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sleepless and drunk

"WOW," Steve said as his bike rolled to a stop in front of her. The sun was setting behind him as he stared at the woman in front of the large building. Her red lips were in a pout as she tugged on the sleeves of her beige ankle-length sweater. "You look terrible." Her pout grew before it moved into a small smile. "Ah, the smile makes it better. You getting on or am I coming up?"

Marlene rolled her eyes, throwing a leg over the bike and wrapping her arms around Steve's waist. When he took off, she tightened her hold on him.

"You gonna tell me what's going on?" Steve called as they stopped at a red light.

She pushed her forehead into Steve's back. "We went into some memories," she said softly but knew he heard her. "I'm an old lady," she said with a snort as he took off again.

"I'm old, too. Neither one of us can beat Thor," Steve replied optimistically.

Marlene laughed, turning her head to stare at the streets passing in a blur around her. When he parked at a little cafe, he turned off the bike and waited for her to remove her arms to get off.

Doing so reluctantly, she walked off to the doors, holding one open for Steve. He mock-glared at her. "This is my job," he said.

"Says who?" Marlene said with a smirk. "Go order me something good," she demanded playfully as she followed him inside. She branched off to the booth in the corner, bringing her legs up to rest her head on it until Steve walked back to the table with two empty cups.

"Sprite? Coke? Water?" Steve began to list.

"Coke is cool," she said. "Thank you, Steve."

Steve smirked her way, going to make her drink. Once he returned, a waitress brought their food. It was quiet for a little while until Steve said, "What did you find out?"

"I was trapped on Sakaar for three hundred years," she revealed, "until a guy from Earth found me. He's the one who picked my name." Her face went to a smile without meaning to.

Steve noticed it. "And this guy... what was he like?" he asked as if he did not care. He did, for some reason, care about whether or not she liked the guy. Why should it matter? He wanted to revoke the question.

"He seemed sweet. I don't know much yet. Tony's letting me go back in a few days. I need to figure some other stuff out," she said.

Steve nodded, wondering if she thought he was sweet.

"Why can't they just remove the block?" Steve asked. "Won't you be able to remember everything?"

Marlene's eyes widened. "Over three hundred years of memories? I would explode," she said with a snort. "No, Bruce thinks my mind is showing me the important stuff instead of bombarding me. I have a smart brain."

Steve nodded. "That you do," he said with a smile. "So does this explain why you look like you haven't slept?"

Marlene shrugged, hand going to scratch her head when she realized her hair was in a messy bun. "Oh, God. Pepper let me leave the tower like this. How bad do I really look?"

"Not at all. You look beautiful," Steve said before he realized what he said. "I mean... you always look beautiful, but that sounds forward... I-I-I'm sorry. I'm going to stop talking."

Marlene smirked, biting her lip. "Thanks, Cap."

Steve rubbed his neck awkwardly. "Yeah... anyway. Sleep? Are you sleeping?"

"Not much. I keep seeing the Grandmaster's face. He had this chip to send electric shocks down my back if I didn't do what he asked... it was horrible," she admitted.

"I wish I could do something about him," Steve said, fist clenching without him realizing it.

"Me too," she said with a laugh. "Anyway, what about you? When's your next mission?"

Steve took a sip from his straw. "Natasha tells me the day of. I don't know. I'll probably go running tomorrow morning and have a mission that night."

Marlene and Steve spoke a lot that night, him telling her more stories about Bucky Barnes. The pair stayed at the cafe until the waitress told them it was closing time. Steve grabbed Marlene's hand without much thought, but he soon dropped it when he remembered Peggy Carter. Marlene did not say anything, simply going along with the motions as Steve worked out his own internal problems. He drove her home, and she found Tony awake on the couch with a glass of scotch as he had music playing.

"How was your date with the old man?" Tony asked, turning with a smirk.

Marlene placing her sweater on the back of the chair before sitting next to him. "I'm old, too. I take offense now. Plus, it wasn't a date. It was a small dinner to get
my mind off of things."

Tony handed her his glass as he leaned his head back on the couch. "You two'd be cute together. The supersoldier and the witch. What a pair."

"How much have you had to drink?" she asked with a laugh, finishing his glass in one sip. "Wow, that's strong."

Tony grinned. "You know, forgive me if I overstep... not that I care, but I care a lot about you, Elsa," he said suddenly, contradicting himself as he spoke about not caring and caring. "That stuff we saw was messed up. What if something worse happened to you?"

"I have to know," she whispered.

"Yeah, but I can't get up there to kick their asses," Tony complained, rubbing his forehead. "Rhodey's always been my best friend. Happy, too, and Pepper is my girlfriend, but you... you, Marlene Maximoff, you are a wonderful person... a great friend. I hate seeing you in pain."

Marlene smiled softly. "You need to go to sleep."

"So do you," Tony countered.

Marlene stood, extending her hand for him to take. "C'mon, Tony," she said, helping him stand when he stood shakily. "Jarvis, turn off the music."

"Yes, Miss Maximoff."

"How'd you find out my last name?" Marlene asked Tony as she helped him to his room.

"Looked it up while lookin' up that Quill fellow," Tony slurred before his eyes began to shut. "M'tired."

"Wait till I get you to bed, big guy. I'm not carrying you," Marlene stated, opening Tony and Pepper's door. Pepper was not there, which led Marlene to believe she was out of the state for meetings. After getting Tony into bed, she placed the blankets to his chin and tapped his cheek once before leaving.


"Yeah?" she asked as she turned.

"Thank you," Tony called sleepily. "Good night."

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