[Harry Potter] ~The Protective Detail

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This is a request by @julzlovdraco4eva !
Hope you enojy it!



I laughed together with Neville and Hermione as we were sat in the quiet of our common room, and for once ever since the pink toad had set foot in this school, we were actually happy and not worried about getting punished.
"But, have you really taken a good look at her? Trevor's more beautiful than she could ever dream to be! Don't offend my Trevor by comparing him to that menace!" Neville said with no heat to his tone as I doubled over in pain from all my laughter.
"Alright, alright, I won't compare them again!" I said as I raised my hands before I sighed deeply as I looked at the ceiling. "Isn't it weird that we have a pink magical cow teaching D.A.D.A.?" I asked with a sigh, and they all agreed.

"You know, I think you should talk to your cousin and your boyfriend and try to knock some sense into those skulls." Hermione said after a moment of silence, and I looked at her.
"Well, first of all, which cousin? There's currently four of those within this castle alone. And second of all, what boyfriend?" I asked and Hermione and Neville laughed.
"Well, personally, I think all of your cousins need some sense knocked into their skulls." Hermione began and I rolled my eyes but agreed anyway. "And well, don't play dumb, we all know that even if he's currently sharing saliva with Cedric's widow, she's just an obstacle on his endeavour to win your heart."
I cringed at her words. She was obviously talking about Harry, only she was wrong, because I didn't like Harry and he certainly didn't like me, if all the snogging going between him and Cho did was of any type of proof.
"How many times do I have to say that Harry and I's relationship is strictly platonic?" I asked with a roll of my eyes and they both laughed. "And now shut up, Gred and Forge are coming this way and I don't want them to start giving me love advice like they did when I had that crush on Smith."

Just when I shut up, my cousins Fred and George sat down on either side of me and began their show of pinching my cheeks and messing my hair and generally teasing me. "Oh, would you two identically and universally ugly idiots leave me alone already?"
"But you," George began.
"Are our" Fred continued.
"Favourite Weasley!" they ended in unison, and I rolled my eyes.
"Yeah, yeah. Try to say that in front of Ginny." I said in annoyed tone, but my cousins knew better than to think I was annoyed at them. We had grown up together, all sixteen of us.
You see, apparently having a large family was a Weasley thing, I, for instance, had eight siblings, unfortunately, having mostly boys was also a Weasley thing, so Ginny and I were the only girls, which meant there were fourteen boys and only two girls, but we managed alright.
It made the both of us fiercer. Currently, there were seven Weasleys in Hogwarts, but my two brothers were both in seventh year, getting ready to graduate and staying out of trouble, which meant I rarely saw either of them, apart from when we had D.A. meetings. They at least believed in Harry; I'll give them that much.

"We wouldn't dare." George said as Hermione and Neville stood up and waved at me, leaving me alone with the twins. Just great!

"Now, we've heard a few things, cousin dearest." Fred started and I groaned, already knowing what was coming.
"And we want to verify how well-informed these rumours are." George said and I let out a huff, as my suspicions confirmed themselves.

"Me and Harry?" I asked as I closed my eyes and took a deep breath as I heard the twins agree. Lately, for some reason, all of Hogwarts's student body seemed to believe that Harry and I were dating, even if Harry was seeing someone that wasn't me.

"Is Potter using you as his mistress?" George asked and I groaned.

"Because if he is, we will break his teeth." Fred said and I shook my head.

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