[Neville Longbottom] ~ Absolute Menace

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"Well, forming a Patronus might simply be impossible," Dean remarked beside me as he pointlessly waved his wand around, "maybe if I wave it like this I'll get somewhere."
"Yeah, maybe you'll kill all of us, maybe you'll summon the Patronus, Merlin only knows. I personally wouldn't take the chances."
Dean laughed as Seamus came over to us.
"You two sound like a pair of idiots who know nothing about using your wands." Seamus teased and I laughed.
"At least neither of us has set ourselves (or others) on fire, aye Seamus?" I asked softly as Dean laughed beside me.
"Say what you want, Byrne, but at least I'm not the one who keeps shying away from their feelings." Seamus countered as I blushed brightly, huffing loudly.
"Why did we turn this on me? I thought we were mocking Dean and his theory of waving his wand and seeing where it gets him."

"Well, thank Merlin I only catch your conversations by the half, innit?" Someone asked from behind us and I jumped, startled by the sound coming from behind me. I turned around and saw Neville smiling brightly at me.
"You're a menace, Longbottom." I teased as Neville laughed light-heartedly.
"You've said that so many times I'm starting to believe it."
"She doesn't mean it, do you, Byrne?" Dean asked with a smirk and I rolled my eyes.
"Shut up, you wand waver." I said and heard Seamus laugh. Dean immediately glared at Seamus.
"What?! She's the one who said it!"
We stood there for a few more minutes, just laughing and relaxing for a little, forgetting about the abuse that we would be enduring as soon as we stepped out of the safety of this room.
I patted Dean and Seamus on their backs before I suggested, "Let's give it another shot?"
The three of them agreed and we started trying again, only managing faint blobs of magic, but that was something, right?
As Harry clapped his hands, given this class as finished, I gathered my belongings, prepared to follow Seamus and Dean out, when I noticed Neville mid-packing his things, staring at some frames hanging on the walls.
"You guys go ahead, I'm going to check on Neville," I said as I walked toward Neville, not letting Dean or Seamus utter a single word. I was quick to reach Neville, and I laid a hand on his shoulder, "Is everything okay, Nev?"
Neville shook slightly, seemingly startled by my appearance. He shrugged, before going back to looking at the photograph.
"I guess."
I looked at him, quietly reaching for his hand and intertwining our fingers. "What are you looking at?"
Neville pointed to a couple in the group photo before quietly adding, "That's my mum, and that's my dad... Before their run-in with Bellatrix." He explained quietly as he kept his eyes on the picture, his eyes shining ever so lightly, "She tortured them to insanity. A fate much worse than death."
I sighed, not really knowing what to say before Neville added. "If I wasn't so much of a wuss, I would avenge them! But I'm just too scared."
I squeezed his hand, making him look at me. "It counts as much as it counts, but I believe in you, Nev. You're one of the bravest people I have ever met."
Neville smiled lightly at me, before squeezing my hand as well. "Coming from you, means the whole world."


This year, Neville and I were different. We sort of were dating but not officially, we only went on dates and everything else with one another, but no boyfriend-girlfriend situation yet.
Dean and Seamus were trying their hardest to get our relationship status updated but to no avail, Neville and I were intent on taking things at our own pace, even if to Dean and Seamus it seemed infuriatingly slow.
We were all studying in the Great Hall, and I was trying to focus on my essay, but I wasn't doing that good of a job, not when Dean and Seamus were looking at Neville and me every two seconds and especially not when Neville was using his free hand to caress my thigh.
I discreetly pinched Neville's hand and he laughed lightly, kissing the side of my head before murmuring. "I don't know what that was all about, love."
"You're a menace, Longbottom," I said with a huff, and Neville laughed again.
"What's going on over there?" Dean asked and I laughed lightly, feeling my cheeks blushing brightly.
"Absolutely nothing!" I laughed, my voice coming out all squeaky and high-pitched.
"Do you think I'll just believe anything either of you says? You keep saying you're not dating, but I'm willing to bet five galleons that if any of you went on a date with someone else the other would absolutely freak out."
I looked at Neville with an evil smile, but he frowned at me.
"What?" I asked, slightly confused.
"Don't even think about it."
I huffed, crossing my arms, but inside my heart grew warmer at the realization that hit me.
Neville Longbottom did not want me to go on a date with anyone that wasn't himself!
"It's not like I was thinking about it." I said softly, giving Neville a small smile, "You're enough of a headache as it is, imagine actively seeking another guy to go on a date with me and give me double the headache."
Neville smiled, leaning his head on my shoulder, "I love you."
I smiled at the three little words.
It was the first time he said them to me, and yet it felt as if I have been hearing them from the day we met. It felt so right.

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