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escapin' the ragin' ravagers

MARLENE scrunched her nose in disgust as she could hear all of the snores and other bodily functions leaving the Ravagers body. Once Yondu had made it proven clear she would be okay to grab Groot, Marlene felt the blue and yellow wisps of energy crackle at the end of her fingertips. Moving it in a circle, she thought nothing except finding Groot. Once the portal was made, Rocket clapped.

"All right, Gal! C'mon, Groot!" he exclaimed as Groot turned to face them with a frown on his face. "Aw, man, what'd they do to you?"

Marlene reached in the portal to grab Groot and gave him a smile before handing him to Rocket. Closing the portal, she turned to the cell that were being kept, moving her hands together once, which caused the cell lock to break immediately. Pushing it open, she murmured, "Wait here."

And the next ability Marlene found herself figuring out was the fact that she could go invisibile. Rocket let out another laugh. "Aw, yeah. I really like her now! You've been upgraded." Her lips twitched at the statement.

As she walked to the room Yondu described, her disgust only grew for the Ravagers. Letting her powers flare up, she called out for that damn fin. She saw a drawer near Taserface begin to shake. Quickly stopping her magic, she flew toward the cabinet. Opening it, she saw a red fin sitting there just as Yondu had stated.

Smirking, she picked it up as she began to walk back to the cell. When she made it there, she was surprised at the other man walking her way. She cursed under her breath as she let herself be shown in order to alert Rocket. If the man saw the cell, he could call for help.

His eyes widened at her before they drifted to the fin in her hands. He rose his arms with a shake of his head. "I'm not going to fight you."

Marlene sneered his way as she made it to the cell with the man following because she did, in fact, go into his head to figure out whether he would hurt them.

When Marlene pulled open the cell door, Kraglin shook his head as his eyes met Yondu's. "That ain't it. I didn't mean to do a mutiny. They killed all my friends."

Yondu nodded. "Get the third quadrant ready for release."

Marlene felt her eyes become grey once more as Rocket handed her Groot. "One more thing. You got any clones of Quill's old music on the ship?" Rocket asked Kraglin.

Marlene placed Groot on her shoulder as they walked to a room with the necessary tools to put the fin back on Yondu's head. Kraglin handed Rocket the music, and the raccoon simply smirked. Handing it Marlene, he pointed to the sound system as Kraglin left to go to the third quadrant.

Rocket began to work on the fin as Marlene picked a song from the playlist with a smirk. Rocket laughed, "This is a favorite of mine."

As the music played on the entire ship, she turned as two men came into view. Both gasped at the sight of Yondu with a fin as he stood. Whistling, both men groaned as the arrow Marlene was growing to love pierced through their hearts. They landed on the ground, and Rocket grinned as he grabbed one of the guns.

On the intercom, interrupting the music was Taserface's yelling of, "He's got it! Yondu's got the fin!"

Marlene did not even have to lift a finger as Yondu whistled for his arrow to take out every person they encountered as they walked to the security room. As they walked through the hallways into a room with many layers of walkways, Marlene smirked further as people were falling almost cinematically around them to their deaths. Groot used his arms to go after a man, and Marlene had no worry as the man screamed at the tree chasing him—not even trying to fight against it.

Once they made it into the security room, Groot landed back on Marlene's shoulders. Yondu sent his arrow into the hallways they could see. On the cameras, they all watched as a red blur of the arrow killed everyone in its path. Rocket used his gun, shooting at those who got too close. Yondu and Rocket began to laugh maniacally as Marlene crossed her arms over her chest with amused eyes.

Suddenly, Yondu stopped laughing as he saw Taserface. Whistling, the arrow went flying to him. Marlene watched apprehensively as the arrow caught fire, missing the man but setting off a large explosion.

"You maniac. The whole ship's gonna blow," Rocket said with wide eyes.

Yondu whistled for his arrow. "Not the whole ship. Release the quadrant!" he shouted to Kraglin.

"Aye, Captain!"

When Rocket told Marlene to sit down and buckle in, she knew it would a rough ride to find Peter and the rest of the Guardians. She knew just by hearing Rocket's skepticism of Ego along with her not being able to properly read his thoughts, he was bad news. The rest of the Ravager ship exploded behind them as Rocket took control.

"Where to, Captain?" Yondu asked Rocket as Groot settled on Marlene's thigh, obviously tired.

"Ego," Rocket answered.

"No, boy! It ain't healthy for a mammalian body to hop more than 50 jumps at a time!" Yondu yelled.

Rocket only smirked. "I know that."

"We are about to do 700!"

Marlene would like to say that jumping 700 times in space was not as bad as Yondu made it out to be. But it was worse. Oh, so, horribly worse. There was not even any consultation after Rocket pressed the button, but she was glad she was strapped in due to the fact that once they landed near Ego's planet. Kraglin landed next to Marlene's chair with a loud grunt as Groot threw up near his head.

Yondu grabbed the chair to help him stand. "What the hell you doing, boy?"

Rocket turned to make sure Marlene was all right as she unstrapped herself and stood shakily. She began to help up Kraglin as Rocket said, "I could tell by how you talked about him... this Ego is bad news. We're here to save Quill."

"For what? Huh?" Yondu yelled back, causing Marlene's eyes to widen. "For honor? For love?"

"No. I don't care about those things. I wanna save Quill so I can prove I'm better than him!" Rocket laughed, but even Marlene could tell it was fake. "I can hold this over him forever." Suddenly, Yondu began to laugh as the pair stared at each other. "What are you laughing at me for?"

"You can fool yourself and everyone else, but you can't fool me. I know who you are," Yondu said, pointing at Rocket.

Rocket shook his head. "You don't know anything about me, loser."

"I know everything about you. I know you play like you're the meanest and the hardest, but actually you're the most scared of all."

"Shut up!"

"I know you steal batteries you don't need, and you push away anyone who's willing to put up with you, 'cause just a little bit of love reminds you of how big and empty that hole inside you actually is!"

"I said shut up!" Rocket screamed.

"I know them scientists what made you, never gave a rat's ass about you!" Yondu added as if it was not bothering him. He walked closer to Rocket as the pair were inches apart.

"I'm serious, dude!"

"Just like my own damn parents who sold me, their own little baby, into slavery!" Marlene winced. "I know who you are, boy... because you're me," Yondu finished softly.

Rocket backed off as they still stared at each other as if they were seeing each other for the first time. "What kind of a pair are we?"

Yondu stood up straight, walking to the control panel. "The kind that's about to go fight a planet, I reckon."

Rocket clapped his paws together. "All right, okay! Good," he paused and looked at Yondu in confusion. "Wait. Fight a what?"

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