[George Weasley] - Knight in shining armour

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⚠TRIGGER WARNING ⚠: Mentions and description of violence and verbal abuse, if you don't feel comfortable skip this chapter.

One thing I'd learnt over my last three years at Hogwarts was that, when I was sad, I would always seek cuddles.
I would gladly let anyone cuddle me, but I'd also learned that the more effective cuddles were George Weasley's. Even more effective than my boyfriend's cuddles.
The man just knew how to properly cuddle without overstepping his boundaries, as most of them did.
So it was only logical that I, in this morning where I found myself completely drained of any positive feeling, I seek out George Weasley, one of my closest friends, to have him at least hugging me.

"You look bad today. Well, not that you'd look good any other day..." My boyfriend tried joking as we walked to the Great Hall. Rolling my eyes at his teasing I huffed.
"Ha. Ha. So funny. But did you look in the mirror ever since you were born? Well, with that face of yours I assume it's the best thing for you to do. Avoid mirrors that is." I snapped at him as he raised his hands in mock surrender.
"I was just joking. Merlin Woman." He muttered as we entered the Great Hall. Pecking me on the cheek he went over to the Ravenclaw table as I made my way to the Gryffindor one. Sitting down next to Fred, I looked around for George, not finding him.
"Where's the ugliest and most boring twin?" I asked as Fred passed me a mug of coffee, sending him a grateful smile as he put a plate of toast in front of my face.
"I believe you mean George. Well, for the record, he got ill overnight and today I had to get him to the hospital wing." Fred explained and the sadness I felt was quickly replaced by worry. Beats me how the entire common room wasn't talking about it, to be honest. Taking a very long sip of my coffee I nodded at Fred.
"I might go check on him before I go to Transfiguration." Fred nodded and smiled teasingly." I don't think your boyfriend will like it very much." I rolled my eyes at him.

It was actually no secret that George and Milo -my boyfriend- didn't get along. At all. Milo wasn't fond of my relationship with George- he was always jealous of how I always went to George for advice and cuddles- and George didn't think Milo treated me how I deserved to be treated.
Honestly, sometimes Milo was a little too much, but he never hit me.

Well, he hit me once, during a quidditch match with a bludger he was trying to send away from me. He asked me to Hogsmead after that very game and he'd told me it was his first game and that he was nervous because he was already planning on asking me out after the game. He did ask me out. We were in the hospital wing- to where I'd been sent after being hit by the bludger- and he just blurted it out. And that was it. George still joked around that the bludger hit me too hard if I saw anything in Milo. And sometimes, I wondered if George wasn't right.

Quietly finishing my breakfast, I stood up and looked over at Fred, smiling at him.
"I'm going to see George. If I skip Transfiguration, you give an excuse for me." I warned Fred and he nodded countless times.
I almost ran out of the Great Hall and almost made it to the hospital wing until someone called my name. I turned around to see Milo sprinting to catch me. He stopped in front of me as I bounced on my feet, eager for him to say whatever he had to say so he could let me go check on George.
"Huh yeah. Where are you going?" He asked and I pointed to the hospital wing.
"I'm going to check on George. Fred said he was a bit ill." I explained and ignored the face Milo made at the mention of the other male.

"Hopefully he doesn't come out of there." He muttered and I pushed his chest, angry at him for saying such a thing about one of my best friends.
"You better start praying for him to be discharged today! I'm not taking it to have you talking about one of my closest friends like that!" Milo's face started to cloud over as he took a step back, drawing his wand and pointing it at me; before I could react, he was already casting a spell at me. "Sectumsempra!" I didn't get a chance to even touch my wand as there was a shout from behind me.

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