[George Weasley] ~ Old flames

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Hello! How are you all?
I'm here after some time, and today's one-shot was brought to you by a request from 

I hope you enjoy it and have as much fun reading it as I had writing! Now without further  ado, I'll leave you to the one-shot. :)


As soon as I stepped inside Grimmauld Place I almost regretted it, because it took me no longer than a second to realize that I would be a snake in the midst of lions.
Sweet Salazar, I could already see the stink eyes and hear the whispered words.
But I hadn't made my way up the Auror department and hadn't become one of the youngest highest-ranking Aurors in history by listening to whispered words or believing whatever the rumour mill was saying, and that had been why I had quit my job as an Auror and decided to join the Order of the Phoenix, when Tonks presented me with the invitation to do so, of course.
I gripped my bag when a man with a moustache and scars on his face walked past us and Tonks gave him the heart eyes when he gave us a quick hello.

So that should be Remus Lupin, I'd say.
"Right, so this is probably not exactly what you're used to, but welcome to the Headquarters. I'll show you to our room and then we can come downstairs for the meeting." Tonks gave a quick glance to her watch. "We should have time for that."
As we climbed upstairs, we bumped into a red-headed teenager on his way down and as I took one good look at him, I figured he probably was one of the younger Weasleys. The red hair couldn't fool anyone on that point.

"Shafiq?" he asked, and I nodded before I stuck my hand out for him to shake.
"I am assuming you are one of the younger Weasleys? I'd recognize Bill and Charlie anytime, and I am one thousand percent sure Percy wouldn't step in here. Also, I've seen Percy only last week and he looked nothing like you." I said and he nodded.
"I'm Ron, the youngest of the guys." He said as he shook my hand and I nodded as a memory hit me. "Last time we saw each other I was like ten years old."
"Oh, how could I forget? You kept following me around that one time I spent summer at your house! You even wrote me a little love letter." I said as Tonks laughed and Ron blushed.
"Way past that Shafiq, but nice seeing you here." He said before he jogged downstairs, and as we continued our way up, I turned to Tonks.

"When's the Potter boy getting here?" I asked and Tonks shrugged.
"Sometime along these days I'm betting. Dumbledore's dropping him off." She said before she turned right and walked to the fourth door, opening it. "And this is our room."
I stepped inside the room, placing my suitcase near the neatly arranged and empty bed, as Tonks threw herself on top of the other bed.
"I still can't believe you quit your job as an Auror." She said as I opened my suitcase and began placing my clothes on the bed. "The two top drawers on the dresser are mine, you can have the others."
I nodded as I began putting my clothing in the drawers." After the tournament and the Quidditch World Cup last year and what I saw there, and the Ministry still denying the return of You-Know-Who while the department were working ourselves off trying to round up as many of his followers as possible, it was the only option for me. Those lies just don't cut it with me." I explained and Tonks nodded.
"They couldn't have been happy to let go one of their top Aurors for sure." She said and I sighed as I folded one of my sweaters neatly.
"Oh they weren't. That is why I agreed to stay on the back-up list. I will eventually quit for good, unless they take a drastic turn and decide to be honest for once, which I somehow doubt." I said and Tonks nodded.
"Same here, but I did that a while back, my mum wasn't good, and I couldn't very well get sent off without any way to contact her, so I enlisted myself as part of the reserve team." She said and I nodded, before she stood up. "You can finish this later, c'mon, we need to get going."
We exited the room, and she closed the door, locking it, and I rose my eyebrow. "The Weasley twins are here, who knows what they might get up to while we are in that meeting." She said and I shook my head.

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