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ALTHOUGH Steve was worried out of his mind for his wife, he knew she was more than capable of handling herself. When she was dropped off by Bucky, Sam, and Natasha, he waved at his family behind her before bringing her into his arms and holding her close.

Marlene loved when Steve Rogers held her close.

Life went on after that.

The Flag Smashers were dealt with while the new Avengers were taken care of with their training. Steve was involved heavily with that, so he still had something to do with his time. Harry started school soon after that as well, and it was a whole affair. They had gotten Morgan, Harry, and Peter Parker together for photos even though Peter was against taking photos for his first day of senior year at his high school after the Blip. It was nice, oddly, how normal things became.

Marlene had put her powers on the backburner, only using them for little things. She did not go on missions unless the threat was large, but that was hardly ever as the world recuperated after half the population returned.

Steve and Marlene decided to have another kid in the following years, and when they had found out it was a girl—the entire group of Avengers had heart eyes in their gaze... Even Tony and Pepper. They could not wait for Morgan to have a little girl to play with (because Tony was hell bent on Morgan and Harry being separated when they grew up to make sure no romantic feelings were involved). Although things were going well, Steve and Marlene's guard was never fully down. They were both two people who could not live without a war—something she remembered Ultron saying. But, they did their best. They were finally happy. Calm.

Marlene was walking—more like waddling—through the Avengers compound while waiting for Steve to finish training with some new recruits.

Peter Quill was supposed to be visiting that day, and no one was more excited than Harry besides his mom, of course. When she heard the loud engines of the spaceship, she walked as fast as she could to the front lawn. Pushing open the doors, she saw the familiar Guardians of the Galaxy stepping out of the Benatar.

"Woah, you look like you're going to burst!" Drax exclaimed loudly, pointing at her. Marlene gave him a look before a smile lit up her features at Rocket and Groot. She hugged all three before turning to even hug Nebula, Mantis, and Yondu. Gamora and Peter were last, holding hands after he helped her from the ship.

"Thanks, Drax. I feel like it," Marlene grumbled before tripping over her feet. "Damn it!" Peter had caught her, and she smiled cheekily at him. "Hi!"

"You really shouldn't be walking around," Peter chastised her, helping her stand straight. "Where's Mr. America?"

Rocket snorted a laugh. "It's Captain and you know it."

"He just hates anyone else being called Captain," Gamora teased with a roll of her eyes. Marlene nodded in agreement as Gamora grabbed her other hand. "Let's get you inside, honey."

Marlene sighed out in relief as they walked inside. "He's training some recruits, to answer your question, Pete."

"The jackass should be looking after you, Princess," Yondu said with a shake of his head causing Marlene to grin at his words. Yondu was like her second father while Tony was the first.

"I'm fine," she told him seriously just as a cramp went through her body. She squeezed Gamora and Peter's hand with a hiss of pain. "Shit!"

"Fine my ass," Peter grumbled. "What was that?"

Marlene groaned in pain before calling out, "Friday, get Steve and Bucky!"

"Yes, Mrs. Rogers."

"What is it?" Nebula asked. "Is it the child?"

"Yeah, she's coming a few days early. No biggie," Marlene said between hisses of pain. "I'm so glad she waited for you guys."

Steve, Bucky, and Sam came barreling down the hallway ahead of them with Bucky holding Marlene's pre-packed bag. Marlene would have laughed at the sigh had she not been in pain.

Sam pointed at the group. "You stressed the baby out!"

"What do you mean, dude?" Peter asked. "She was just excited to meet her godfather."

Sam laughed. "Yeah, right. We all know it's going to be Tony since Pepper was the godmother of Harry."

Marlene smiled tightly at them. "Okay. Love you all. Baby now, conversation later."

At the hospital, Bucky had managed to call the Starks, Maximoffs, Bartons, Vision, Bruce, and Natasha to get the hell over there. Thor, Loki, and Valkyrie were already waiting at the hospital when they had gotten there.

Steve was the only one in the room while she was prepped. He held her hand tightly, smiling at her when she would glance at him after contractions.

"You know," she started, "we do have to pick godparents."

Steve let out a breathy laugh. "You let me pick Bucky while you picked Pepper. So, do you want to pick the guy while I pick the woman this time?"

Marlene thought for a second before nodding. "I think it is going to be Tony. I would pick Peter, but he's in space all day long. Sam was an option, of course, but Tony's been hinting at it since day one of knowing I was pregnant. I'm telling you, that man already has a connection with her."

Steve grinned. "Tony's fine. What about Nat?"

Marlene teared up at that. "You think she'll take the role?"

"I know she would love it."

Marlene let the tear fall. "She's going to be so loved."

"I know, Marls," Steve whispered.

After the grueling process of having the baby, Marlene and Steve stared at the grey eyes of their baby with awe and shock on their face. Her hair was brown, beautiful like Marlene's was when she lost her powers. What shocked them was the strand of grey just like her mother's hair. Marlene laughed quietly, touching her head gently.

"You don't think," Steve began with worried eyes.

Marlene chuckled. "No, how could she?"

When the door opened to reveal the Starks, Harry, Bucky, and Natasha (per their request, of course), Marlene watched both Pepper and Natasha stark crying at the sigh of her while Harry and Morgan eyed the new baby oddly.

"Tell them the news, Stevie," Marlene joked as Bucky made it to her side.

"She's beautiful," Bucky murmured, kissing Marlene's cheek.

"What news?" Tony asked, lowering his sunglasses to get a good look at her. He smiled fondly, almost wanting another one.

Steve chuckled. "Nat. Tony, meet your goddaughter," he said, and they all watched Natasha drop her phone before cursing and reaching over to pick it up.

"What?" she asked. "You.. what?"

Tony cheered. "YES! I GOT ONE!"

Harry and Morgan gave him a look.

Bucky did, too.

Pepper swatted his chest as she said for him, "He's really excited. Thank you."

Natasha was still in shock. "But, why me?"

Marlene reached her hand out after Steve took the little girl to hand her to Tony. Natasha took it. "Because, Nat. Besides Pepper, you've been the only constant best girl friend I've had. You've taught me so much... especially about my own self confidence. I would love for you to be this firecracker's godmother."

Natasha wiped her tears, leaning to kiss Marlene's cheek.

"Speedster's gonna be so jealous. He was certain she'd be his," Tony gloated, wiggling his fingers to coo at the baby.

Marlene chuckled. "He'll be fine."

"What's her name, Mommy?" Harry asked with wide eyes.

Steve smirked over at Marlene. "Her name is..."

the end ;)

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