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the vision and her stone

PIETRO kept an arm around Marlene as the three Maximoffs walked behind Steve. They had made it to the Avengers Tower, and Steve could already hear the two scientists working. Marlene moved further into the safety of Pietro's arms, not wanting to take a moment with the twins for granted anymore.

"This framework is not compatible," Tony muttered as he typed on the computer.

Bruce walked around the cradle with a clipboard in hand. "The genetic coding tower's at ninety-seven percent. You have got to upload that schematic in the next three minutes."

Steve led the group inside, and his voice was deep and demanding as he said, "I'm gonna say this once."

Tony barely glanced at the group as he quipped back, "How about nonce?"

"Shut it down!" Steve yelled.

"Nope, not gonna happen."

"You don't know what you're doing," Steve tried to make them see reason.

Bruce pointed at the Maximoff females. "And you do? They're not in your head?"

"Excuse me?" Marlene sneered, anger rising.

Wanda placed a comforting hand on Marlene's arm. "I know you're angry."

"Oh, we're way past that. I could choke the life out of you and never change a shade," Bruce said with his glare never leaving the witch.

"Dr. Banner, please," Marlene called angrily, and she saw Tony's eyes soften when they made eye contact. "Tony, it's my stone."

"It's not yours. It never was. You may have been created from it, but—" Bruce started.

Steve cut him off. "Banner, after everything that's happened—"

"That's nothing compared to what's coming!" Tony interrupted.

"You don't know what's in there!" Wanda yelled next.

"This isn't a game—" Steve started just as Pietro kissed Marlene's forehead once before letting her go and disappearing as a blur.

Marlene's jaw dropped as Pietro ran around the lab and unplugged the lab equipment while simultaneously smashing some of the computer. When he paused with a wire in his hand, he smirked at Tony and Bruce's awestruck expressions.

"No, no," Pietro said, accent thick as he threw the wire down. "Go on. You were saying?"

Suddenly, Clint shot a bullet from below the glass underneath Pietro's feet that caused the glass he was on to shatter. Pietro fell through, and Marlene and Wanda ran forward.

"Pietro!" Wanda screamed.

Clint left his foot on Pietro's chest. "What? You didn't see that coming?" he asked, keeping the gun at Pietro.

"I'm rerouting the upload," Tony called just as Wanda was about to use her magic to stop him. Bruce grabbed Wanda in a headlock just as Marlene let her powers grow as she hovered in the air.

Bruce glared at Marlene as he held Wanda. "Go ahead, piss me off."

Steve sent his shield at the computers in which Tony responded by pulling on his Iron Man hand. The pair began to fight as Marlene sent a blast near Bruce's head. Wanda sent her own at his stomach, and the two witch's prepared to fight just as Thor crashed inside the tower, hammer tightly fisted in his hand.

"Wait!" Bruce shouted just as Pietro knocked Clint back to stand.

Thor raised his hammer to the sky, channeling lightning before he slammed the hammer in the center of the Cradle. Everyone was blasted back as the computer showed an overpower of energy. Pietro grabbed Wanda and Marlene to cover them with his body when something came alive from inside the Cradle—blasting the top open and sending debris everywhere.

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