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peter quill... back again

THOR already knew Marlene would not be staying with him right now. He had his own missions and she, obviously, had hers. Marlene listened to Heimdall explain the Bifrost, a plan already forming in her head. She turned to Thor with a small smile on her face.

"I'm going to find Surtur," Thor said as Marlene said, "I'm going to find Peter."

Marlene laughed softly. "Peter was the last person known with the Mind Stone. I need to figure out who had it next, and maybe, we can figure out our puppet master."

"How will I find you?" Thor asked her.

"She can summon portals like the Bifrost," Heimdall stated obviously. "If she thinks of you, a portal can be created to find where you are."

Thor nodded. "Okay. You can do your mythical Mind Tricks to check up on me so I can, in turn, check up on you. Every day. Understand?"

"Not every day, good Gods, Thor," Marlene stated with a smile. Thor laughed lowly, pulling her in for a hug. "Be safe."

"You as well."

Digging in her bag, she grabbed the small machine Wanda had given her back from the day she landed in Sokovia. Placing it behind her ear, she clicked it once so that the helmet could wrap around her face. If Peter was somehow in space, she would not die and he would (hopefully) recognize her.

Marlene bit her lip, thinking of Peter's face that she could remember. She thought of finding his location, and suddenly, she was watching through his eyes as he fought... a giant... yellow monster? Was that a flying raccoon?

Opening her eyes, they shone the most alluring blue as she suddenly felt her hand alight. Making a circular motion, a hole was carved out of thin air, revealing the scene she had just saw in Peter's eyes. Turning to face Thor once more, she smiled before stepping inside of the portal with her bag attached to her arm. When she arrived inside the new location, she could hear music playing as her eyes saw a small tree dancing on the ground. What the absolute hell is going on?

Closing the portal, she saw a green woman jump into the air and slice through the yellow monster's throat. The monster was dead immediately as another man fell from inside the cut, covered in the liquids from inside its body. Turning her head, she saw the Milano ship that she knew was to be Peter's, though it seemed a bit different and upgraded. Deciding this moment was not the best to intervene, she walked to the ship slowly.

She almost made it inside when a gun cocked behind her. She felt the tip of the gun at the back of her head.

"Who the hell are you?" the woman sneered.

Marlene turned slowly, showcasing the mask that looked like a replica to the one Peter Quill was currently wearing as he flew down to stand behind the woman. Marlene pressed the button behind her ear to reveal her face.

"I was going to wait until your mission was over, honest," Marlene admitted as her eyes went to Peter's, "but I'm not as stealthy as I like to believe."

Peter's eyes were wide as his jaw was simply dropped. The woman turned to look at Peter. "What? Do you know her?"

Peter fumbled over his words as the flying raccoon landed near them with the small tree on his shoulder. The final man walked forward with distrust in his eyes.

"Hey, Quill, isn't that the woman in all of those pictures you have in your hidden box that says Do Not Touch?" the raccoon asked, scaring Marlene.

"For a second, I thought you were only a flying raccoon. Now, you're a talking, flying raccoon," Marlene stated as the green woman's gun dropped.

"Yeah, what about it, White Hair?" the raccoon sassed back.

"I am Groot!"

Marlene smiled at the small tree. "I'm Marlene."

Peter's lips twitched to a smile. "Marlene," he repeated, words finally being able to form coherently.

"Don't tell me you've forgotten?" Marlene asked softly as he pulled her in for a hug. "You named me."

Peter laughed. "I did, didn't I? An accent now? Wow, Jesus. How many years—"

As Marlene pulled away, she noticed the anger in the green woman's eyes. It was jealousy. She knew he'd move on, and she had, too. She did not want to make the woman think otherwise. Coughing slightly, she cut Peter off, "Peter helped me escape being enslaved. We haven't seen in each other in years."

The woman's eyes softened slightly. "I'm Gamora."

"I am Groot!"

"Yeah, she looks familiar," the raccoon said suspiciously to the tree. "I'm Rocket. This is Groot. Drax. Hey, Quill, mind filling us in?"

Peter tore his eyes away from Marlene's beaming grin as he said, "Uh, right! Uh... She was created on Sakaar. I helped her escape by sending her to Terra... where I'm from. H-How did you get back here?"

"Long story. Can I wait in the Milano while you guys finish your mission?" she whispered as Rocket whispered to Gamora. "I'll explain everything, I promise."

Peter nodded. "Yeah. Totally. Y-You know where everything is. Go for it."

"She ain't gonna steal our ship, is she?" Rocket asked, an eyebrow raised in obvious distrust as Drax's were still the same.

"What? No, I wouldn't dream of it!" Marlene explained.

"Why would you dream of being a thief to begin with?" Drax asked with narrowed eyes.

"One of those metaphors," Peter said, tapping Drax's shoulder. "Let's go."

Marlene boarded the ship as the others followed. Rocket flew them to the city nearest to them that Gamora explained it to be full of the Sovereigns—a whole lot of gold people. When they left the ship, Marlene sat down on the bed, holding her knees to her chest as she let her eyes close.

When she opened them, she had managed to make it to Steve's body. Frowning, she saw he was staring at a picture of the pair on his phone.

Quickly blinking to find herself back in the Milano, she found her own picture of Steve and herself, hoping she would be back soon.

Galactic Savior | Avengers✔️Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora