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the barton family of agents

STEVE approached Marlene's shaking figure as the jet landed on a large, open field. Clint stood up, immediately moving to Natasha as his eyes flickered once to Marlene. As the hatch opened, Steve wrapped an arm around Marlene's waist to keep her steady.

"You okay?" Steve murmured as they followed Clint out of the jet. Ahead of them, they saw a large farmhouse.

"No," Marlene replied honestly.

Steve did not respond as he held her close to his chest. The group of worn out Avengers walked slowly behind Clint as he looked excited to be home. Marlene just wished it was under better circumstances.

"What is this place?" Thor asked.

Tony's eyes went to the house with confusion. "A safe house?" he questioned.

Clint turned as they walked up the steps. "Let's hope," he said as he opened the door. "Honey, I'm home!" Clint called cheekily as he released Natasha once a beautiful, pregnant woman walked from the kitchen area with wide, shocked eyes. "Hi. Company. Sorry I didn't call ahead."

"Hey," the woman greeted as he walked over to kiss her.

"This is an agent of some kind," Tony said with a nod toward Thor.

"Gentleman, Marls, this is Laura," Clint introduced as Laura waved slowly.

Laura smiled. "I know all your names," she said as the men all gawked at her awkwardly.

Loud footsteps were heard on the stairs as someone ran down. Marlene detached herself from Steve as she smiled softly at the two children. "Ooh, incoming," Clint said as the two children ran straight for him.

"Dad!" the little girl jumped into Clint's arms as he picked her up.

Clint kissed his son's head. "Hey, buddy! How you guys doing?"

Marlene felt her heart clench. Lila and Cooper Barton were so loved by their mother and father. She averted her gaze as she felt like she was intruding.

Tony pointed at the kids. "These are... smaller agents."

"Did you bring Auntie Nat?" Lila asked sweetly.

Though Natasha felt anything but excited, she put a brave smile on her face as she moved from behind the group and said, "Why don't you hug her and find out?" Lila rushed towards Natasha, who picked her up in her arms effortlessly.

Steve cleared his throat as his eyes went to Laura. "Sorry for barging in on you."

"Yeah, we would have called ahead, but we were busy having no idea that you existed," Tony quipped.

Clint held his son close as he said, "Yeah, well Fury helped me set this up when I joined. He kept it off S.H.I.E.L.D.'s files, I'd like to keep it that way. I figure it's a good place to lay low."

Natasha walked forward, hugging Laura as if she had not seen her in years. "Honey. Ah, I missed you."

Natasha touched her pregnant stomach. "How's little Natasha, huh?"

Laura grimaced, placing her hand over Natasha's. Marlene saw Thor move over slightly, and in doing so, he stepped on building blocks—crushing them. Sliding them under the table, he said, "Shh," softly. Marlene grinned a bit.

"She's... Nathaniel," Laura stated.

Natasha leaned toward Laura's pregnant stomach and whispered, "Traitor."

Marlene saw Lila walk forward toward Thor, gazing up at him curiously. Before Lila could say anything, Thor stormed from the house with Steve reluctantly following. Marlene took the time to crouch lower and smile softly at Lila.

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