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the benatar returns

THE remaining Avengers were on a Quinjet back to the Avengers compound as they tried to wrap their heads around what the hell just happened. Natasha ran her hand through Marlene's brown hair as the witch laid on the assassin's lap. Steve watched her apprehensively.

"Her powers are gone," Rhodey finally murmured. "You can tell just by looking at her. She looks sick."

Bruce was piloting the ship as he said, "When we were on Sakaar, she changed her hair to resemble Nat's to disguise herself."

"This is different," Natasha whispered to not wake her. "She could hardly stand."

Thor watched from his spot next to Steve. Vision tapped his foot as his anxieties grew. Rocket sat on the ground near Marlene, keeping a paw on her hand. Steve realized the raccoon and Marlene had a close relationship from their time in space.

"Why did she give the stones up?" Thor finally snarled.

"He had Wanda in his grasp. He had the rest of us on the brink of death," Vision answered. "She did what she thought was best. Against her own will. She knew what would happen to herself once the Mind Stone was in his hands. She even saved me before he could get to me."

Natasha frowned as Marlene whimpered slightly in her sleep. Marlene's eyes began to open, thankfully the grey still there. She smiled softly at Natasha as she sat up, scooting to allow Rocket to sit next to her. No one said anything to her until she whispered, "Does anyone have a phone?"

Bruce turned at her voice, digging in the Quinjet's cupboards next to him until he found one. He tossed it at her softly, and Marlene was glad when Steve grabbed it midair and handed it to her. She could not look at anyone as she opened the flip phone and dialed a number she had memorized for years.

When the phone rang, she prayed it was answered. When the line clicked, she asked softly, "Pepper?"

"Oh, Marlene!? Marlene, is that you!?"

"Pepper, you're okay?" she asked softly. "I-I had a dream, and—"

"Taxi crash. My driver disappeared. I'm heading to the Avengers Compound. Is Tony with you?"

Marlene frowned as a tear left her eye. "No... no. I don't know where he is. We'll see you there, okay?"

Pepper's voice cracked as she said, "Of course, honey. Be careful."

Marlene ended the call before it was silent again. She felt the tension inside of the Quinjet, and she dropped the phone next to her before rubbing her eyes with her hands. With her face still in her hands, her voice was muffled, "Yes, my powers are gone. Let's not make a big deal."

Steve frowned at her words as her face lifted again with her eyes now shedding tears. "I'm sorry," she said finally. "I let him win."

Thor's hard gaze softened. "No, no... Thanos was set to win," Thor said with surprising gentleness. "The fate of the realms could not be changed."

No one said anything else until they made it to the Avengers Compound. Steve waited as every one left the jet before helping Marlene stand with her shaky legs. He helped her walk inside as Rhodey simply commanded for everyone to take a shower and get dressed in better clothes before they discussed what they were going to do.

Marlene did not complain when Steve brought her to his room. Bringing her to the bathroom, he left to grab her a pair of his sweatpants and a shirt while asking Natasha for undergarments with a flushed face. Marlene showered, though it took her longer than normal. One because of her weakened state, and two: it had been her first shower in a long, long time.

Walking out of the bathroom, she held onto the wall as Steve gestured to the clothes on the bed. He went to take his own shower as she changed. Sitting on the bed with a frown on her face, she played with her fingers until Steve walked out with jeans riding low on his body and no shirt on. Wiping his hair with the towel, he tossed it aside and crouched in front of her, pushing a strand of her hair behind her ear.

"Don't beat yourself up," he whispered. "You did the best you could... we all did." He kissed her lightly on the lips before moving to grab a shirt. "Do you want to rest for a bit? No one will be mad if you do."

Marlene nodded softly, laying back on his bed that had not been used in years. Steve gave her one last look before leaving the room.

It was like this for days. Marlene hardly could stand to begin with as her body felt heavier. Thor had told the others that her body's connection with the stone must have been severed, thus leaving her mortal being with a lot of injuries to overcome. She would grow stronger as time passed, but no one knew how long it would take.

Steve could hardly sleep, but not just because of their day to day searches for Thanos. He could hear Marlene crying at night, as they slept in the same bed. After the first night when Steve tried to sleep on the couch, Marlene wanted him to hold her. He did not hesitate. Beside the crying, he could hear her calling out for her powers—begging and pleading quietly for a view of Tony or Peter Quill. It was one of the most heartbreaking things Steve had ever witnessed: a large part of Marlene simply ripped from her.

The only thing Marlene would mention is that sometimes she would see small glimpses of Tony and Nebula—proving that something of her powers must still be attached to her. It was not much, but Steve knew Marlene was holding onto whatever hope she could.

On the twenty-third day since Thanos's snap, beginning what would be known as The Blip... Marlene woke up early that morning to hear Steve in the shower. Sitting up, she rubbed her eyes and moved to get dressed. Opening the bathroom, she smiled softly at Steve shaving off his beard.

When she rose a questioning brow, he said, "Needed a change. You look beautiful."

Marlene scoffed. "I feel better today at least," she answered instead.

Marlene was brushing her teeth with Steve standing behind her, leaning against the wall with a small smile on his face. Through all of the bad that had happened, Steve felt lucky enough to see Marlene in front of him at that moment. After wiping her face, she frowned as the mirror began to shake.

"Steve?" Marlene whispered.

His eyes moved from her face to the mirror as well. Running to the nearest window, he said, "A spaceship. Stay inside."

"No," Marlene denied, following him out.

"Marlene, please—"

"No," Marlene said again with a shake of her head. Rocket and the others ran out with them, and Rocket quickly became wide-eyed. Marlene nodded, not having to read thoughts to recognize the ship. "Benatar. It's the Guardians's ship," she informed everyone as Rocket furrowed his brows at the woman actually bringing the ship down in front of them.

When the ship's hatch opened, Marlene let out a sigh of relief at the sight of Tony Stark being held by Nebula.

Tony's eyes went to Marlene's, relief clear on his face as well.

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