[Sirius Black] - Dolls

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"Hey doll! Wait up, will you?"
I turned around barely concealing an eye roll when my friends let out delighted giggles at the scene. Glaring at them, I turned to the person who'd called me.
As expected I saw Sirius Black standing there, 'charming grin' on his face and all. I honestly didn't know what was so charming about the man.

Personally, I found Regulus much more charming than that bloody Gryffindor.

Bloody hell, a mysterious man always managed to bring out my curiosity and capture my eyes. And it didn't help that Regulus was almost as handsome as Sirius.
"Black. I hadn't seen you there." I said and Black smirked.
Okay, maybe he was a little charming.
"Did you not see me, or did you purposely ignore me?"
Clearing my throat I clutched my textbooks to my chest.

"Who knew you had it in you to be smart, huh Black?" I turned my eyes away from Black to face the younger Black brother and I rolled my eyes.
Salazar, what was it about me that had the Black brothers always managing to have their very interesting arguments with me in the middle?

Regulus acknowledged me with a nod of his head and I nodded back.
Merlin, he didn't need to speak to look handsome.
"Yes of course doll. Ignore me and stare at my brother. I enjoy it." Sirius stated sarcastically and I licked my lips. Seeing as my friends seemed so eager to get a second of his attention I smiled. "Marvellous! If you feel so attention deprived, you should stay here with my friends." I pushed him towards my friends and ran after Regulus, who was much more to my liking.
"Has Sirius been bothering you too much? I can take care of it." Regulus offered quietly and I shook my head.
"It's nothing I can't handle. Don't worry."


As I walked with my friends to the Great Hall I couldn't help but hear the murmured words that followed my every step.
They always said the same.

Why was I playing hard to get.

How could I play with both Blacks.

What had I given them to make them so interested in me.

You name it, the list could go on for days!
Like I didn't have anything better to do with my life than
"You know Pucey, who cares about what they say? Salazar what's gotten into you to be so worried?" Ariella asked and I shook my head.
"You of all people should know I don't care about what they say. But I have to admit; I'm curious as to why both heirs of the almighty House of Black seem to have taken a liking towards me. I'd do anything to change that back." I admitted and Ariella threw her head back and rubbed her temples.

"Merlin woman! You have the two most desired men in this school after you and yet you complain! There are people who'd do anything! Anything to have just one of the Blacks hold for them just an inch of the affection they hold for you! You're the luckiest person I know! So, dive in and make the best out of it!" I stared at Ariella with wide eyes before shaking my head.
"I refuse to end up heartbroken in favour of some fun. I thought you knew that, but I was mistaken. After all, Slytherins can't have true friends. You said it yourself. Within this house the only sort of friendship we share is based solely on our last name and nothing else." I said as I turned on my heels, my appetite long gone.
Ariella called out for me, I heard just as much but I wasn't going to turn back around. I wouldn't give her that satisfaction.
What kind of Slytherin would I be if I gave in right?

Walking had taken me to a room. An empty one. A tall mirror standing in the middle of the room captured my attention as I took long strides towards it, recognizing it almost immediately.

The Mirror of The Erised.

Erised stra ehru oyt ube cafru oyt on wohsi.

It was supposed to show you your heart's deepest desires and I didn't know what those were to me.

Achieving a goal?

Being recognized?

Winning something in life?

Having someone next to me?

I couldn't bring myself to stare at my reflection because I simply couldn't ready myself to what I would see.

I took a deep breath and lifted my head, my eyes still closed.
As I took another deep breath I opened my eyes. Looking into the reflection I saw Sirius and I, standing next to each other, Sirius' arm was around my shoulders as he grinned at me through the Mirror. My eyes widened.

It couldn't be!
No! No! No!
It wasn't possible!

Somehow Sirius' arm being around my shoulder gave me a sense of comfort. It comforted me so much that it was as if I could feel him next to me.
Turning to my side I saw Sirius actually there and let out a scream that had managed to scare him.
"Hey, Pucey, what is it?" Sirius asked as I regained my composure and peered at him from under my eyelashes.
"Nothing. I have to go." I turned around and ran out of the room, trying to calm my heart.

No one could know what I'd seen in the bloody Mirror.
I'd be damned if I let anyone know.


I had been avoiding Sirius for around a month and it was being miraculously easy.
On the other hand I felt like I missed his constant flirting and his bloody teasing. Hell, I even missed hearing him call me Doll!
I still hadn't come to terms with the fact that my heart's deepest desire was Sirius!
Bloody hell, not only had I stated -loud and clearly- that I hated the man as I had also been public about the whole deal.

Sirius had apparently been affected by my avoiding him and I had heard just as much from Pettigrew, Lupin and Potter.
As I ignored Sirius, I also ignored Ariella and that was bloody difficult to do.
I sat with her in almost all of my classes, I shared a dorm with her, we shared our group of friends -who were always trying to play peace keepers between us lest things got bitter.
I had hurt them both apparently and guilt was eating me alive.
I didn't like that bloody feeling.

"You know, Pads has been down in the dumps, could you please try to sort things out? You're hurting him by avoiding even his bloody shadow!" Lupin said as he sat in front of me in the library, where I'd been quietly finishing an essay. "And our entire dorm is suffering as well because guess who has to hear his rambles?"

"Lupin. I thought we had already had this conversation." I sighed through my nose as I wrote the last part of the last sentence of my essay. "I already told you I can't talk to him. Not because I don't want to, but because I don't feel ready."
Lupin sighed as he mumbled something about him always being the one that had to fix other people's mistakes.

"Just what did you see in the mirror that tormented you so much? Sirius said you stopped talking to him after you saw what the Mirror of the Erised showed you. So, what did you see?" He asked softly as he put a hand on top of mine, removing it seconds after.
"It's just-" I cut myself off with a groan before lowering my voice. "I saw him okay Lupin!? I saw him and I'm not ready to face it yet!"
Understanding downed on Lupin's face. "You love him! That's what you can't grip?"
I nodded as I breathed out a shaky breath. I had already told him the most painful and embarrassing part. What would be the harm in saying the rest?
"Can I trust you to keep your mouth shut Lupin?" He nodded eagerly and I sighed. "So, the problem about me loving Sirius is that I spent a ridiculously huge amount of time denying any type of feelings towards him and now, realising it's quite the opposite is making me go crazy! I know he's out of my league and I don't want to start something with him to have him realize that and kicking me out. I don't want to end up hurt."
Lupin nodded at my words, and I asked, "Do you see now why I'm not very open about these feelings?"

As Lupin smiled at me, I sighed as if a weight has been lifted from my shoulders. "Okay, here's a suggestion, I could tell Sirius an excuse to buy you more time to gather yourself -not too long though or he'll make all of us go crazy- and then you talk to him. When you get your thoughts more organised. How does that sound?"
Smiling at the perfect I said "You can ask me whatever you need, and I'll do it. I owe you a lot Remus."
He smiled brightly at me as he stood. "I'll keep that in my mind. See you around!"
As he left, I smiled. I could see why Sirius liked him so much.


It only took me a couple more weeks to gather myself slightly and I had made my mind that I would talk to Sirius today after our DADA class.

As I entered the class, I saw what was in store for us and paled.

Damn it! Not bloody Boggarts!

I stood at the rim of the crowd of students, hanging in the back as I saw no reason to approach the front of the crowd.
The last time I'd faced a Boggart it had come true and weeks after, I had seen my worst fear come to life. There wasn't much that could scare me a lot, but I don't want to risk it.
As the professor addressed the class I looked around, spotting Sirius and his three counterparts at the front of the class.
I rolled my eyes.

Bloody Gryffindors.

"Miss Pucey, surely you wouldn't mind being the first?" The professor asked and I cursed my luck. Why me?
"Of course not professor." I made it to the front of the class and drew my wand, adopting an offensive stance. I gripped my wand tightly and nodded at the professor. He opened the wardrobe and out of there stepped a Boggart.

I watched it transform into my worst fear and I nearly fainted when I saw the form it took. The class began to fill the stifling silence with murmurs, and I found myself unable to lift my wand and cast the spell that was supposed to be simple.
As I watched with horrified eyes Sirius' dead body laying in front of me, my mind started to remind me of my last Boggart.

It will come true.
Sirius will die, and I won't be able to save him!
No! No! No!
Salazar! Not him!
As tears rolled down my cheeks, I started to lose balance and before I knew it, my eyes rolled to the back of my head, and everything was pitch black.


I slowly opened my eyes and looked around. Spotting Sirius sleeping right beside me I shook him a little as I tried to sit on the bed. Sirius immediately woke up and pushed me back down to the bed.

"Sirius? What happened?" I asked and he sighed as he ran a hand through his hair.
"You passed out in DADA when you saw your Boggart. I brought you here." He explained and I nodded, my thoughts going immediately to my Boggart's form. "I have one question though. Why am I your Boggart?"

I sighed as I turned away from him. "I'm going to tell you a story. So please listen and don't make any questions until I'm finished." I requested and Sirius nodded. "Well, I used to think I hated you. I always thought Regulus was more of my liking." Sirius openly pouted and I laughed fondly before becoming serious again " But huh, then rumours started spreading and almost at the same time I started to feel things I really shouldn't around you and I started to like you, not that I realised it until that time at the mirror of Erised. What I saw there made me avoid you because I wasn't ready to contradict myself and that's what the bloody reflection did. That's why I started to avoid you. I saw you in that mirror. It was you and me and you looked so in love with me." I took a deep breath. " You're my heart's deepest desire and losing you is my worst fear Sirius. That's why I panicked. Last time I faced a Boggart it turned real. A couple weeks after I'd faced the Boggart it came true. And seeing you lying there, dead, I thought how my last Boggart became true and thought that my recent Boggart would become true as well."

"Merlin, I thought I was the only one with those weird reflections. I also see you in the mirror. And I love every second of it." Sirius admitted as I giggled.
Reaching up I cupped his cheek in my hand and watched him smile and lean into it. I was so glad to have himself here.
Salazar he had me wrapped around his finger.
I smiled at him and whispered," I love you."
Sirius than looked at me with the biggest grin on his face. "I love you too."


My relationship with Sirius had become rather odd since we had confessed.

Whilst we acted like a couple and spent a lot of time together, we never really kissed or said our 'I love you's to each other again.
If asked, we'd say we were single, but neither of us was to date other people.
It is bloody confusing, if I'm being honest.

Even now, I was sat by the Black Lake with the Marauders and I could tell there was something in their minds.
As I leaned against Sirius' chest he absentmindedly stroked my hair with his hands and kept talking to his friends.
"Who knew huh Pads?" Potter started. "Who knew that you'd get your girl before I got mine huh?"
I shook my head at him before reaching up to swat at Sirius' hand that had started to mess my hair. "Potter Potter. Sirius and I are single. But you should definitely go get your girl."

Sirius let out an outraged gasp, "We're single?!"
I sighed as I looked up at him. "Never heard anyone asking me to be something else." I stated and Sirius exchanged mischievous looks with the other three and I knew I was going to get trouble.
"You wait love."

As I walked back to the common room, I saw Ariella standing by the entrance. She smiled at me when I approached her, and I raised an eyebrow. "What?"

She cleared her throat. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said what I said." Smiling at her I hugged her. "I'm sorry too for being childish."
She took a step back "Now, we have a lot of things to talk about! We need to have a gossip night!"
I smiled fondly as she announced the password and we entered the common room.
I had missed this.


As I entered the Great Hall for breakfast I saw Sirius standing on the top of a table and raised an eyebrow at him.
What the hell?

"So Doll, you said no one asked you so here goes nothing!" He shouted dramatically as he saw me, and I sighed.

Of course he would do something like this!

"So? What do you say? Be my girlfriend?" Sirius jumped from the table and took long strides towards me, looking at me dead in the eyes as he pulled me into his arms.
"I say yes Sirius." I murmured and he smiled. "But try not to cause such a scene next time, okay?"
He happily nodded, planting a tender kiss to my lips. "Not going to happen doll, next time is to marry you."
I rolled my eyes as Sirius laughed, his arm still around me.
I glanced at my watch and widened my eyes, looking over at Ariella.
"We need to get to History of Magic like now! We're gonna miss the class!" As Ariella gathered her belongings I turned back to Sirius, pecking his lips. I could never get tired of it. "I'll see you later."
Sirius frowned as I wiggled from his hold, and I shot him a smile as I ran out of the hall.
"I love you doll!" He shouted and I smiled. "I love you too Sirius!"
Running as fast as I could along with Ariella, I realised that I should really exercise more.
We entered the classroom in a rush, and I sat next to her and shot Lupin a smile. He nearly laughed before looking over my friend and turning a deep shade of red.

I raised an eyebrow at him, and he waved his hand. I frowned. He was going to tell me. Either he wanted it or not.
Maybe he didn't need to because I'd already figured it out.
As Ariella sat down, I smirked. "So, Ariella, sweetheart, what do you think of Remus over there?"
Ariella shook her head before looking at me. "What's with the question?"

I pouted. "Just answer, will you?"
She sighed as she murmured "He's handsome, cute, smart, and he seems really really nice. I don't know."
I smiled as I took my things out of my bag. "What do you say about getting to know him?"
Ariella shot me a weird smile and I laughed. "Well, what do I stand to lose right?"


"And so, Remus my lovely friend, be careful of the full moon. Werewolves might get you." I said and Remus paled as he put some space between us. "Remus?" As he looked around for something I raised an eyebrow. He surely wasn't scared of werewolves.
"I knew you'd figure it out. Damn it. How long have you known about me being a werewolf?" My mouth dropped open as I looked at Remus.
"You just told me." I said with shock written all over my features.
Remus cursed as he looked at me. I then began to smile. "Remus that's fucking awesome! Salazar I can't believe I'm friends with a werewolf!"
"You're not afraid then?"
"Of course not!" As Remus smiled more freely, I looked at him.
"I take it that you and the boys disappearing once a month has something to do with it?" As Remus smiled again, I reached up to mess his hair. "I meant it. You have to be careful."

Remus snorted " If anything you should talk to Prongs, Pads and Wormtail. They are the ones that put themselves in danger to make sure I don't hurt anyone."


"How's Sirius doing, future sister-in-law?" Regulus asked from behind me as I sat next to Ariella on the sofa of the common room.
Looking back at him I smiled. "He's doing better Regulus. I still think he misses you a lot. Why don't you talk to him?"
Regulus shot Ariella a look and she nodded before standing and going to our dorm. He didn't need to tell the younger years to bug off as by now, every single Slytherin knew better than to bother Regulus.
Regulus sighed before whispering. "I don't have any death wish thank you. Mother and Father would kill me. It's dangerous even talking to you right now. I'm risking my health for Sirius." He said as he furrowed his eyebrows.
I looked at him and put my hand on his.
"He misses you as well Regulus. But you know your brother, he'd be damned if he let anyone knew." Regulus smiled ever so narrowly before looking at me.
"You better watch over him, Pucey. I mean it."
I nodded before suggesting. "So, astronomy tower tomorrow after curfew?"
Regulus nodded. "You and Sirius will be the death of me."

I smirked. There really was a drama gene going on the Black blood. "Stop being so dramatic. You're a perfect. You're allowed out after curfew."
Regulus stood with a smirk before looking around the room and stating rather loudly. "You know where to find me Pucey. If anyone talks about you behind your back ever again, count on me using very creative curses."
I smiled when I saw the younger years recoiling. "Thanks Regulus. Are you going down to Hogsmead today?"
Regulus smiled at me. "Surely."
Waving at him I stood up and turned to head towards my dorm room.
Entering it I smiled at Ariella.
"I'm going to get ready. Do you think you can talk to Lupin by yourself when we get there?"
Ariella turned a shocking shade of red and I giggled. "I hate you." She called out as I picked a dress and shoes. I was going out with my boyfriend after all.
"Yeah, of course you do."

Ariella and I waited outside the Great Hall for the Marauders and Evans. Ariella called out my name. "Hey, since when do you have feelings for Sirius? I thought you hated him."
I smiled. "It's a long story Ariella. Let's say I figured it."
"I'm sure your Boggart helped a lot." She teased and I sighed. Little did she know.
"Are you two ready?" Sirius asked. We both looked at him. I gladly stepped into his arms when he opened them, and he pressed a kiss to my head. "Sure. We are going?"
Everyone nodded, and they looked at Ariella. "Oh right. This is Ariella." As said as Ariella stood there with her Slytherin posture. Apart from Sirius and good old Remus they all seemed sceptical about Ariella, and I rolled my eyes. "If the problem you're creating in your head is that of her being a Slytherin, please be aware that so am I." I said and James looked at me sheepishly before shaking his head and extending a hand to Ariella. "Welcome to the group."


"C'mon Ariella! I have to go meet Evans! You just need to spend a little bit of time with Regulus or go and spend time with your younger sister. Please!" I said as I bounced on my feet.

Last night had been a full moon and the boys and Remus had once again landed themselves on the hospital wing. Nothing new. But this was the first time they done that after Remus told me his furry secret.
So Evans and I were supposed to go down to the kitchens to get some sugary treats for the Marauders.
"Why can't I go?" She asked and I sighed.
"Fine come along woman. But no more questions. If you have any questions, ask Remus and only after they're discharged." Ariella nodded countless times as we exited the common room.
Approaching the painting that gave access to the Kitchens I saw Evans standing there, waiting for us.

"Pucey, " Evans paused while looking at Ariella. She looked at me as if to ask me if Ariella knew and I shook my head. "Cruz. We better hurry. They're just like babies. If they don't get their food when they want it, they get extremely cranky."

I laughed softly as Evans tickled the pear and we entered the kitchens. The house-elves delivering us a package and I looked at Evans as she thanked the elves. "I came here last night." She explained as we went to the hospital wing. Looking over my shoulder I saw Ariella a few steps behind, her frown deepening.

Salazar, I could tell she had as many questions as she had hair in her head. Sighing I looked at Evans and she shifted the parcels onto my arms. "Out with it Pucey." She muttered.
"Ariella has questions and I know her. She's not going to stop until she gets her answers." I muttered as I looked at Ariella. "She's already overthinking everything."
Evans threw Ariella a look from over her shoulder and frowned. "But she'll have her questions answered and it would be better if Remus answered them for her."

I nodded as I called out. "Oi, Cruz! Would you move that ass?" Ariella looked up and nodded. "If you and Evans weren't moving so bloody fast maybe I'd be able to accompany your pace, you cheetah."
Smiling slightly I nudged Evans and shot her a smile. Evans cleared her throat. "Get a move on. I don't want to be bugged until the end of the century because the pair of you decided to keep talking."

As we walked at a faster pace down to the hospital wing, I let my thoughts wander. How were the boys? Were they badly hurt? Surely, they would be hurt, but how hurt?
I heard a soft call of my first name. Meeting Evans' eyes I took in the concern displayed in them. "Are you okay?" I nodded and both- Ariella and Evans- shot me worried looks. "Let's get them their treats? Neither of us wants to deal with a cranky seventh year."
As we entered the wing, I made a beeline for Remus' bed and brushed his hair out of his forehead. "How do you feel?" I asked as I handed him his chocolate and he smiled at me.
I shot him a concerned look when he stopped smiling at me and looked at something over his shoulder. "Pucey, Ariella and Pads are glaring at us. I'm scared. Move to your boyfriend." I was about to leave when Remus caught my arm. He murmured. "You didn't tell her, did you?"
I shook my head before messing his hair. "Of course not! It's not my secret to tell."

As I moved towards his bed, I could see Sirius frown melting and a very handsome smile beginning to bloom. When I reached his side, he pulled me in for a kiss. I immediately responded before drawing away from him to give him his pumpkin pasties. He smiled at the sight of food. "Thanks Doll." He took a bite of one of the pasties. "What were you talking with Moony? You two always seem so close that I'm afraid you'll end up getting tired of me and dive straight into his arms." Sirius was only teasing; I knew that but still I frowned and pinched his arm.
"Sirius Orion Black. What type of woman do you take me for?"
Sirius smiled sheepishly at me. "I'm sorry doll. It's just that Moony has something that always gets me on the edge."
I smiled mischievously. "And here I was thinking I was a cover up because you're gay for James when it's Remus."
Sirius smirked. "I'll show you who's gay."


I just knew this was going to happen.

I thought as I rolled my eyes. Honestly, Sirius is a bloody seventh year and yet he still did stuff like this.
Sirius and the Marauders had had a "run in" with some Slytherins- Slytherins being Snape and a couple more of them I hadn't even bothered to know the name because I simply didn't talk to them.

I was almost fuming as I looked at the two groups. I'd had the decency to cast a shielding charm between the two rival groups before deciding that I'd be giving a very public telling off to my fellow Slytherins.
"Don't you honestly care about the House Cup at all? Imagine it wasn't me showing up but instead was that bloody Ravenclaw perfect who thinks she's the queen of this school! You'd have lost us the biggest number of points in History!" pointing my finger towards Snape I glared at him. "And you! Merlin Severus! You're a fucking perfect! Don't you know that duelling -or whatever this shit is- on school ground is prohibited?! You should be ashamed."
Snape scowled at me. "They're the ones that have a perfect and the Head Boy involved in a duel."

"Stop pushing the blames around Snape! For fuck's sake, don't you already know that they'll have to endure hearing not only me but Lily as well? So can you please just stay quiet and listen?!"
Sirius turned once again to me with his scowl. "You're only saying that because you're getting laid with all of them."
I clenched my fists before I raised my wand and sent the strongest curse I had learnt.
My Gryffindor friends laughed as Snape's mouth turned into that of a pig. I smirked "If you even think about saying something like that again, just know that I helped you with those spells."

As I returned to my Gryffindor friends, I smiled at them. Sirius readily took me into his arms and asked. "What spells have you helped Snivellus with?" I slapped his chest before reminding. "He's my housemate and as much as I hate him, I don't like it when people talk badly about others." Turning to James and Remus I scowled. "And you two! Bloody morons, you could've lost your badges over this shit! Are you insane?!" I shouted and James and Remus looked down at the ground. "Honestly." I muttered before looking at them all. "Was it honestly worth the hassle?"
Sirius smirked, looking immensely pleased with himself before saying "Well, if it wasn't, you definitely made it worth it. I mean, that curse was nothing but amazing!" I blushed a little as I turned around in his arms, to hide my blushing cheeks. "But you just wait until Lily hears about this."
James immediately paled at the thought and started to splutter some rubbish about how he'd have to Obliviate everyone that had seen their little stunt and I chuckled. Remus and Peter, probably knowing that James wouldn't shut up with the idiotic idea, silenced him and proceeded to drag him to their common room. I turned to Sirius as they left, and he smiled charmingly at me. "So, Doll, who would've known that you'd look so hot when angry? Maybe I'll make you angry a couple more times?" he wondered, and I delivered a sharp kick to his shin. "Just try to do just that and you'll see." Sirius laughed fondly at my scowl, and I huffed.
"I'm just joking Doll. I would never do such thing."


Sometimes, I really regretted taking potions at N.E.W.T. level. Most of the time it was downright boring paperwork and essays and no potion making! But there were times- such as right now- where I actually remembered why I liked the subject.

This class, Slughorn had announced that we were going to brew potions. I looked around the room as Slughorn continued. "I've explained to you what are love potions and their proposes and effects. I've also explained to you what a wrongly brewed or consumed love potion is capable of. As for today's class, we will be brewing the various sorts of love potions. You are going to work in pairs – that I will personally assign- and brew the potion I'll hand you." I looked at Ariella as our Head of House started to assign partners and potions to the very few that had taken potions. "Miss Pucey, I shall pair you with Mister Potter. You will be brewing Amortentia. I expect very highly from the pair of you." I nodded as I moved to James's table and settled down.
James smiled.
"I'll get the ingredients and you take care of the cauldron. Is that okay?"
"Of course." As James picked up his textbook and riffled through it to find the recipe so he could collect the ingredients I levitated the cauldron over to the Bunsen burner and put it there. I summoned a pester and a mortar and placed them next to the cauldron. As James came back with the ingredients and set them on the table, I turned on the burner and set the cauldron on top of the flame.
"So, Pucey, do you feel ready to take an unexpected sniff of Pads?" James teased as he added the ashwinder egg.

I picked up the rose thorns before promptly adding "Only if you feel ready to take a sniff of Lily." Dropping a handful of rose thorns into the cauldron I looked over at my textbook to see what the next ingredient was. Refined peppermint oil. What on Earth? I loved brewing potions, but sometimes these combinations of ingredients just left me sick and confused.
James threw a moonstone in the cauldron and began to stir it. "Here it says to stir until the potion begins to fume."
"Hopefully it won't take long. I really wanted a little free time." I complained and James shot me a worried look. "Don't even bother asking. I just need some rest, period." James nodded as our potion began to fume. Some spirals of steam began to rise, and I felt a really odd combination of scents. I took a deep breath of that aroma and identified the different scents: mint, chocolate, new parchment and... Sirius cologne?

Salazar, I shouldn't have been so surprised to smell Sirius cologne, but it was such an odd thing that I already had the smell of his cologne deep into my brain. James smiled knowingly at me as I bottled the potion. "Do something useful and attach the tag with our names and hand it to the professor." James did as I ordered, not commenting on my harsh tone but instead snickering to himself.

As James handed the potion vial, I let my eyes wander to the rest of the room. Lily had been paired up with Ariella -lucky her- whilst Remus, poor Remus had been paired with our Head Girl, who just held a very not-so-secret passion for him. Poor man, he couldn't look more awkward.
Peter had been paired with another Gryffindor, who I honestly didn't know the name. As my eyes set themselves onto Sirius, I immediately narrowed them. He was shamelessly flirting with that bloody Hufflepuff who I just knew was into him!
Salazar, how careless of him! The girl could slip him some of the love potion and he'd have no idea!
The moment I put my hands on Sirius! Just forget about dying at the hands of one of my Housemates! I'd kill him myself!
James, who had apparently returned to my side set his hands on my shoulders as he handed me my already packed bag. Blinking up at him I took the bag and let him escort me out of the classroom. As soon as we were out, he hurried to explain. "You were glaring at Pads for more than five minutes, usually I'd be completely fine with your glaring at him after all, it's not my business to interfere. But this time, he took it too far. You had all the right to glare at him and I'd have let you glare as you pleased had I, myself, not been glaring as well." I shot him a strange look and James waved his hands. "You don't have anything to worry about Pads, I promise. He hasn't so much as glanced at women even since before you two got together!"
I looked ahead as I let out a deep breath.

"I know I know. It's just... sometimes I can't help but worry, you know? He's way out of my league and he's had so much better than me! What if he realizes that and leaves me?" I questioned and James sighed. "You know, what I'm about to admit is a complete secret, not even the boys know it." He said and I nodded. "Sometimes, I feel insecure as well. You see, it took so much to conquer Lily and I'm afraid that if I just take one tiny little step out of the line, she'll realize how she could do so much better than me. But you know what? That's my heart speaking and loving and being with someone isn't just about listening to your heart only, but to your head as well. And if my head says that I should just enjoy the moment and that if I now have the girl, I fought for so long to have by my side then it's because I did something right. You should think the same. I don't know for how long you've had feelings for Pads, but I know that Pads been loving you ever since he started calling you Doll. Just think it through. It took him so long to get you, do you think he'd throw that away just because of some Hufflepuff, who by the way doesn't even reach your ankles? Of course, he wouldn't! He loves you!" as James said that I thought about it before returning.
"I know that. I love him just as much, but I still worry James! He's everything I could've dreamt of in a man and I'm just me. He deserves so much better than this overdramatic Slytherin I am." I looked down as someone called out behind us.
"If I hear you say such rubbish ever again, I'll attach myself to you and follow you wherever just to remind you that, for me, you really are the best one." I looked back at Sirius as he approached us with a scowl on his face. "If anything, I'm the one that doesn't deserve you." Quickly taking me into his arms Sirius rubbed soothing circles on my back as he pressed a kiss to the side of my head.

"You still have some explaining to do. Why were you flirting with that puff?" I asked and he scowled. I quirked an eyebrow in annoyance, and he started. "It all had a purpose, you know? I flirted – as you said- with her just to get your attention because you and James were pretty close as well."
"Hey! Don't push me into this! You know I'm close friends with her!" James protested. "Besides, I wouldn't do that to Lily. First, Lily would kill me and then you'd kill me."

I snorted at the two men in front of me before slapping Sirius' chest at full force. He winced but didn't complain. He knew that he'd deserved it.
As we waited for our friends to leave, Sirius bent down to press a quick kiss to my lips. Well, it was supposed to be just a small peck, at least that's what I had intended it to be, but Sirius didn't want the same apparently, because he grabbed my waist and deepened the kiss. James let out a grossed groan and I laughed against Sirius' lips.
"Black, I would appreciate it if you could eat my best friend's face in private and preferably without me having to witness it." Ariella complained and Sirius and I parted.
"You only say that because good old Moony doesn't do the same with you." Sirius teased with a mischievous smile as Remus glared at him. Sirius and his bloody big mouth.


Sometimes, I found myself thinking of me as some sort of stupidity epitome.
Honestly, there were things I should know for certain that would happen, but no. For some reason that evaded my knowledge, I had thought that Severus and the rest of his despicable minions would leave me alone after the very public scolding I'd given them but that didn't happen. But what was I expecting?

I was a Slytherin and my boyfriend and most of my friends were in the lion's den, so it was logical that Severus and his rather brainless goonies insisted on not leaving me alone, but what I didn't expect was for them to wait to get me alone and gang up on me. I had been silenced so I didn't call for help. I had been in some serious trouble had I not known how to use wordless magic. But for a little while, I let them think that they had me and that I was most likely under their control.

As we arrived at a secluded area of the castle, Severus removed the silencing charm he'd placed on me. "Pucey." He greeted and I nodded at him. "Leave!" he ordered to his goonies who complied obediently, save for Regulus, who despite being the youngest of the lot, still held their respect and he certainly could make them obey to him as much as Severus could.

"Leave, I said." Severus repeated and I nodded at.
"I will leave but remember. Pucey's still our housemate, and she's probably my favourite in the entire house. Do something to her and I'll have your head." Regulus stated calmly as he left the room. I watched his retreating back with rapt interest. He had never been one to be "public" about his affections, and I really hadn't expected such words from him.

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