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movies and lonely towers

DR. Banner was pleasant company despite his aversion to people due to his Hulkish problem. The pair ordered pizza that was delivered fairly quickly, and they had watched Disney movies well into the night.

The next morning, Marlene had Jarvis show her the way to the training room. She did not want to lose what endurance she had worked up. Wearing only a sports bra and shorts, she wrapped her knuckles as she fought the punching bag in front of her. She had oldies music on, courtesy of Jarvis. After a while, she sweatily unwrapped her hands as she decided to practice with her energy. Getting targets ready, she would stand far away and sent energy blasts to hit them. She grinned as the human-like dummy was disintegrated by the end of it.

When she sat on the ground, lying back in the middle of the ring, she could hear her phone going off. Groaning, she stood to get it. Moving back to her previous lying position, she answered it without looking at the ID.

"Hi?" she panted, eyes glowing blue still as her body calmed down.

"Marlene?" Steve asked cautiously. "Hey. I just... er—I wanted to see if you wanted to talk."

"If this about me leaving," she said as she felt her eyes return to normal, "don't worry about it. I'm not mad or anything."

Steve hesitated. "I shouldn't have snapped at you... or left you thinking I didn't want you around. All of this... it's hard. Getting used to a new world."

"I'm in the same boat as you except I don't have memories from before," she said with a sigh. Sitting up, she leaned her cheek on her knees as she kept the phone to her ear. "Don't worry about it seriously. Hell, if you want to come by the tower to keep me company, I wouldn't complain."

Steve chuckled. "I am sorry."

"I know. I'm hanging with Bruce today, so we can get lunch tomorrow?" she asked as she stood up. As if she summoned him, Bruce waved awkwardly from the doorway. "I have to go. Be careful on your missions today."

"How'd you know—nevermind. Have a good day," he said softly before ending the call.

Grinning at Bruce as she lowered the phone, she said, "Let me shower, and I'll meet you in the lab, 'kay?"

Bruce nodded. "Was that Rogers?"

"It t'was. He's all worried he hurt my feelings," she said with a roll of her eyes.

Bruce rose an eyebrow. "And did he?"

"A bit," she agreed. "C'mon, Doctor."

After Bruce ran many tests after taking blood samples, he used her blood to try and find matches. When Marlene gave him the woman's name—Wanda—and the last name Jarvis called her—Maximoff—she was lucky that she had two pieces of the puzzle. Bruce fixed his glasses as he typed something on the computer.

"What did Thor call you?"

"The Galactic Savior," Marlene said with a snort.

Bruce smirked, using his hand to wave a file to hologram in front of her. "Old Norse myths the Gods told their kids. Created by stars and the Mind Stone. So why were you sent to Earth many years ago? Why are we just now finding you?"

"Because someone did find me," she whispered. "Whoever put me in the simulation."

Bruce nodded. "Well, they were trying to keep your power to themselves. Three guesses it was one of the bad groups we've dealt with in the past. Commies, Hydra, but we don't know. With the accent, you were obviously near or in Russia."

"This Wanda girl, have you found her?" Marlene said, walking over to his computer.

"No blood records on any files. She has a brother—Pietro. Their parents died in the bombings a few years back. No siblings it says, but obviously, Jarvis and Fury know more," Bruce said absentmindedly. "As for your blood. There are these cells... regeneration cells that are keeping your body alive on Earth. Kind of like Thor, you're not immortal... but certainly not just like Tony or Natasha."

"What does that mean?"

"It means you've been on Earth for maybe five or ten years, but who's to say you didn't live on Sakaar or another planet for thousands of years prior," Bruce admitted. "Whoever took you when you landed on Earth wiped your memories."

Marlene began to pace. "Can I get them back?"

Bruce gulped. "There are ways. It would take time. Pain. It would not be a simple walk in the park. If you have memories from thousands of years that appear, it could take days to fully restore your memory."

"Could you do it?"

"I could," Bruce agreed.

"I want to," she said immediately. "I need to know."

"Not today. I have some things I need to do. When I get back in New York, I'll make sure I have everything I need to do it. I promise," he said, grabbing her hand lightly. "I may need to bring Tony in to help. You know how he is."

Marlene's lips twitched. "Yeah. I know."

As a few months past, Bruce did continue to make monthly visits that lasted a few days. He continued to push back the process of regaining her memories, stating Tony needed to be there. With the new threat of the Mandarin, Bruce thought this time was not the best. Along with Bruce, Steve began to appear at the Tower more often. She had figured out how to clear Steve unlimited access so that she did not have to keep allowing him inside.

During his time around Marlene, he would tell her about the latest missions he would go on over a dinner that was normally take out since Marlene had no inclination to learn to cook right now. She did not tell Steve about the things she found out, keeping it between Bruce and herself for now, but she did inform him of the woman she would see when in Aaron's head. Wanda Maximoff was important to Aaron.

Every once and a while, Natasha and Clint would ask her to hang out. Marlene thought it was Fury's way of keeping tabs on her, but Clint seemed as if he owed Marlene something for saving his life from the Mind Stone's affects. She knew Clint would have broken free eventually anyway. He was a strong agent and a stronger person.

When there was no one in the tower, Marlene would try to build up stamina for her powers. She would talk to Jarvis and have him help her pick out music. Normally, those days ended with Marlene watching whatever movies Steve told her were good based on his list he kept in his small book.

Marlene felt restless, of course, wanting to do something with her life. She had half a mind to call Tony or Pepper and beg for some kind of work to do, but she knew Pepper was busy as CEO of Stark Industries.

Sighing, she stood up to click on the television, watching the news pop up. Turning up the volume, she gasped at the sight of Tony's Malibu Mansion being destroyed with him still inside of it—realizing that happened hours ago.

Grabbing her phone, she dialed Pepper's number. "P-Pepper? Are you okay? Is Tony okay?"

Pepper was breathing raggedy. "Fine. I-I found a message he left me. I'm with his friend Maya Hansen. If you can find him, help him, please. I'm so worried."

Marlene nodded. "Okay. Yeah. I'll try and find him."

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