[Ron Weasley] - All about timing

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"No way you're going." Harry insisted and I rolled my eyes. Merlin, I could see why Ginny got so annoyed at Ron when he tried to interfere between her and Dean.

"Honestly Harry. It's only a date. Besides, it's only Chris we're talking about. We've been friends ever since we started Hogwarts and there was never a problem with that. Why is it a problem that he wants to take me on a date?" Harry rolled his eyes as if I was being stupid and I trembled in defeat.

There was no way I'd win him over in this.

"She's kind of right Harry. It's not as if you ever had anything against Chris until he asked her out." Ginny cut in and I smiled gratefully at her. Everyone knew what Ginny Weasley's opinion could do to my brother's opinion. "Honestly Potter, you can't expect her to cancel on the poor guy just because you are being overprotective. It's not as if she hasn't gone on loads of dates already anyway." I groaned at Ginny's words and Harry turned his fuming eyes to me. Ginny smiled apologetically at me, only now finding out that Harry didn't know about any of my previous dates.
"Loads of dates?! What on-" Harry's speech was cut short when Hermione grasped his robes and pulled him away from Ginny and I, winking at us in the process. I could hear Harry's annoyed murmurs as Hermione dragged him.
Dean appeared next to us, sliding an arm over Ginny's shoulder, and smiling at the both of us.

"Trouble really does follow after you Potters huh?" I snickered at him before rolling my eyes. "Tell me about it." We exited the common room only to find Chris waiting for us. We'd agreed to go on a double date to Hogsmead.
"Thought the three of you were standing me up." Chris said as I dropped into step beside him. Nudging him with my shoulder I muttered "You'd never let me hear the end of it if I did."

We headed to the Great Hall and once we had finished our breakfast, we headed down to find a carriage. Once we were inside, I quietly wondered "What's the plan for today?" Dean looked at Ginny and me before smiling
"Honeydukes, Three Broomsticks and the Hog's head." I nodded in approval and leaned into Chris's shoulder, seeing how his smile widened at my gesture.
"Someone's whipped." Ginny teased with a smile as the carriage came to a stop. Chris and I blushed, and I hissed at Dean when he laughed at me. Raising an eyebrow Dean patted my head as if I was a dog.
"Be careful Birmingham, she bites." Ginny laughed as we headed to Honeydukes before adding. "It's just for the show. Tops she'll bite his lip while snogging his face out." I turned away from the three of them as a blush came up my neck. Ginny was never going to let me hear the end of it now.


Apparently, Chris and I were better of as friends. Our date had been really enjoyable, but it got awkward when we tried to do couple-y stuff. Which I found more than weird, because I was one hundred percent sure that Chris was the one for me, but oh well, it is what it is.
So we had agreed to keep things on friendly terms at least for now.
For Harry that was an euphemism; he kept on assuming that we were secretly dating and the whole 'just friends' thing was just to keep him off our backs.

"Come on, I won't do anything to the poor bloke." Harry pleaded as Ron and him stood in front of me, blocking the way. I sighed, looking at Ron for help. He blushed under my gaze, and I rose my eyebrow.
Was he ill or something?
"Just tell me that you are dating so I can have a talk with him."
Pinching the bridge of my nose, I shut my eyes and sighed.
"For Merlin's sake Harry! Chris and I aren't dating! We went on a date, we found it awkward, and we agreed to stay friends! Do you want me to spell it out for you? F-R-I-E-N-D-S. Friends!" Harry frowned at me, clearly wanting to tell me to stop lying when Ron, still red, turned to him and nudged him with his shoulder. "C'mon mate. Leave her alone, she's telling the truth. Give her the benefit of doubt." Harry frowned even deeper as he argued. "You did the exact same to Ginny!"

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