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the maximoffs return... against ultron!

TONY handed the empty dinner plates to Nick Fury who was doing dishes in the Barton household. Marlene handed him the last ones as she followed Tony to the dart board. He gave her a dart while Marlene watched him miss dramatically. He rolled his eyes playfully at her as she made a near bullseye.

"Ultron took you folks out of play to buy himself time. My contacts all say he's building something. The amount of Vibranium he made off with, I don't think it's just one thing," Fury said as he was pushed out of the kitchen by Clint. He sat down at the table.

Steve's eyes never left Marlene for the most part of the afternoon. He smiled softly as she stuck her tongue out playfully at Tony when she hit the board again. "What about Ultron himself?" Steve asked, forcing his eyes away.

Fury shrugged. "Ah. He's easy to track, he's everywhere. Guy's multiplying faster than a Catholic rabbit. Still doesn't help us get an angle on any of his plans though."

"He still going after launch codes?" Tony asked as Clint took a dart from Marlene's hand and made a perfect bullseye. He shrugged with a stupid smile on his face when Tony glared.

Fury smirked at the interaction. "Yes, he is, but he's not making any headway."

Tony pulled out the darts, handing another to Marlene. "I cracked the Pentagon's firewall in high school on a dare."

"Yeah, well, I contacted our friends at the NEXUS about that."

"NEXUS?" Steve asked.

"It's the world internet hub in Oslo, every byte of data flows through there, fastest access on earth," Bruce answered, standing close to Natasha's chair as the redhead colored with Lila.

"So what'd they say?" Clint asked, throwing a towel down and turning off the faucet.

"He's fixated on the missiles, but the codes are constantly being changed," Fury revealed.

"By whom?" Tony asked.

"Parties unknown."

Marlene gave up on darts as she walked toward Steve. Placing a hand on his shoulder, she asked, "Do we have an ally?"

"Ultron's got an enemy, that's not the same thing. Still, I'd pay folding money to know who it is," Fury admitted.

"I might need to visit Oslo, find our unknown," Tony said.

Natasha sighed. "Well, this is good times, boss, but I was kind of hoping when I saw you, you'd have more than that."

Fury smiled at her. "I do, I have you. Back in the day, I had eyes everywhere, ears everywhere else. Here we all are, back on earth, with nothing but our wit, and our will to save the world. So stand. Outwit the platinum bastard."

"Steve doesn't like that kind of talk," Natasha said with a mischievous smile.

Steve placed his hand on Marlene's that was resting on his shoulder. "You know what, Romanoff?" he said playfully.

"So what does he want?" Fury asked.

"To become better," Marlene said, her accent thick.

Steve nodded and added, "Better than us. He keeps building bodies."

"Person bodies. The human form is inefficient, biologically speaking, we're outmoded. But he keeps coming back to it," Tony said with a nod.

"When you two programmed him to protect the human race, you amazingly failed," Natasha said with a small laugh as Bruce walked over to stare at the picture Lila colored. He touched it softly.

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