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harley in tennessee

CLOSING her eyes, she let them open and glow brightly as she searched for Tony's soul... his mind. Once she found him, her eyes burst open while she heard his words leaving his mouth. She was surprised as Tony was easily able to tell when she was in his head, however, he seemed to be exhausted.

"Not a good idea!" Tony yelled to a kid as the boy broke a finger on an Iron Man suit. "What are you doing? You're gonna break his finger? He's in pain, he's been injured. Leave him alone."

The kid grimaced. "S...Sorry."

"Are you? Don't worry about it, I'll fix it," Tony replied before pausing. "Marlene?"

"Who's Marlene—?" Tony shushed him. "Okay."

"Marlene, if you're there, can you go inside the kid's head. His name is...," Tony whispered.

"Harley. What do you mean? In my head—!?"

"Shush!" Tony said again.

Marlene took a deep breath, blinking once as she landed in the kid's mind. "Tony," she said, but almost cringed when it came out as Harley's voice. "You okay? Pepper's worried—"

"I'm great," he replied sarcastically, gesturing to his beat up body and the suit on the couch. "Before you say anything, no, you can't help—"

"Yes. Where are you? I'll be there as soon as I can," she said through Harley.

Tony grimaced. "It's dangerous, Elsa."

"Where are you, Tony?"

"Rural Tennessee. Ask Jarvis for my flight plan," Tony stated. "Give the kid his mind back before he freaks out."

Marlene blinked, appearing back in her own body in the tower, panting and gasping as she had never done that much in one setting before. Feeling her eyes dim, she called, "Jarvis? Give me Tony's flight plan to Tennessee."

"Would you like to take a suit?"

"Absolutely not. I'll fly there myself," Marlene stated indignantly.

"Yes, Miss Maximoff."

Rushing to her room, she found comfortable jeans and a shirt before sticking a leather jacket on top of it. Tying her hair into a ponytail, she followed Jarvis to Tony's lab.

Once in there, she followed Jarvis's directions to put on an earpiece that turned into a hologram over her eyes to give her access to Jarvis and a map to lead her where she needed to go. Taking a deep breath, she took the elevator to the roof, allowing her energy to fill her up before she began to hover in the air. "Lead the way, J," she said, seeing a map appear in her vision to direct her to Tony.

In Rose Hills, Tennessee, Tony had just gotten directions from Harley as to where Mrs. Davis would be. Chad Davis was the kid who blew himself and five other civilians up, though, Tony believed Chad was used as a weapon. Probably, and most likely, for the Mandarin. After talking to Mrs. Davis, he realized the woman he bumped into was the person Mrs. Davis was waiting on to give the file about Chad to. The woman went completely berserk before her hand began to glow orange. She sent her burning badge into the Sheriff nearby, and Tony knew he had to get her out of there before she burnt the rest of the people in that bar.

"Hey hot wings, you wanna party? You and me, let's go," he called to the woman, running out of the bar. When he made it outside, he saw the man Happy had been following get out of a car and begin to walk toward him. The man began to shoot at Tony as he took cover, but the kid—Harley—threw a rock at the man to make him miss each shot he blasted at Tony. "Crazy, huh?" Tony called to a nearby civilian hiding behind a car.

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