[Fred Weasley]- Double trouble

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"Hey, you toad face! Stop it! You're spending the summer with us at the Burrow." Fred said as I shot him yet another annoyed glare, cringing at the mention of the word 'toad'. The man was pushing his luck.

"Gingerbread, I already bloody told you. I don't want to bother your mom all Summer long!" I tried to explain, but neither of the Weasley twins were having it. I mean, why weren't they bothering Lee instead? Lee was bound to go along with their plans much easier than me.

"Mom likes a full house. Plus, Hermione and Harry will also be there for the summer. One more wouldn't hurt." It was George's turn to try to convince me to spend the entirety of my summer with them, although there were still at least four more weeks before the so desired summer.

"For Merlin's sake! Your parents' place is already completely crowded. Where would I fit, you dweebs?" I asked and I actually believed that would shut them up, but as I saw the mischief in their eyes, I figured I had another thing coming.
Merlin, they surely couldn't be thinking...
"Our room has plenty of space..." Fred suggested as I shrugged, biting the inside of my cheek to stop myself from smiling.

Yes, they were thinking of that.

Godric, wasn't I glad to not possess the ability to blush! And also, it's not as if I wouldn't like to see them try and convince their mother that I could indeed share a room with those two.
Mrs. Weasley would be outraged by such a suggestion.
"We would be more than glad to accept you there." George completed and I shrugged once again. "One would be gladder than the other, but both glad nonetheless."
"Would you two shut it, scumbags?" I asked and huffed, running my hand through my long raven hair. "I have to go to my parents for at least a week. Not that they really care, but I'll be going to your place, eventually."
Fred and George started dancing around the me and chanting.
Merlin, these two were so embarrassing!
I just rolled my eyes at the two idiots I liked to call best friends before pinching the bridge of my nose.
"You two are making a scene. Cut it."

They both laughed because despite my bitterness they both knew I liked them more than anything in the world. They really did know that, and I regret telling them so every day of my life.
"You know, our dear friend Harry used to have the biggest crush on you Abraham." George said and I noticed Fred getting nervous and slightly mad, although I didn't really know why he was like that. He couldn't be jealous, could he?
No, that'd be impossible.
With such amazing girls for him to fall for, why would he go and fall for me?
It makes no sense.
"The Chosen One? Having a crush on me, a mere mortal? I'm delighted!" I feigned my excitement and George laughed at me while Fred tried to cover up a frown. Why was he frowning? "I'm just joking. I already have my eyes on a guy. He's amazing." I spared Fred a quick glance and looked back at George right after. They both looked at me questioningly as I smiled innocently. A couple of seconds later, realization seemed to hit George, who pointed towards Fred, and I pretended I didn't see him. Fred shot me another questioning look and I smiled. "Later fellows. I'll tell you about it." I hurried out of the twins' sight.

"Who do you think it is?" I heard Fred ask his brother as I slowed down so I could hear George's reply.
"You really are clueless, aren't you?" George said and I sighed, starting to walk again. The cheeky bastard...
"Hey! Wait George! What do you mean?" Fred shouted and I kept my giggling low. Fred really was dense if he couldn't pick on that hint.


"George, I need to talk to you." I said once the infamous red-haired twins entered Gryffindor's common room. Fred looked at the two of us and quickly looked away, going to join Lee, who'd just entered the common room. I pushed George to a corner of the common room -so we could have a little more privacy- and stood there fidgeting with my fingers as I thought about how I'd tell George who the guy I liked was. Although for his pretty obvious matchmaking, I had a hunch that George had already figured that much.
I mean, I had never admitted verbally but my eyes probably spoke volumes because apparently, to the Weasley twins I was like a howler. Always screaming out my contents.

"Abraham, do you bloody trust me or what?!" George said slightly annoyed at my uncharacteristic behaviour.
"It isn't easy okay Weasley?! I'm having a hard time here!" I muttered while hitting him square on his 'hurt' shoulder. The one he hurt when setting up a prank. He shot me an annoyed look as he hissed. "I swear to Merlin, I will hex you. Just be fucking patient!" George quieted down as he looked into my eyes. I took a deep breath and tried to smile.
"Well, you see, I like someone..." I said and George rolled his eyes.
"That happens to be my best friend, and brother. None other than Fred Weasley." George stated and I looked down to my feet as George laughed. He wasn't really being of any help. Had I known he'd be like this I'd have told Angelina first! "Do not worry, dearest friend of mine, I shall not give him a word on this subject. I also promise to not interfere." George said as he put his hands behind his back with a sneaky smile.
What was his hand doing behind his back?

"Thanks George." I said and then I thought if I should ask him the next question. I decided for it and took a deep breath. "Does... Do... Maybe... Do you know if he likes me that way?" I asked shyly as George laughed. Honestly, he kept laughing at me! Couldn't he act like a good friend and help me?
"Who knows? Maybe yes, maybe no. You'll only know if you ask him." George happily skipped towards where we had left Fred with Lee. No way in hell I was going to confess. There was a big chance of ruining the friendship that took me over two years to stabilize! I wasn't throwing it out the window because of my curiosity!
When I reached the twins, I saw Fred's eyes glowing in anger. I raised an eyebrow as I silently asked myself why he was behaving like this.
"Guys." I acknowledged quickly before facing Fred. "What's wrong Fred?" I asked and George giggled -sounding like a third-year girl whose crush had given her the time of day-, putting his arm over my shoulders. I quickly slapped his arm to get him away and looked at Fred, who cleared his throat awkwardly.
"I'm clearly disturbing you lovebirds. I'll be leaving." Fred said annoyed and left. I mentioned to run after him, but George held me.
"Let him clear his head. You've got an answer to your question?" George asked as he let go of my arm. Lee looked between the two of us, clearly not understanding what had just happened.
I looked at George and raised my eyebrow. I gasped, my jaw dropping and my eyes wide as realization hit me like a train. George certainly was a piece.
"Goddamn you George!" I muttered and took off in a sprint to chase after Fred. "Fred! Wait!" I shouted although it was of no use. Fred was already too far. Well, with legs like his, it wasn't hard to get far in a couple of steps.
I kept running until I couldn't anymore, but I wasn't able to find Fred. I started to tear up.
What if Fred hated me?
What if he didn't want me around anymore?
What if he didn't like me back?
What if you know, because of not being a freaking Gryffindor about my feelings, Fred and I would drift away?
There were too many questions I had no answer to. It was all too much. My eyes were too watery to even be able to look at things straight.
Someone bumped into me, and I fell down. Landing right on my bum.

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