[Blaise Zabini] ~ Accidents happen

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I heard a knock to my office door, and I immediately recoiled, sure it was even more paperwork than I already had to deal with.
Salazar, working on the Department of Magical Accidents and Catastrophes wasn't supposed to be so completely draining if these idiots were actually able to keep their wands hidden at all costs, but no, that clearly was too much to ask for!
Merlin help me if I saw another file stating that Mr. Smith had used magic on a muggle yet again! The man was barely in his fifties, but insisted he had to do everything on his bucket list before he died - even if wizards are in fact known for living past their 100's- and that meant he had taken to use his wand to antagonize muggles.
Why they didn't send him to Azkaban, I didn't know.

I didn't even try to hold back a grunt when the door to my office opened and so instead, I picked up another file to read it over and see just what had happened and what I'd have to type on my daily report of incidents. Yes, because I had to make reports while others spent their days obliviating people and returning everything to its right order. Basically, I had to do the boring part of this job while others got to do the fun stuff.
I heard a quiet chuckle as I buried my head in my hands and at that moment I looked up, seeing Astoria looking at me with an amused smile.
"Blaise and Draco want to know if you're joining us for lunch." she said as her eyes narrowed on the amount of paper dotting my table. I looked at the ever-growing pile and sighed.
"I don't think so. I need to finish this."
Astoria sighed as she took a seat in front of me. "You do realize it's the third time this happens within this week?"
I ran a distressed hand through my hair, giving up on the file. "I know, Draco and Blaise make sure I don' forget about it. They've been constantly owling me. It's like they have nothing better to do with their lives." I complained just as the door opened again, and this time, it was Morrison, delivering more paperwork.
I groaned aloud as I finally reached the end of my tether. I had always been the type of person to cry whenever I got too stressed, and this time was no different as tears reached my eyes.
"Why do I get all of the paperwork?! Aren't there other employees on this bloody department that can do something useful and actually get to work?! Why am I the one with the biggest workload?!" Morrison looked at me as I laid back in my chair with a sigh.
"If you don't want to do it then quit." he said as he flushed red because this was probably his workload that he had somehow managed to hand to me. As he retreated from my office, I let my head fall into my table as I sobbed quietly. I heard Astoria silencing the office and locking the door as she knelt before me.

"C'mon, we are going to have lunch today and we're going to have fun. You need a break." Astoria waited a few more seconds until I managed to quieten down my sobs and then she unlocked the door, just as two former Slytherins barged into the office.
"What's taking you so l- what the fuck is all of this?!" Draco demanded as he too knelt before me, and I looked up at him as he sucked in a deep breath. "Why don't you just quit Arellano?"

Blaise came forward, pushing Draco and Astoria slightly out of the way as he helped me up, letting me step into his arms. "Why don't you apply for fieldwork? That way there won't be as much paperwork." he suggested softly as we walked out of my office, me still under Blaise's arm, Draco and Astoria following quietly behind us.
"I have applied four times already!" I whisper-yelled as we stepped into one of the elevators.
We emerged on the busy streets and as I saw Draco offer his arm to Astoria I sighed in relief. We were going to have lunch in Muggle London, thankfully.
Blaise still hadn't released me and so, he just apparated us away without another word.
As we stepped into the even busier streets of muggle London Blaise turned to me.

"Why aren't your applications coming through?"
I sighed loudly "Like hell I know, but I could bet that Morrison, being the nephew of my head of department has something to do with it. I mean, the man wouldn't get anything done if I didn't do it for him. And most of the department would probably turn to him, and that is too much for his little brain." Blaise chuckled quietly as we entered the restaurant and headed to the table Draco and Astoria were already occupying. Draco quirked an eyebrow at me.
"I can just remember bloody Morrison that I'm in the Law enforcement department and so is your boyfriend."
I sat down, and Blaise sat next to me as we shared a look. "And who is my boyfriend?"
Astoria hid her amused smile behind the menu, and if we weren't in a muggle restaurant, then I would've hexed her and Draco.
Draco, pointed towards Blaise with a scowl. "Who else?"
I scoffed. "Blaise is my best friend you dim-witted ferret."

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