoyed watching Quidditch. I looked to my side, where Seamus was looking into the field with empty eyes, so I nudged him and he looked at me in surprise, "What's up, Seamus?"
"I'm cool." As he looked back out to the field, he said, "Can I admit something?"
I looked at him, "Of course!"
"You have to promise you won't tell anyone!" 
I extended my pinky to him as he curled his pinky around mine, "I promise Seamus. What's wrong?"
Seamus sighed as he stared at the field again, "I-I think I have a crush on someone."
"But that's good isn't it?" I asked in confusion before I looked ahead, noticing Seamus was staring in the direction of the commentary box, where Dean was preparing his workplace. "Seamus, what's happening?"
"I think I'm in love with Dean." 
I looked at Seamus, my eyebrows shooting into my hairline, "Really? I mean, you guys would make an adorable couple! You're always together and everything!" 
Seamus offered me a smile, "Yeah, I think so too, but Dean's-"
Seamus cut himself off and we both looked ahead, watching a girl I couldn't recognize from this far talking to Dean and laughing, "Oh Seamus," I rubbed his arm, trying to offer some comfort, before I pulled him in for a hug, letting him burrow his head in my shoulder as he cried softly, "Everything will be okay, c'mon Seamus. I promise everything will be okay. You're strong, you're a great lad, you're quite a catch, believe it or not, anyone would be lucky to have you."
Seamus sniffed as he let go and I pulled up my bag, offering him a tissue, which he accepted as he dabbed his eyes and blew his nose, "Thank you, Y/N, I mean it." 
I offered him a smile, patting his knee, "We're friends Seamus, that's what friends are for." 
Seamus nodded before focusing on the pitch, "Well since we're friends, I expect you to save me from your jealous boyfriend."
I focused on Harry, who seemed to be glaring in our direction, and I waved at him, laughing when his frown turned into a blooming smile as he waved back at me. 

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