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the elf

MARLENE shut her eyes as she winced slightly from another bump in their flight. Rocket was flying while Thor was on standby. Groot played video games as Marlene took a deep breath before allowing her body to ignore the sounds around her. When she felt enough power, she opened her eyes to see herself in the Avengers Compound staring at Rhodey, Bruce, Steve, Natasha, Sam, Wanda, Vision, and Loki.

She knew they were all scared when she did not say anything for moment. She laughed slightly. "Sorry," she said, her accent thick. "It's been a while. I needed to make sure you were okay."

Wanda stood first, walking over and trying to grab her hand. It was like a hologram. "Where are you?" she whispered. "Are you okay? Loki told us—"

"I am hurting," Marlene admitted, "but I have no time to rest." She turned to Loki. "And you?"

"I'm fine, Lady Marlene," Loki said softly. "Thanks to you."

Marlene nodded. "Thor is okay. I'm with him," she answered his unasked question. He nodded thankfully.

"Are you coming home?" Steve finally blurted, not being able to take his eyes off of her. She looked different, but he could not tell why. "Tony, Spider Man, and a Dr. Strange were taken to Space."

"Tony," Marlene breathed sadly before shaking her head, focusing on one problem at a time. "I'm trying to get back. Vision, you have to get the Mind Stone removed. There's got to be something you all can do."

Bruce stood next. "What about Valkyrie and the Asgardians?"

Marlene frowned. "I could only save half... Thanos killed Heimdall and the others. Valkyrie was with them... I really do not know where I sent them."

Loki bowed his head. "We will find them soon. You need to rest. I can feel your magic weakening you from here."

Steve grew worried at his words. "Please, be safe, Marlene."

Marlene smiled at him. "Sure thing, Cap. Get that Mind Stone out... blow it to hell. Take care of each other. I'll be home soon."

Before Steve could say anything else, Marlene pushed her body to Tony. When she opened her eyes, this time she was on another space ship as Tony and a Spider Man were watching Ebony Maw torture Dr. Strange.

"Tony," Marlene whispered causing him to jump at her voice. Turning, his eyes almost teared up at the tired looking Marlene. "Hey, his weak spot are his knees," she said, referring to Ebony Maw. "You need to get home. If Thanos finds you—"

"Bruce told me," Tony said. "A-Are you okay?"

"I will be," she said again. "I just need you to be safe. Who is this?"

"Hi! I'm Peter Parker!" the boy, no older than fifteen or sixteen said.

Marlene smiled despite the situation. "Hi, Peter Parker. I'm Marlene."

Peter's eyes widened. "She's the one you talk about!"

Tony shoved Peter aside with a smirk. "What do I do?"

"Save the Doctor. Get home," Marlene pleaded. "I have to go," she said softly. "I'll be home soon, Tone. Get there."

When Marlene opened her eyes with a gasp, the three men looked at her oddly. She smiled wryly before saying, "Steve has Vision and Loki. They'll hopefully take care of that. Tony is in space currently trying to save a Doctor with the Time Stone. We need to hurry. How long?"

"You'll know when we're there. Nivadellir's forge harnesses the power of a blazing neutron star," Thor said with a smile, "It's the birth place of my hammer. It's truly awesome."

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