[Harry Potter] - If walls could talk

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I liked Harry James Potter.

There was no denying for that. No arguments, calculations, enchantments, or charms that could prove that wrong. Although there was no possible way of denying it, I always tried to.
Always a simple "of course I don't like him, what are you thinking?" or " You really think so? I only see him as a friend." were what I told everyone.
Most believed it, but I should always know better than to try to fool my friends, the ones that knew me better than anyone.

Luna, Ron, Neville and Hermione always saw through my poor excuses and pathetic acts, only Harry seemed blind enough to believe whatever I said. Somewhere deep inside me, I wished he wasn't so blind. Which led to the current situation I was in.
I had called an "emergency meeting" in the Room of Requirement with Hermione, Neville, and Luna, since I couldn't really count on Ron to keep his mouth shut when it came to my feelings towards pretty much everyone. That and because Ron was needed to keep Harry busy while the others and I talked.

"So, my dear friends, we're gathered here today to celebrate..." I took a deep breath and tried to conjure courage to tell them. Merlin, if telling them was this hard, imagine telling Harry.
"To celebrate what, exactly?" Luna asked and I started to shake. I couldn't even tell them, let alone tell Harry.
The whole group fell silent, all looking at me like I was candy, and they were little kids. In their eyes, I was a prey, and they were the strongest of predators.
"Well, we're here to celebrate the fact that, well..." I paused, took another deep breath, and prepared myself to continue. "IbloodylikeHarry." I said as fast as I could and closed my eyes, hoping they wouldn't make me repeat myself.

"Calm down. Take a deep breath." Neville instructed and I did as he said. "Now tell us what the bloody hell happened."
"She likes Harry, that's what happened. "Luna said calmly and I smiled gratefully at her. Hermione squealed in happiness and high-fived an equally pleased Neville.

"When will you tell him?" Hermione asked quickly and eagerly and I cleared my throat.
"Who said I was even planning to tell him?" I retorted back quickly, slightly mad that Hermione, of all people suggested such thing. She knew me better than anyone in this room and still thought that me telling Harry was even an option.

"You can't hide that from him forever. You do realise he's one of your closest friends, am I right?" Hermione asked and I shrugged, but had to nod in agreement, Harry was indeed one of my closest friends. "So, either you tell him, or he'll find out himself. Since he's just as dense in this matter as Ron is to Potions, I'm guessing the latter isn't an option." Hermione finished and I smiled.

"That's exactly why I'm keeping this from him." I said sheepishly and they sighed. " What? It's not like any of you would tell him if you were in my situation. He has a lot more to worry about other than me having this stupid crush on him." I said and Neville cleared his throat.
"I, honestly, don't think it's just a stupid crush anymore. You are just as aware as we are, that you've been crushing on him for years now! If you are finally admitting, it means your feelings are getting stronger and stronger. It's not just a crush anymore and you know it." Neville reached for my hand and gave it a light squeeze. I sighed.
Who would have known that telling them would come off as such trouble? Not to mention that I had never thought of it from the perspective Neville just described. He might be right though. I only told them because this was all starting to get out of hand. It was too out of my knowledge field. Feelings were never my expertise.

"C'mon guys. I can't tell him. He likes Ginny and you all bloody know it. Also, I don't to ruin the friendship I have with him. I value it too much." I sadly admitted and sighed. My leg started to bounce up and down fairly quickly. I was getting angry, and that mixed with the anxiety of not knowing what to do, was getting too much. That was not a good thing. I was very angry and my first instinct when I'm angry is punching things.

And so, I did the most logical thing to do. I stood up and punched the wall, repeatedly, with all my strength. I could hear them shouting and telling me to stop as tears reached my eyes and my knuckles started to bleed. I felt arms around my waist, pulling me away from the wall, and I kicked around for a little while before giving in and starting a full-on sob fest.

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