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the plan

MAYBE Marlene's problem was, in fact, what Nebula had pointed out. She was full of love. Full of care for others. It allowed her to be surrounded by Ravagers again as they tied Yondu to a chair with Rocket in his own next to them. Marlene stood with her hands tied together as if it was some form of restraint. It was no good, the Ravagers knew, but as long as Rocket, Groot, and even Yondu was alive, she would protect them. Doing so, she had to allow herself to be caught. She had to allow them the false sense of security. She smirked to herself as Rocket met her eyes. His own lips twitched as the new 'Captain' of the Ravagers was sending followers of Yondu into space to die. He knew her plan.

"This is mutiny! This is mutiny!" some Ravagers yelled.

The next victim yelled out, "Captain! Help me! Please! Captain!"

Marlene tried to enter the head of the new Captain to try and sway his thoughts, but she caught Yondu's eye. He shook his head, trying to protect her still. They needed to wait until they were alone to get a plan in motion.

"You're the one what killed those men," the new Captain sneered to Yondu, "by leading them down the wrong path. Because you're weak. And stupid! It's time for the Ravagers... to rise once again to glory with a new captain... Taserface!"

Rocket began laughing, and Marlene's facade almost broke as she seriously wanted to laugh as well. "I'm sorry. Your name is... It's Taserface?" Rocket got out between laughs.

Taserface did not see why it was funny. "That's right."

"Do you shoot tasers out of your face?" Marlene played along, wanting to get on his bad side so awfully bad.

Taserface glared at her before shouting, "It's metaphorical!" The Ravagers cheered.

"For what?" Rocket asked.

"For it is a name what strikes fear... into the hearts of anyone who hears it!" Taserface yelled, which not many Ravagers cheered that time.

"Okay," Rocket said with a nod, "whatever you say."

Taserface pointed at Rocket. "You shut up. You're next. Udonta, I have waited a long time to do," he paused as Rocket began to snicker. "What?"

"I'm sorry. I am so sorry!" he said as he laughed harder. "I just keep imagining you waking up in the morning, sir... looking in the mirror and then in all seriousness saying to yourself... You know what would be a really kick-ass name? Taserface! That's how I hear you in my head! What was your second choice? Scrotum Hat?" Rocket laughed even harder when the other Ravagers joined in. Marlene let her lips form into a smirk as Taserface grew flustered.

"New plan. We're killing you first," he finally decided.

"Well, dying is certainly better than having to live an entire life as a moronic shitbag who thinks Taserface is a cool name," Rocket said with a shrug just as Nebula walked through the crowd. She eyed Marlene oddly as Marlene finally got a glimpse into her head.

"That's enough killing for today," Nebula informed them.

"Who put you in charge?" Marlene said mischievously as her eyes swirled blue and yellow.

"She's the daughter of Thanos," one man pointed out.

"I thought you were the biggest sadist in the galaxy," Taserface sneered her way.

"And I thought she'd be harder to catch," Nebula pointed out, "but she's not my problem anymore. I was the biggest sadist when Daddy was paying my bills. The Priestess wants to kill the fox herself. And he has bounties on his head in at least 12 Kree provinces. As for the Weapon, she could be of use if you can manage to control her," Nebula sneered. "I assure you... I am not as easy a mark as an old man without his magic stick... or a talking woodland beast. I want 10% of the take and a couple more things."

Marlene let herself be led to the cell where Yondu and Rocket were going to be staying as well. "We deliver you to the Kree in the morning. Neither one of you will last much longer after that," he said to Rocket and Yondu. "As for you, beautiful," he said as he touched Marlene's chin, "we'll find somewhere for you. If not, the bounty on your head will be worth collecting."

"Okay, Taserface," Rocket said to get Taserface's hands off of Marlene. "Hey, tell the other guys we said hi, Taserface!" The man sighed before shutting the cell with a loud clank.

Rocket watched as Marlene used her magic to have the ropes fall from her hands. She furiously wiped at her chin with a scowl. Rocket hated how uncomfortable she was. He looked at Yondu. "No offense, but your employees are a bunch of jerks."

Yondu nodded. "I was a Kree battle slave for 20 years when Stakar freed me. He offered me a place with the Ravagers. He said all I needed to do was adhere to the code. But I was young... and greedy, and stupid. Like you stealing those batteries," he said finally, eyes moving to Marlene.

"That was mostly Drax," Rocket lied.

"Me and Stakar and the other captains... we weren't so different from you and your friends. The only family I ever had. When I broke the code... they exiled me. This is what I deserve," Yondu finished.

"Slow down, drama queen. You might deserve this, but we don't," Rocket said quickly.

Marlene stood, moving her hand once while watching Rocket and Yondu's restraints fall off. She began to pace. "How've you been, princess?" Yondu asked softly.

"Oh, peachy keen," Marlene murmured before glaring at him. "You put a bounty on my head. Really?"

Yondu shrugged. "I was pissed off."

"Oh, poor you," Marlene tsked. "Now, where are they going to keep Groot?"

"They'd have shoved it in our faces if he was dead," Rocket said as they heard yelling from another room. "Hey, Gal. Mind informing me how you flipped out like that?"

"You took out half the men out there," Yondu said with an impressed nod.

"I snapped. I dunno," she whispered. "Remember that missing piece?" she asked Rocket to which he nodded. "For a moment, it was filled."

"I'm just glad I wasn't on the receiving end," Rocket said, raising his paws. "Now, how we getting out of here oh righteous one?"

"Where's Quill?" Yondu asked.

Rocket rolled his eyes. "He went off with his old man."


"Yeah. It's a day for dumbass names," Rocket said as Yondu smiled. Marlene laughed softly at the conversation. "You're smiling. And for a second, I got a warm feeling. But then it was ruined by those disgusting-ass teeth."

Yondu's smile dropped. "You like a professional asshole or what?"

"Pretty much a pro," Rocket responded.

"Why didn't you deliver Quill to Ego like you promised?" Marlene asked as she tried to piece together a plan to find Groot in her head.

"He was skinny. Could fit into places we couldn't. Good for thievin'," Yondu said with a shrug.

"Uh-huh," Rocket said in disbelief.

Marlene snapped her fingers. "Okay, I have a plan. When everyone is asleep, I'll use a portal to summon Groot. Once I have him, we find a ship and get the hell out of here."

"One problem," Yondu stated. "I need my prototype fin to have my arrow. You can't go out there because they'll see or hear you."

"I won't be seen out there," Marlene said with a smirk, feeling that part of her flaring up like a fucking disease. It was whispering to her like a voice in the shadows.

Rocket pointed at her. "You know, I'm liking you more and more."

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