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jarvis, the artificial intelligence

MARLENE left a note on Steve's table when she returned that she would be living in the Avengers Tower (old Stark Tower, of course) until she could find a permanent home. Taking her small bag of clothes and hygienic necessities, she left the apartment. She hopped back into Tony's car as he took off to the Tower.

When they made it, he gave her a brief tour as they made it to the penthouse area. When the elevator opened, Tony yelped at Pepper's glare from her spot on the couch.

"You're late," she stated blandly before standing and extending her hand. "Hi, I'm Pepper Potts. You must be Marlene."

Marlene smiled timidly, taking her hand to shake it. "Yeah. I'm sorry for making him late."

"He's late on his own, sweetheart. Jarvis will show you to your room. I'm sorry, we have to go," Pepper said, shoving Tony's bag in his hand. "I have clothes being delivered tomorrow morning. Jarvis will have the penthouse locked down for guests unless they have access."

Tony nodded. "Only Pepper, Rhodey, Happy, Dr. Banner, and I have unlimited access. Now, you. Anyone else has to get your permission. Let me know if you need anything, Elsa."

"Thank you both so much," she whispered, eyes taking in the large kitchen. Pepper smiled, waving softly as she walked to the elevator.

"Tony," Pepper called exasperatedly as Tony typed something on his phone.

He jumped at her voice, grabbing the bags from the ground and following her out. "Don't break my tower, Marlene!" he yelled as the elevator doors shut.

Letting out a deep breath she did not know she was holding, she said, "Who's Jarvis?" to herself.

"I am Jarvis. Mr. Stark's Artificial Intelligence program. I am at your service Miss Maximoff," Jarvis stated as the wall next to her lit up as if to say Jarvis was standing next to her.

"Maximoff? What do you mean?" she asked, walking to the wall.

A hologram appeared on the wall of a file with Marlene's name and photo on it. "Where'd you get this, Mr. Jarvis?"

"Jarvis is fine," he corrected. "It was saved under Director Fury's high security intelligence file. I could not access anything other than your given last name when you landed on Earth a few years ago. Shall I try again?"

Marlene shook her head. "No, no. I—uh... No. Just call me Marlene around the others, okay?"

"Yes, Miss Maximoff. Mr. Stark has programmed a training room for you to use. Would you like me to show you the way?"

Marlene smiled as blue arrows appeared on the floor. "Not right now. I have to–" Her phone began to ring. She sighed at Natasha's name. "Hold on, Jarvis." She pressed the answer button. "Hello?"

Natasha's laughter echoed through the speaker. "You totally just hurt Steve's feelings."

Marlene smirked a bit, walking to the fridge. She saw all of the food and drinks she could dream of. Turning, she could see a bar. Biting her lip, she wondered what alcohol tasted like. "Why? He seemed fine."

"Oh, yeah. When you left with Stark to live in his big tower," Natasha said with a chuckle. "He thinks he hurt your feelings and made you want to leave."

Marlene frowned. "No. I just did not think my presence was wanted anymore. Mr. Stark offered me the penthouse in the Tower while he went back to Malibu with Pepper. Steve's apartment was not made for two anyway. It's fine."

"Fury is mad you did not consult with him of where you were going," Natasha countered.

"Just like he tells us everything?" she sneered her question, thinking of her last name that no one knew. She found a glass cup, eyeing the alcohol bottles in front of her as her mind tried to figure out what to do to make something. "Listen, Nat. I didn't leave because of his tantrum. I just wanted to live on my own," she said instead. "I have to go. Call you tomorrow."

Without waiting, she ended the call. "Jarvis? How do I make a drink like Tony does?"

Jarvis instructed her, and Marlene followed the instructions very carefully. After almost thirty minutes, she had two glasses and was on her third as she played a random movie that Steve enjoyed.

Placing her glass down, she closed her eyes and felt her irises glowing blue. When she opened them, she saw Steve sitting with Natasha at a restaurant. Frowning at that, she blinked again, finding herself in Aaron's body.

He was staring at a small woman with brunette-redish hair. They were talking when he suddenly stopped.

"Wanda, she's here," he said suddenly, hands reaching to feel his head. Marlene frowned, wanting to see his face to provide some sort of comfort. "Marlene—"

She blinked and found herself back at the tower with someone standing in front of her. Shaking her head, she smiled at Dr. Bruce Banner eyeing her worriedly.

"Hey, I was calling you for like five minutes," he said awkwardly. "Did Tony leave?"

Marlene felt her eyes simmer down as she nodded. "Y-Yeah, he left with Pepper. He told me you might be around."

Bruce sat on the chair next to her, eyes moving to the television before flickering to the drink in her shaky hand. "I can leave. I was just going to head to the lab for a little while."

Marlene stood when he did. "Actually, can you do something for me? Keep it to yourself, of course," she asked.

Bruce nodded warily. "Yeah, what is it?"

"Can you take a blood sample from my body... try to match it with someone," she said. "I-I found a file with a last name on it. I want to see if me and this person are actually related or not."

Bruce laughed quietly. "Yeah, I'd love to run some tests, but it'll have to be when the alcohol leaves your system. Is that all right?"

Marlene smiled and nodded twice. "Yeah. Sorry. You can stay, by the way. Company is nice."

Bruce nodded. "I'll be in the lab for a while. We can order something for dinner. Cool?"

Marlene smiled as she sat back down, eyes going back to the movie. Bruce smiled at her once more before he walked off to get to the lab.

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