[Adrian Pucey] ~ Happily Ever After

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"Why is there no fire in here and yet I was called for an emergency?" Adrian asked as soon as I was within earshot, and his words, whilst they may have sounded harsh, I knew better. He was teasing me, trying to get me to relax and take my mind off of whatever had tormented me enough to have my friends bother him to help me. "What is wrong Greengrass?" he asked as he took a seat beside me, nudging my friends so that they made some room for him. My friends gave him some annoyed looks but let him sit because they knew that if there was any hope of knowing whatever was wrong with me, that hope resided in Adrian.

"Thank Merlin you're here Pucey! She got a letter this morning and she's been this weird since then. We even tried to get something out of her sisters, but they don't know about anything." Amelia said, grabbing both Dacey and Casper by the arms and pushing them with her, stating that Pucey would solve everything.
Pucey watched them walk away and out of the common room, before turning to me, glaring at the way I was picking at my hands and fidgeting too much, both tell-tale signs of my nervousness.
"Alright, hand it over." he said, and I swallowed thickly. How was I supposed to just hand him a letter that stated I had to undergo an experimental treatment to heal a curse that had been passed down for generations on my family and that had killed all the ones that had been affected by it? A treatment that wasn't sure to heal the curse within my blood nor could warrant that the curse wouldn't return or worse, that if I got healed, there was no telling if I could pass the curse on to my kids, should I have any.
Salazar, this was all too much for me.

"Do you want to go somewhere more private?" I nodded almost immediately, and Adrian stood up, grabbing my shaking hand, and pulling me up and against him. He held me close and neither of us spoke a word while we walked to the Head couple's dorm. When we got there, the Head Girl was sitting on their common space, but as soon as she saw me and Adrian, she stood up and said to take all the time we needed. Adrian assured her that it was no problem if she stayed, because we were going to his dorm anyway.
Once I stepped inside the all too familiar room, I made a beeline for his bed and sat down, retrieving the letter from where I'd tucked it into my robe. I silently held it out for Adrian, and he glanced at me before taking the letter.
His eyes read it over for what felt like a million times, before he looked up at me, his eyes threatening to let his tears spill.
Adrian took a deep breath and wiped his eyes before approaching me and giving me back the letter. He sat down on his bed next to me and took me into his arms.
"I'm here, okay? You can always count on me."

I clung to him tighter, seeking refuge in the arms of the most trustworthy man I knew.
"What are you going to do?" he asked, and I sighed. We let go of each other and I stared at the ceiling as I talked.
"I will have to wait a few months, so I'm only starting the treatment when we finish Hogwarts." I explained and Adrian sighed.
"What if that's not enough time?" he asked in a tone much darker and depressed than I'd ever heard him use.
I swallowed. "It will have to be. You read the letter; they're still not finished with perfecting it so I would have to wait either way." I stated and Adrian sighed.
"You know you are allowed to be sad about this. What did your parents say?" he asked, and I snorted.
"They don't know. I'm of age now, so they probably haven't been informed about it, which means I'll only tell them when I go into treatment." I said and Adrian looked at me in shock before shaking his head.
"That makes no sense Greengrass." he said, and I shrugged.
"It's not meant to be making sense." I said and Adrien sighed before gesturing for his bed.

"C'mon, stay here for the night, we both know neither of us will be sleeping a wink anyway." he offered, and I'd seen myself sleeping here, with him on his bed so often that I did nothing more than nod.
"I need to get my pyjamas." I said as he laid down only in his pants and pulled me against his chest right after I'd put my robes aside.
"You can get them later." he said as he pressed a kiss to my head, pulling me against him again.
Most people thought Adrian was cold, calculist and selfish even, but they didn't see the side of him I did. They didn't see the lovely man who cared too much about others' -especially my- welfare for his own good.
One day, when he got married, he'd make a great husband.
It was a shame he wouldn't get to be that to me.

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