[Tom Riddle] - Timeless Love

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@JulzLovDraco4Eva  's request

I had been given a family heirloom, as a coming to Hogwarts gift. When I had first received my Hogwarts letter, my father, who was a wizard as well, had given me something his father had given him and so on.
Something I had been advised to always keep on myself, in case anyone tried to steal it from me, for it was a valorous item few people could have access to.
The item I had been gifted six years ago?
It was a time turner.
Now, I had sneaked into the library's restricted section to search for love spells, not the kind of love spell to make someone besotted with me, like a love potion would, no I had been searching for a spell that could tell me how to find my soulmate and who they were.
Tom Riddle.
After finding his name out, I had once again sneaked into somewhere, in this case Dumbledore's Office, to check the student registers, to find out if Tom Riddle had already attended Hogwarts.
Imagine my surprise when I found out my soulmate had been born in 1926, making him a grand total of 35 years older than me.
Not really feeling like dating a 42-year-old, I had been pondering on my choice for weeks.
I could either go on a crusade to find a 42-year-old man who had become a mass murderer and was a certified psychopath or I could use the time-turner I had in my possession, go back in time to meet him and get to know him, and, who knows, maybe convince him to come forth in time with me.
It was a no-brainer, really and as such I had decided to go back in time, and I was going alone.
I had been studying the way time-turners work, so I wouldn't risk going back to a different time than I had intended, or even worse, being stuck there.

"You okay there, Benson? You seem awfully quiet." James said softly and I turned to look at him, finding him, as usual, with an arm around Lily. Both of them were staring at me with rose eyebrows, and I sighed, before averting my eyes to Remus, Sirius, and Peter, who were also staring at me.
"Bit of an internal dilemma, nothing much." I answered with a sigh, before Sirius leaned over towards me.
"Does this internal dilemma of yours have anything to do with a certain boy?" he asked as he crossed his arms, making me cross my arms and groan in distaste.
I had told them I had found my soulmate, but he was 35 years older than me, and the boys had become increasingly protective of me. Imagine if they knew who this soulmate of mine was.
"Why would that business concern you, Sirius?" I asked as I rolled my eyes, before Remus interjected.
"Oh, I don't know." He began with a grin. "Maybe because one of our best friends is pondering actually getting with a man who is thirty-four years older than she is."
I huffed, turning back to my food with a huff.
Imagine if they knew who he was and what I would be doing later tonight, once everyone was already asleep.


I fiddled with my time turner, moving it between my two hands, pondering if I really would be doing this or not.
Taking a deep breath, I decided to take the risk and do it. I took a deep breath, checking if the curtains around my bed were really drawn closed, before I turned the time turner in my hands and I soon landed in the Gryffindor dormitory, in the middle of the day it seemed like, seeing as it was completely deserted.
I stopped in front of one of the mirrors, assessing my uniform, realizing it probably looked nothing like the uniforms from the 40's.
Casting a quick glance around, I muttered a silent apology to whoever's trunk it was before casting a Alohomora, the trunk unlocking in a second. I sighed in relief when I saw the extra skirts and shirts and shoes and robes.
I was quick to take off my own uniform, and snag a bag (good Godric, I was turning into a thief) to store my uniform in, before I put on the 'borrowed' uniform -I swear I will return it as soon as I am able to.
I stood in front of the mirror once again, letting my hair down from the bun I wore every day, and shaking my head to let it get a little more volume.
I found a piece of silk ribbon in one of the bedside tables and decided to braid my hair, using the red piece of silk to tie it at the end.
I hid my time turner beneath my robes and climbed down the stairs, clutching the bag on my shoulder as if my life depended on it.
Only when I was out and about, did I realize that I had no concrete plan. I had not thought about this any further than 'Turn the time turner, go back in time and find Tom Riddle.'

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