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LOKI let himself be detained by the Black Widow before being allowed to explain himself and how the absolute hell he appeared in their hideout for the past few days. Loki explained all that he knew from first seeing her in Sakaar, explaining to Steve that she was with the Guardians of the Galaxy before returning to Thor. He illustrated the new powers she had acquired, and he almost gagged at the pride on Steve's face as he spoke of Marlene.

Then, Loki explained how she just saved his life... obviously sending him to Earth for a reason. He knew the Hulk had returned to Earth, and when Sam Wilson walked in with a grave look on his face, they learned of the aliens who just landed in New York.

"Wherever the Vision Marlene spoke of is, he needs to be taken care of," Loki ended, "because Thanos is coming for the stone."

"And what of Marlene?" Natasha sneered, still not trusting him.

Loki winced. "She was bleeding badly when I was sent away, but I have no doubt she and Thor managed to escape."

"We need to go," Steve said. "To find Vision and Wanda."

"And what of the God?" Sam asked. "We're just gonna be cool since he knows Marls?"

Steve looked at Loki. "I don't know why Marlene sent you to us, but if I had to guess, it's because she trusts you deep down. One move, Loki, and you're dead."

Loki averted his eyes. "Marlene saved my life. I owe it to her to save her home."

"Suit up," Steve said to Natasha and Sam.

On the Benatar, the Guardians of the Galaxy watched as Gamora wiped Marlene's sweating forehead with a wet towel. Rocket and teenage Groot sat at her other side while Drax and Mantis sat on the opposite side of the room. Peter simply eyed Thor with distaste as the God sat at the foot of the table with a clenched jaw.

"Why has she not woken?" Thor demanded.

Gamora frowned. "She's trying. The stuff we used might take a moment for her body to adjust to. You said she hid the Space Stone?"

"She did."

Gamora smiled. "She's smart."

"Indeed. In order to move on, I need Lady Marlene to wake. Do you have something to eat?" Thor asked abruptly.

Peter stood as Thor walked to their pantry area.

"Wake her up," Peter demanded quietly to Mantis. "She can control him."

"Can anyone?" Drax asked him. "He is a man. A man created from a pirate and an angel. I doubt he will be controlled by someone as weak as Marlene appears to be."

Mantis placed her hand on Marlene's forehead. "Wake."

Marlene's body snapped up with a loud gasp as her eyes were blue and yellow and wide. Marlene looked around the ship, eyeing each person with mistrust until she remembered where she was. Falling back down, she rubbed her eyes and forehead with a scowl. "Ow," she murmured, her voice muffled. "Hey, Pete."

"Hey, Marls," Peter said softly. Thor eyed Peter once before turning back to the food.

Sitting up again, she grabbed Gamora and Mantis's hands. "Thanks," she said before letting them go. She noticed Thor in the pantry area. "Thor," he ignored her at first. "Hello, hi! What are you doing?"

Thor turned with a frown before a smile appeared on his face. "Hi. Eating."

"Did you ask?" she said with a sigh.

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