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one inch man

GAMORA appeared from below again as Marlene stuffed the photo back into her bag. "Why would they do that?" Gamora asked, referring to the fleet behind them.

"Probably 'cause Rocket stole some of their batteries," Drax admitted.


Now, all of the Guardians stood behind Rocket as the raccoon began to fly faster. Drax nodded. "Right... he didn't steal some of those. I don't know why they're after us, what a mystery this is."

Peter got into the other pilot's seat. "What were you thinking?"

Rocket only laughed. "Dude, they were really easy to steal!"

"That's your defense?" Gamora asked incredulously.

"Come on! You saw how that High Priestess talked down to us. Now I'm teaching her a lesson!" Rocket exclaimed as Marlene finally stood to see what the hell was going on. Placing a hand down, she almost jumped out of the ship when Groot began to crawl up her arm.

"I didn't realize your motivation was altruism. It's really a shame the Sovereign's mistaking your intentions and they're trying to kill us," Peter said sarcastically.

"Exactly," Rocket agreed.

"I was being sarcastic!"

"Oh, no! You're supposed to use a sarcastic voice! Now I look foolish in front of the Galactic Savior!"

"Please, just call me Marlene," Marlene said with a frown.

Gamora looked serious. "Can your bickering on a hold until after we survive this massive space battle?" she asked as Peter and Rocket began talking over each other.

"More incoming!" Peter shouted as more of the Sovereign fleet surrounded the ship.

Rocket tightened his hold on the control panels. "Good, I want to kill some guys!"

Marlene stepped back as Groot snuggled into her neck. Gamora began to type furiously on a computer. "What's the nearest habitable planet?" Peter asked.

"It's called Berhert," Gamora replied.

"How many jumps?" Peter asked.

"Only one. But the access point is 47 clicks away. And you have to go through that quantum asteroid field," Gamora answered.

"I'm going to die on this ship," Marlene stated with a depressed sigh.

"Quill, to make it through that you'd have to be the greatest pilot in the universe," Drax said.

Peter smirked as he took over the piloting. "Lucky for us, I—"

Rocket interrupted him. "I am. What are you doing?"

Peter glared at the raccoon. "I've been flying this rig since I was 10 years old."

"I was cybernetically engineered to pilot a spacecraft!" Rocket exclaimed.

"You were cybernetically engineered to be a douchebag!" Peter quipped back.

"Stop it," Marlene said to Peter. "Can one of you just get us out of here?"

"I will," Peter promised.

Rocket ignored him. "Later on tonight, you're gonna be laying down, there's gonna be something squishy in your pillowcase. And you're gonna be like, what's this? and it's gonna be because I put a turd in there."

Marlene scrunched up her nose as Peter responded, "You put your turd in my bed and I shave you!"

Rocket smirked. "Oh, it won't be my turd. It'll be Drax's."

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