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cheeseburgers with the trash can

STEVE hated when Marlene asked to train with him. There were days when Steve wanted to pummel the punching bag, and those where the days Marlene wanted to practice. He could never hurt her, so he would force himself to hold back—staying later to take out his frustrations.

He could not lie and say the company was all bad. Marlene was very kind when she was not being sarcastic—something Steve thought she picked up from Tony. Just like him, she hated to hurt him. After the first time they trained, she had accidentally sent an energy blast at him when he advanced for a kick. He was sent across the gym. She had sworn to not use her powers on Steve Rogers again, no matter how many times he promised he was all right.

Steve was working for S.H.I.E.L.D. still, going on missions with Natasha Romanoff and the S.T.R.I.K.E. team and the occasional Clint Barton. Clint had called Marlene every so often, asking her why she was not an agent yet, but Marlene did not want to be tied to them due to her slight fear of Nick Fury when it came to her powers.

Marlene scoffed as she saw the text message from Tony with an amount of money and a smiley face. She sent back: Stop sending me money, Trash Can.

He sent another smiley face but said nothing more.

She could see Steve brutally punching the punching bag next to her as she took a seat to rest her knuckles. Placing ice on them after unwrapping them, she stared at Steve's back—watching his muscles contract and flex as he sent each punch.

"Steve? Do you want to get something to eat?" she called softly, closing her eyes for a moment. "I'm getting a headache."

Steve stopped, turning to look over his shoulder at her. "I have Tylenol in my bag." He turned and sent a few more punches. "Give me five more minutes, yeah?"

"Okay," she said, going into his bag to find the medicine. When she was sorting through it, a compass fell out. Steve turned at the sound, wincing when she picked it up off the ground. It opened slightly when it landed. Staring at it for a moment, she smiled softly. "She really was beautiful."

Steve walked over, ripping the compass from her hand to shut it and shove it in his bag. Without another word, he grabbed his bag and left the gym.

"Shit," she muttered, turning to leave as well. When she got to the apartment, she could hear the shower running. Walking to her small bag in the corner that she had yet to unpack truly, she pulled out a new outfit. Sitting on the couch, she waited for him to finish. When he walked out with only pants on, he did not give her a second glance as he shut his bedroom door. She sighed, going to take her own shower.

When she was finished and dressed, she walked out to find the apartment empty.

"God, you're an asshole sometimes," she muttered, pulling out her phone. She dialed a number, not really thinking when she did. As the dial tone rang, she heard a loud yell come from the otherside before the voice said a greeting in confusion. "Hey, Tony. You busy?"

Tony shuffled on the other side of the line for a moment before he said, "No, no. What's up?"

"You're still in New York?" she hoped as she asked.

"Leaving tonight. Missing me, Elsa?"

Marlene laughed softly. "I just wanted to know if you would like to get lunch with me before you leave."

"Is Capsicle being hot-headed? Stick him in the freezer, he'll find comfort in that," Tony cracked before snorting. "I'll pick you up in fifteen. Don't keep me waiting."

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