[Draco Malfoy] ~ Blood type

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"Would you look at that! A mudblood with a loony blood traitor!" I heard just as Luna, and I had exited the Great Hall and I didn't need to look to know it was Malfoy. He was the only one who still hadn't figured it was never a good idea to piss me off.
"Already bugging us Malfoy? Why don't you just disappear from our sight? Here, let me show you how to." I pointed my wand at his hair and, with a muttered spell it was gone.
Draco Malfoy was bald. The hair he always kept in pristine condition was now gone, which made him look even more ridiculous.
Luna laughed quietly beside me, and I smirked, watching as Crabbe and Goyle stared at Malfoy, who still hadn't figured what I had done. Malfoy glared at me fiercely.

"What have you done?!" He shouted and I smirked even wider.
"Oh Malfoy, wouldn't you look at that, you look even worse now that you're bald." Malfoy summoned a mirror and let out a little scream as Luna and I walked away.
"My father will hear about this!" I turned around, giving him a mock glare.
"Bald and with Daddy issues? My oh my, you just keep getting increasingly stupid Malfoy."
Luna and I walked to the library since we had decided to revise Herbology with Neville, and Luna sighed.
"Why would you do that? Not that he didn't look funny, but why?" she asked quietly, and I let out a breath through my nose.
"Why wouldn't I Luna? I've had enough of Malfoy thinking he is superior to everyone and going around and belittling everyone! I've especially had enough of him making fun of me and my best friends! I should've hexed him, but I want to see him struggle to get his hair back." I admitted as we reached the library, and I was only mildly surprised to see Granger sitting with Neville and Terry. Terry looked up at us and blushed when he realized the look, I was giving him. So, it was him who invited Granger indeed.
"Hello everyone!" Luna and I whispered as we sat down at the table, and they all greet us back.
Hermione smiled shyly as she murmured.
"I hope you don't mind my being here. Terry invited me." I almost smirked, but instead decided to try and hide and shook my head at Hermione.
"There's no problem at all. Terry had a great idea." I whispered back as I set about finishing the Herbology essay professor Sprout had assigned us.


Draco Malfoy was a spoiled, entitled brat and I couldn't stand him at all.

But it seemed that lately, our professors were the biggest interhouse unity advocates, and I honestly didn't have a clue as to who I might've pissed off that much as to have most of our professors partnering me with "Slytherin's Prince" or whatever other equally ridiculous title he may have held.
Apparently I had been the only one who had had the misfortune of being partnered with someone I just wanted to shrink and ship off to a dragon reserve as a dragon treat. Even MacDougal, who was known amongst our house for not liking most people who weren't allowed into the sanctuary that was our common room had been partnered with Hopkins, an Hufflepuff that she liked!

Sue Li, another dormmate of mine, had been partnered with Harry Potter, and boy did she like that. She had the most obvious and the biggest crush on the boy, and McGonagall apparently was a matchmaker, because she had put them together. It was rather sweet of the Gryffindor head of house really.

Most people had been lucky to have been partnered with someone they liked, or at least someone they didn't want to offer to a dragon as a snack, I for instance, wouldn't have minded at all if McGonagall had paired me with, say with a certain Hufflepuff, one that went by the name of Justin Flinch-Fletchley.
Yes, I had the most one-sided, idiotic and biggest crush on Justin, but how couldn't I?
He was a perfect gentleman, sweet, funny, handsome (handsome enough to cover all the ugly students at Hogwarts) and as far as I knew him, he was an awesome friend.

"Look, Rosovsky, as pleased as I am that I'm handsome enough to distract you as much as I do, I would much rather if we could work on this transfiguration instead of you pinning after me." Malfoy stated loudly, loud enough for MacDougal, who was three tables ahead of us, hear him and snicker quietly as Hopkins nudged her to get her to shut up.
"Honestly Malfoy, I don't think I've ever hated someone as much as I hate you, so if anything, the ferret scent you transpire is what's distracting me." I said and it was Zabini's turn to chuckle as I set about jotting down notes to write a decent essay.
Malfoy turned a deep shade of red as he muttered something about his father hearing about this, or whatever.
"And here we go with the daddy issues again." I muttered just as the bell rang and I thanked the Heavens for not having to deal with Malfoy and his big head for any longer.
I quickly packed as Malfoy remained seated, looking at me the exact way he knew annoyed the living daylights out of me. I took a few deep breaths and Malfoy smirked. That's it, I'm going to-

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