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freaky little elsa

TO Marlene's surprise, she was not detained when the Quinjet landed. She felt like a prisoner. She felt like the outsider, yet they had not outwardly stated so. She kept her eyes peeled as she went into each person's head as she passed. She decided whether they were to be trusted while doing it. When she made it into a room full of people, her eyes widened as they glowed brightly.

She felt many thoughts enter her head as she entered theirs.

When her eyes dimmed to their grey storm, she went to each person, looking them directly in the eye until she made it to the man she knew as the director.

"And this is our other problem," the man—Nick—stated. "Is she one of yours, Thor?"

The man called Thor was standing at the end of the table assessing her. He shook his head. "Not of Asgard... Not of Midgard... I am not sure where she is from. She is not a mere mortal."

"Yeah, well, neither are you," she stated boldly, eyes narrowing. "You are the one with the wise father as the king."

His eyes widened.

She turned her head to the red-haired woman
she knew as Natasha. "You are the shadow of S.H.I.E.L.D." She moved to the next person in her line of sight—Bruce. "Avoiding stress is not your secret." Steve. "You wanted the band to play something slow, so you didn't step on her feet." Tony. "You... are Iron Man." She furrowed her brows. "Where is the one who sees better from a distance?"

Steve stood up. "H-How do you know about that?"

"Does she mean Clint?" Natasha whispered to Agent Maria Hill.

She ignored them as she looked at Fury. "You are the director. Why have you brought me here?"

"Russian?" Tony asked. "Accent's a bit thick, Elsa," he said in reference to her hair.

"My name is Marlene," she said, a glare sent his way. "I want to leave."

"Where will you go?" Coulson asked as he sat down. "Agnes said you had no memories."

"I don't. That means nothing," she said. "I remember how I got here." Steve shared a look with Tony as the Iron Man placed on a pair of glasses while tapping the side of them. Marlene gulped. "I want to leave," she said again.

Fury shook his head. "You'll stay here for as long as we deem necessary."

Tony smirked. "Elsa here is not of Earth."

"Like I said," Thor countered as Marlene growled out, "That is not my name."

"She has no file. Well... none that Jarvis can find. How'd you know those things 'bout us?" Tony asked, walking forward.

Marlene stared at him, not faltering from his threatening stance. "I could hear you. For a moment. Just those things before I fell. Just to tell me who you were."

"You're a little freak, aren't you? Kinda like Capsicle over there?" Tony said with a smirk. He turned to Fury. "Some super-psycho powers I'm guessing. We could run some tests—"

"Touch me and I'll kill you," Marlene threatened, feeling completely different than she did a moment before. She felt her eyes alight with the bright blue that could hurt if one stared too long. They watched as her fingers crackled with blue energy.

Steve coughed awkwardly, trying to diffuse the tension as the agents reached for their guns. "We need to focus on the problem at hand. Finding the cube. Decoding the scepter. Finding out Loki's plans."

"What do you suppose we do with her?" Natasha said, eyes warily moving to Tony and Marlene, both whom were staring at each other angrily. Marlene's hands fell as the energy whizzed away. Her eyes became a storm again as she turned to Natasha.

"Let me leave," she suggested.

"Not happening, Elsa," Tony quipped, turning back to Bruce. "Let's go find that cube, Doctor."

Bruce and Tony left the room as Steve, Thor, and Natasha stared at the girl with curious eyes. Thor walked forward.

"You said you heard us, Lady Marlene? In your world?"

Marlene eyed him warily, figuring he had been the nicest to her thus far. She nodded once as she crossed her arms over her chest. "Just a sentence or two. One for each of you."

"As if we were calling you to us," Thor said thoughtfully. "It is not a coincidence you have came here."

"Maybe not. Doesn't mean I have to enjoy it," she murmured, eyes flickering around the room.

Thor nodded. "We have a problem with my adoptive brother. Would you be of assistance—"

"Thor, I don't mean to be rude, but you want her to help us when we don't even know who she is or where she came from?" Natasha cut him off.

Marlene finally sat down next to the Steve fellow who, with no shame, kept his eyes on her. She grabbed her forehead as the same kind of headache in her simulation appeared.

She stood suddenly, walking away as if she knew her way around the Helicarrier. Fury called for her, but she ignored him. The guards around lifted their guns to shoot at her, but she went into their head, lowering the weapons so she could walk past. Walking with people shouting after her, she found an empty room. Using her foot, she kicked the door shut as she went to the bench on one of the walls. She laid down on it, allowing her eyes to fall shut as exhaustion hit.

It was not exhaustion that forced her to sleep, however, it was the words calling out to her.

"She is of another planet. A witch of sorts... but not as your typical witches," Agnes said with a laugh. "She has the telepathic powers to take over one's mind, but she can't move things or do things with her mind. It's odd. I thought she could be the wonderful Scarlet Witch, but she is something completely unorthodox. Her magic is strict. She told me she could hear people's voices... some she did not know. Maybe a future-teller? Like a prophet...? She's strong... whatever or whoever she is. I need more information."

The scene changed as she saw the Avengers talking.

"Elsa's creeping me out," Tony said. "She's not being very cooperative."

"She's scared," Steve said. "She fell from the sky. Who knows where she came from?"

"Well, why doesn't she tell us what she remembers?" Natasha said with a shrug.

Thor shook his head. "I don't think she is certain of what is real or unreal."

"Russian accent," Bruce added. "Why Russian if she is otherworldly?"

Marlene's eyes were alight as they opened suddenly. She found herself speaking from Tony's mouth. "Whatever. She's freaky. She's—in my head. Get the hell out of there, Elsa!" Marlene smirked as her eyes fell shut this time to sleep. She sighed, keeping her mind awake while her body rested as she thought of what Agnes and Aaron had told her.

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