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sakaar for three hundred years

BRUCE kept eyeing Marlene warily as Tony placed the sensors on her left and right temples. It had been two weeks since she had asked Tony to help. He agreed, but he wanted to get Pepper sorted out first. Along with Pepper's removal of the Extremis, he also removed the shrapnel from his chest. This was a big step for him, as it removed his need for an arc reactor on his chest; however, she found him working on a new arc reactor that would allow the suit to form by a push of a button. He asked her not to tell Pepper for now.

In the lab, Bruce was writing something on a clipboard before moving to the screen next to him. Tony placed another sensor on her arm and one more on her neck. "How is this going to help me?" she asked over Tony's rock music he had playing.

Tony's lips twitched. "The sensors on your head are going to send an electric shock to the hippocampus and amygdala. Those are your main memory habitats. The ones on your arms and neck are going to give us a read on your pulse if it becomes too much. I'm not losing you to your own memories, dear," he said with a stern look.

"What about the that?" she asked as he placed a device on her head that had pieces that immediately latched to her skull. "Ouch."

"Sorry," Tony quipped. "That is to direct whatever you see to our computer. That way Bruce and I can see."


Bruce walked forward. "In case there is a real mental block that was placed by yourself or someone else from space, Tony and I can tell you what happened lest this all being for nothing if you just forget again."

Marlene nodded, a bit of fear creeping forward. "If you need to get out, you force yourself to call our names; we'll hear you," Tony promised, backing behind the computer and clicking off the music. "C'mon, Doc."

Bruce smiled at her. "You'll be all right."

Marlene breathed out as Tony and Bruce placed tinted glasses on their faces. When Tony called out once more for her to back out, she shook her head. Bruce called out a countdown before he pressed a button that sent electric shocks through the wires and into Marlene's body. She screamed so loud that Tony almost cancelled it. He hated hearing her in pain. Shutting his eyes, he told Bruce, "Crank it up one more. It'll knock her out into her subconscious."

Bruce nodded, sending it. Marlene's screams suddenly stopped as the computer screen lit up a bit black before it crackled like an old television.

Marlene gasped as she woke up in an unfamiliar place. Looking around, she took deep breaths as she glanced at the clothes she was wearing. They were almost like armor—armor she had seen on Thor and Loki before. Standing shakily, she grabbed the wall.

"Miss?" someone called. "Are you okay?" She turned to see a woman who was very pink in her skin tone, but she had green hair. "The Grandmaster has done it. He had created the Galactic Savior."

"Who are you?" her voice was demanding, ethereal as she spoke from her memory. "Where am I?"

"I am Rebeet," she said with a smile. "Sakaar lives on the edge of the known and unknown. It is the collection point for all lost and unloved things. Like you. But here on Sakaar, you are significant. You are valuable. Here, you are loved. You were created from a myth... something the Grandmaster has stolen to make you. You shall serve him."

"A myth?" Marlene said with a laugh. "I shall serve him? No, Rebeet. You may serve him, but I serve no one."

Rebeet was about to respond when someone clapped their hands together. She turned to see a man with whitish hair, much like her own. "Galactic Savior, yes. You look just as I imagined."

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