[Cedric Diggory] ~ The Fault in Our Snape

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I was a bloody scaredy cat, and for a Gryffindor, that didn't quite fit. I tried my best to not let it show, but sometimes it was stronger than me.
One of the occasions where I couldn't help but be scared was whenever Cedric Diggory was near me.
We didn't talk much, nor were we that close, but I could safely say he was my crush, and he was one of the best people I'd ever met!
"Hey, Goudie!" Harry called, and I looked at him, slightly shaking my head. "You look as white as a ghost. Is Diggory near?"
I laughed uncomfortably as I kicked Harry's shin. "Stop that! It won't be long until that reaches his ears, and you'll screw me over! I can't handle that!"
Harry laughed loudly as he flipped through the potions book. Harry and I had been paired together to both brew a Potion and write an essay about said Potion. And neither of us was what you could call 'skilled' in either of those, so to say this was quickly becoming a major trainwreck was an understatement.
"Can we just focus on this? I want to get it over and done with, so I can get an Acceptable, and cry over it because that's the highest grade I can get, I haven't had a single passing grade this year, which my parents might kill me for." I said and Harry sighed in agreement.
"It's like Snape's happy to see us fail and feel miserable for ourselves." Harry commented as he flickered through the textbook, searching for the right pages.
"I'm convinced he's part Dementor." I muttered as I rolled my eyes and read through the notes I had on the potion we had brewed (which had nearly exploded on our faces).
"Oh Merlin, we are going to get a T, aren't we?" I asked at the brink of tears and Harry sighed.
"We could always ask Hermione for help."
"Yeah, let's do that."


"Miss Goudie, Mister Potter, this is still more than I expected. From either of you." Snape as he handed us our essay and I closed my eyes. "I'd still like to speak to you after class, miss Goudie." I nodded, with my eyes still closed as I heard Snape walk away.
"We look at it together?" Harry suggested, and I nodded as I took a few deep breaths.
I opened my eyes slowly and looked at the paper. D. Dreadful.
I let my hand fall into my hands, trying my hardest to not cry.
"Hey, cheer up, at least it wasn't a T." Harry said softly as he laid his hand on my shoulder.
"He wants to see me after class, I'm probably going to be expelled from this class Harry!" I said as I cried softly into my hands, not able to hold back my tears any longer.
"It's nothing like that, I'm sure it's not that. C'mon Goudie, wipe away those tears, everything will be okay." I shook my head at his words, not really believing him. "Do you trust me or not?"
I nodded at him with a small sigh, discreetly wiping away my tears. "You're right, I'm overthinking. Thanks Harry."
Harry smiled at me. "Anytime."

Class went by relatively fast. If you ignored Snape's every stupid remark about how stupid and useless we were, classes were... still unbearable. The man couldn't teach to save his life. He spoke in a monotone voice, he was dreadful, he was a big old bully toward his students. The man sucked.
As I packed up, Harry laid a hand on my arm. "Want me to go with you?"
I shook my head. "No, I can't show him I'm that scared of him, that'll only make him feel better about himself."
"It's your call. I'll wait for you outside, okay?" I nodded thankfully at his words, waiting for everyone to filter out of class before approaching Snape.
"Miss Goudie." He acknowledged with a depressing nod of his head and I nodded back. "I trust you aren't too keen with the results you've been getting in this particular class, so I spoke to your other professors." I almost trembled at that. What could he have said and to who? "This is the only subject you're doing poorly at, so, at the request of my peers, I've arranged for one of my fifth-year students to tutor you."
"Thank you, professor."
"I trust you're familiar with Mr. Diggory?"
I froze at his words. He wanted me to be alone, in a room, with Diggory, studying Potions?! How was I supposed to concentrate in those conditions?! This was going to be a disaster!
"I am." I said in a high-pitched voice.
"Great. I have already looked through both of your schedules with Mr. Diggory and we arranged a schedule for your tutoring sessions." He pulled a paper from the top of his desk. "Here. This would be all, miss Goudie."
"Thank you, professor."
I turned and walked out of the room, clutching the schedule in my hand. As soon as I stepped outside, Harry, Ron, and Hermione were crowding around me, inquisitive looks on their faces.
"I'm getting tutored," I said and I watched as they all relaxed visibly. "Diggory's my tutor."
Hermione clapped her hands as we walked to the Great Hall for lunch. "But that's amazing, isn't it? You'll get to spend time with him!" She said excitedly and I sighed.
"Do you think I'll be able to get anything done under his watch? Absolutely not! I'll probably be a nervous wreck."
"Why didn't you ask Snape for another tutor then?"
"Firstly, it's Snape, it's enough of a miracle he arranged me a tutor. Secondly, do you think that even crossed my mind?"

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