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infinity woman

ON Vormir, a figure hovered in front of Marlene Rogers—hand extended as if to show trust. Marlene had nothing but a splitting headache as she felt a strong surge of power flow through her. Eyes meeting the woman in front of her, she did not know what compelled her to take the woman's hand, but she did.

When they flowed through a portal, Marlene gasped at the sight of five other individuals staring at her with a small smile on each of their faces. Letting go of the woman, she saw a distinct familiarity of each person.

"Where am I? Am I alive?" Marlene asked frantically. "Did they do it? Did they win?"

The woman who had pulled Marlene along laughed. "Calm down, Savior. Time has paused on all realms. We have time to talk before the battle is to commence."

"Who are you?" she repeated.

The woman bowed. "I am the Mind Stone transfigured into a form that you can comprehend. Each Stone is here... each Stone never truly left this safe haven. The stones on Earth being used in a battle by the Mad Titan hold our power, sure, but like Miss Danvers and Mr. Vision, they are not the stone itself. You, however," she paused, "you were our creation given a task to prevent the battle Thanos has created."

Marlene blanched, not knowing what to do or say.

"Your powers are of me the most, as I was the one collectively designated as the strongest. Now, we plan to give you everything. Power. Reality. Space. Soul. Time. And, of course, Mind.

"You were always called the Galactic Savior as an inside joke of ours, but you, Marlene, will become the Infinity Woman. We will send you back to Earth 616, and you will end Thanos. You will get to have the peace you've longed for during these troubling five years," she finished with a smile.

Marlene shook her head. "Are you sure you want me?"

"You were created for this. This is your purpose, Marlene."

Marlene coughed a bit, looking around with wariness. "W-What do I do? How do I get home?"

"You are still in 2014," was all the woman said with a wink before her face fell into a serious look and her eyes glowed.

She raised her hand, and Marlene found herself standing in the center of the room now, staring in the only mirror around as it appeared in front of her.

Suddenly, she watched through the mirror as the people behind her began to transfigure themselves into stones again. Each stone neared her before she felt them suddenly latch onto her skin. She felt sizzling and burning as the stones melted into her. She screamed in pain, but as quick as it began, it ended. In the mirror, from her crouched position on the floor, she stood shakily as different colors of the Infinity Stones wrapped themselves around her body. Her outfit changed to resemble the dress-like Asgardian armor she wore in Wakanda with more colors involved. A blue cape flowed down her back as her eyes shone the brightest yellow and blue she had ever seen. Her white hair moved itself into braids as a diadem landed on her head again. This time, replicas of the stones appeared on her head.

After watching the transformation, she felt something appear on her wrist. Turning, she saw a date lingering... telling her where to begin. She watched it disappear soon after.

She smirked as she created a portal, her body falling into it without fail.

Marlene wasted no time as she fell into another year. Seeing the familiar robots, she turned herself invisible as she flew at full speed to the boats on the other side of Sokovia.

Seeing the jet with Ultron inside of it, she let the shots pierce through Pietro's chest as she landed in front of her old self just as she exploded. Grabbing Pietro's body, she disappeared to another part of the city, using the powers of the Time Stone. As Pietro took a deep breath, his eyes widened at Marlene as she let herself be visible.

Looking down at his chest that held no holes anymore, he murmured, "What did you do, sestra?"

Marlene grinned. "Saved your life. I'm sending you to another battle. Get ready."

Using a portal, Pietro had no time to protest as she sent him to her time to the Avengers Compound. Falling backward, she let herself fall through another portal. When she saw where she was, she grinned at the familiar explosion of Ego's planet.

After Peter made it safely to the ship, Marlene summoned Yondu's body to her person as she portaled away to her next place. Using the Time Stone, Yondu gasped and panted to try and catch his breath as his eyes widened at the woman in front of him. She seemed more powerful than ever.


"I'm sending you to a battle. Get ready," she repeated, portaling him away without another thought as she turned invisible once Thanos entered the ship of Asgardians. She winced as the battle commenced, and she forced herself to wait until Thanos and his army were gone. Once she saw everyone gone besides the dead, she held her hands high as she groaned a bit in pain. Every Asgardian became alive, including Heimdall who coughed before glancing at her in awe.

"Galactic Savior," Heimdall stated. "I knew you'd protect us."

Marlene grinned. "Hey, Heimdall. Gather which of these can fight."

Heimdall quickly did as Marlene sent the rest to 'New Asgard' in her time. She smirked at the warriors and Heimdall. "Is it another battle?"

"Your King is there. He needs assistance," Marlene said before portaling them all away.

She fell again as she landed on Vormir once more. With a scowl to the surroundings, she called for Gamora to wake up. When the beautiful woman's frantic eyes met hers, she whispered, "Peter? Is Peter okay?"

"Sending you to him now," Marlene said with a nod, using a portal to slide over Gamora's body and take her to the battle.

Thinking of who else she needed, her mind went to Thor's speech about the Reality Stone. Jumping through a portal, she landed in Asgard, the day of Frigga's death. Seeing Thor from a few hours ago and Rocket, she quickly hid.

After Frigga's death, Marlene quickly swiped the Queen's body like the creep she felt like, bringing the witch to life. The woman stared at Marlene in awe before a smile lit her face.

"My sons need me?"

"More than you know."

"Send me away, Galactic Savior."

Marlene knew she had to get back, knowing she had screwed with time enough. If she had it her way, she would bring back Howard and Maria. She would bring back Peggy. She would bring back so many people to make up for what happened, but Marlene knew she had to get to the battle now. It was time to fight.

It was time to rid the world of Thanos once and for all.

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