[Sirius Black] ~ Play The Game

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allieoop26 but it says the user can't be found anymore, so I don't know if this is the actual user or if I misspelled it :/ either way, I hope you all enjoy the chapter

I watched from Regulus's side as Sirius flirted with yet another girl. His latest conquest of the week, as Regulus and I had begun calling them.

"You might have to get over my idiot of a brother someday, do you know that?" 
I looked at Regulus as I raised an eyebrow. "Who says I'm not over him?"
Regulus rolled his eyes at my blatant lie, "Says the way you keep looking at that girl as if murder is the only thing on your mind."
I huffed, hating that Regulus saw through me so well. "I'm not murdering anyone, I'm adorable."
Regulus chuckled, "You keep telling yourself that, and I'll pretend it's true."
I crossed my legs, still watching Sirius and whoever that girl was as they laughed and giggled at each other, making me furious, but I had to keep my cool, I wasn't about to go all psycho murderer on them. 
I sighed, wishing more than anything to be the girl Sirius was talking to right now, but he always looked me over in favor of other girls. It was awful, but there wasn't much I could do.
"Do you want to go somewhere else? Looking at you watching my brother like that, you might be a borderline masochist."
I huffed, "Can't leave, I'm waiting for my sister." 
Regulus nodded in resignation, "Can you try to stop at least looking at them? It's becoming genuinely pitiful to watch."
I turned to look at Regulus, huffing, "There you go, happy?"
Regulus shrugged, "I mean, the jealousy issue is yours, not mine, so I'm perfectly good."
I rolled my eyes, "I really wish I could have a better understanding of you, sometimes."
Regulus tsked at me, "I'm fairly easy to understand, unless, of course, you have less than five functional brain cells."
"My brain cells work perfectly fine, thank you for your concern."
"They clearly don't, if you're so hung up on my brother when there are fair better suitors out there."
I laughed, "Oh, Reg I know there are better suitors, but bad boys are that much more appealing."
Regulus rolled his eyes at me, and I watched from the corner of my eye as Sirius and the girl left, and I felt a rage burning inside of me. 
"You are utterly hopeless, Russell."
"I know Reg, trust me, I know."


I raised an eyebrow as I saw Sirius Black walking toward me, making me feel wholly weirded out and thrilled at the same time.
"Hi, Russell, is it?" 
I raised an eyebrow, clutching my bag to my chest, "Depends on who's asking."
"C'mon love, we both know you know who I am. Sirius. The better Black."
I chuckled, "Quite full of ourselves, are we?"
Sirius shrugged, "I happen to believe I have a reason for it."
I rolled my eyes, "Of course you do." 
I looked him over, "Is there anything I can help with?"
"Might I walk you to your common room?"
"You, a Gryffindor, are willing to walk me, a Slytherin, to my common room?" 
"It's the middle of the night love, we just got out of Astronomy, no gentleman should ever let a lady like yourself walk alone to her common room so late in the night."
"You have, for the past four months. And not counting our other years at Hogwarts."
Sirius sighed, offering me a grin, "Maybe there are some ulterior motives."
I gave him a look as we both began walking, "And those motives would be?"
"Secret for now, love. All in due time." Sirius reached tentatively for my hand, which I let him take, "For now, how about I show you something beautiful?"
I tilted my head, "Are you planning my murder?" 
Sirius laughed, "Of course not, I could never rid the world of such a wonderful sight."
I blushed as I followed him through secret passages, and we ended up at the Black Lake, watching the moon and the stars and their reflection dancing in the deep waters of the lake. 
It did look beautiful.

" You were right," I admitted quietly as I looked at the lake, "It does look amazing."
"Sure does." 
I looked at Sirius to find him looking at me already, and he leaned in ever so slightly, making me put a hand on his chest, despite the fact that I wanted this more than anything. We barely knew each other. "I barely know you."
Sirius offered me a carefree smile, "I'll wait, however long it takes."
Suddenly, in front of me, I saw not Sirius but all the girls I'd seen him with, all of them had heard his sweet nothings and whispered words.
I felt like a piece of me broke because suddenly, I wasn't looking at the man I'd had a crush on for so long, I was looking at a mirror and I was absolutely frightened of what I saw.
Me falling for his sweet talk.
The same words he'd told every girl before me.
Words he'd tell other girls once he was done with me. 
"I think it's time to head back. I don't want to get caught out after curfew."
Sirius frowned, clearly not expecting this reaction from me, but nodded, "Let's go love, I'll walk you to your common room."

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