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bucky barnes and coney island

MARLENE woke up to the smell of eggs and bacon. Opening her eyes slowly, she reached her hand to rub her forehead. She moved to rub her eyes just as she realized she was still in Steve's apartment. Looking around, she remembered falling asleep on the couch. Steve must have carried her to the bed. Sitting up, she let the blankets pool at her waist before shoving them aside completely. Reaching for her phone, she saw a few texts from Tony and Pepper.

Tony's read: Wish you would've stayed. I'd have been able to bring you back to New York.
We are coming to live in the Tower for a while.
Let me know you're safe.
Thanks for everything, Elsa.

Pepper's read: Thank you for keeping Tony safe. Let us know you're okay!

She replied to both of them, letting them know she would be at the tower that evening before standing up properly. After using the bathroom, she padded her way out to see Steve setting the small table. She smiled tiredly.

"Good morning," Steve said with a smirk as he looked up. "Love the look."

She looked down, realizing she had borrowed one of Steve's shirts to wear to sleep when she had gotten there. Along with her wild white hair, she knew she looked the epitome of the just-out-of-bed look. She smiled tightly at him. "G'morning. I know. I look great. Unlike you, Mr. Always Perfectly Dressed."

Steve laughed. "I went out for a run. Showered. Made breakfast."

"Don't rub in how productive you are, Captain," she said teasingly as she sat down with one leg up to where her face could rest on her knee. "I am still tired."

"You flew across the country," Steve deadpanned. "I'm surprised you are awake, to be honest."

Marlene smiled softly. "I smelled the most delicious meal, that's why," she teased, grabbing a piece of bacon as Steve placed two cups of coffee on the table. "Mm, thanks."

Steve nodded, grinning at her as she immediately began to drink it. "So... now that you've been on another adventure, is it enough to come work for S.H.I.E.L.D.?"

Marlene shook her head. "Absolutely not. I don't trust him."

"Him who?"

"Fury. Keeps too many secrets. Was angry when he found out I left New York as if he was my father," she said with a roll of her eyes. "I don't have a father."

Steve frowned at the change of tone. "My mom and dad died before I was frozen. I remember my mom's funeral more than my dad's," he admitted, and Marlene realized this was the first time he spoke about his past. Every other time, he would close up and ignore her for a while until the matter was forgotten. "Bucky and his family tried to be there for me, but I pushed them all away. Buck wouldn't let up, though... he followed me home. Made sure I was all right."

"Bucky?" she asked cautiously as she took a bite of her eggs.

Steve froze for a second before nodding. "James Buchanan Barnes. He liked to be called Bucky. He was my best friend."

Marlene smiled softly. "Was he in the army, too?"

Steve forgot that she never knew the story of Captain America as the rest of the world had. She did not know. "He was. The 107th. His unit was captured in 1943... that was the first time Captain America was a real thing," he admitted. "I saved Bucky. I didn't get lucky twice. On another mission, he fell from a moving train hundreds of feet. They never found his body."

Marlene frowned. "I'm so sorry, Steve," she whispered.

"Yeah, Bucky would—"

"Mission report."

"Dead. No witnesses."

"—Marlene? Your eyes went blue," Steve said worriedly. He leaned forward, grabbing her hand gently.

Marlene shook her head. "I'm fine. Sorry. Sometimes my brain goes on its own," she whispered. "Bruce is going to try and fix my memories."

Steve nodded. "Is that a good idea?"

"I'm not sure. But it needs to be done," she said firmly. She grabbed her coffee cup and smiled. "Tell me more about Bucky. Any good stories?"

Steve's grin was wide as he began to tell her a story of a time they went to Coney Island together. Steve realized after a while that he needed to check in at the Triskelion (which was headquarters for S.H.I.E.L.D.), so the pair cleaned up from breakfast. She reluctantly asked Steve to drop her off at the tower, neither commenting on the fact that she kept his shirt.

When she arrived, she was promised by Steve that he would want to hang out very soon. She smiled and agreed, wanting nothing more. When the elevator opened to the penthouse, she quickly covered her eyes at Tony and Pepper making out in the kitchen.

"Yup. Not eating on that counter anymore," Marlene called as she walked without hesitation toward the hallway to her bedroom.

"Oh, Marls!" Pepper greeted, shoving Tony off.

"You're not glowing anymore," Marlene commented conversationally.

Pepper grinned and gave a nod. "Tony's getting it fixed. Hopefully, the Extremis is easy to remove. Hey, where'd you stay last night?"

Tony smirked, popping a grape into his mouth after retrieving the bag from the fridge. "Isn't it obvious? It was the old man."

Marlene rolled her eyes. "Don't lecture me on my outfit. I know I look a mess."

"Ah, shit happens. Was he any good?" Tony asked.

Marlene threw the nearest object at him, which happened to be a pen. "What are you thinking!?"

"I was thinking you slept with him!" Tony yelled back, hiding behind Pepper.

"God, no! I slept at his place!" Marlene said. "That's it!"

Tony smirked as he peaked over Pepper's shoulder. "Is that all you wanted?" he asked with a smirk. He saw her reaching for another pen. "Okay, okay! Hey, I was to inform you that the Hulk would like to start some process now that I'm here. Care to fill me in?"

"Is Bruce here?" she asked, frantically searching the tower for his mind since Tony was taking his sweet time to answer.

Pepper nodded and answered for him. "In the lab. What's it about?"

"We found out that I've been on Earth for a few years. I had to be born somehow... and well, he thinks my memories were wiped. We're going to try and recollect them. With Tony's help, of course," Marlene said with a smile that had Tony eye her warily. It was her innocent smile that normally had Tony give in.

"What's the catch? Why'd he wait?" Tony asked, walking closer to Marlene.

"He says there is a possibility I lived thousands of years in space... so he's worried I'll remember a lot. He thinks it'll be too much," Marlene admitted. "A lot of pain."

"I agree. Let's not do it," Tony concluded with a clap of his hand to the grape bag. "Grape?"

"Please, Tony," Marlene asked. "I'm tired of not knowing anything. Please," she whispered brokenly. Pepper squeezed Tony's arm as she passed, giving him a look. "Please."

Tony rolled his eyes. "Fine. But don't say the Doc and I didn't warn you."

Galactic Savior | Avengers✔️Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora