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moving in

MARLENE frowned as she watched Thor take Loki back to Asgard. She had wanted to the end the miserable god's life for the hurt he had caused. She tried to feel for him, knowing he just wanted to be out of his brother's shadow... but taking over a world with powers beyond his control was not the way to do it.

Clint and Natasha stood behind her as she tapped her foot impatiently. She was waiting for Steve as he was given the task by Nicholas Fury to look after the witch for now—at least until she was ready to be on her own. She did not know the world, nor did she have anyone else. The best part of this situation was the fact that she would have Clint, Natasha, and Steve to fall back on as friends—as family if she saw it that way. Tony would go back to Malibu with Pepper Potts and Bruce would go off the radar. Thor was off the world, so Marlene was happy that Steve did not push her away for now.

When Steve made it to the group, he shook hands with Clint and Natasha. Marlene was surprised when Clint hugged her once, and even more when Natasha followed.

As they left, Marlene smiled when she heard, "Elsa?"

She turned to see Tony smirking as he fixed his sunglasses. He pulled something out of his pocket. "What is it?" she asked before realizing he was handing her a phone. "Why?"

"It's got my number in it in case you need me for something. A shoulder to cry on, a buck or two for dinner when Capsicle forgets to feed you, or... a friend," he said reluctantly, shoving the phone in her hand. "Don't blow up my phone with texts, though. I'll block you."

Marlene laughed softly, wiping the screen. "This is very nice of you."

"Well, everyone needs someone. You've got no one," Tony deadpanned with a shrug. "I put Barton and Romanoff's number in there, Fury's, too. Oh, and Banner and Pepper—she insisted," Tony finished with a roll of his eyes.

Marlene smiled, pulling him in for a hug. He hesitated before hugging her back. It lasted a second before he patted her awkwardly. "Okay, hugs are a step in the right direction... baby steps," he said before his eyes went to Steve, "Hey. Take care of the witch, Old Man!"

Steve rolled his eyes, nodding. "You ready, Marls?" Steve asked.

Marlene nodded, waving once more at Bruce who was sitting in Tony's car. Turning, she followed Steve to his motorbike, waiting for him to get on. When he did, she gingerly say behind him.

Steve revved the engine once. "Hold on," he commanded.

Marlene yelped when he took off, and she grabbed his waist and slowly wrapped her arms around. "Thanks for the warning, Cap."

Steve laughed, the vibrations going through to his back where Marlene's forehead was resting. "I tried."

The ride was silent, and Marlene tried her best not to fall asleep as the exhaustion of not sleeping for a few days after using her powers to such an extent overwhelmed her. When Steve pulled up at a small apartment complex, he turned off the motorcycle before laughing quietly.

"You can let go now," he whispered.

Marlene snorted. "Sorry. I zoned out," she said, climbing off so Steve could follow. Steve said nothing else as he smiled her way once. As he lead her to his floor, she memorized where to go and how to get there easily.

When he unlocked it, she took a deep breath as the home-feeling the apartment gave her.

"Sorry, it's not much," Steve murmured, throwing his keys onto the table as he pulled out his wallet to throw there as well. He could hear the door shut as she locked it. Pulling off his jacket, he turned to see her looking around his home with awed eyes. He smiled softly at the expression.

"No, no. It is perfect. I can't remember my home," she whispered in the quiet room. Walking over to his record player, she eyed it curiously as her mind processed what the device was and what to do with it. "What kind of music do you like?"

"Oldies. From my time," Steve answered with a laugh. "You?"

She shrugged, fingers going to look through his few records. "I wouldn't know. Never listened to music before. Not really."

Steve scoffed, walking over to pick out his favorite. Showing her how to work it, he smiled nostalgically as the music flowed through the room.

Marlene closed her eyes, imagining people from the forties dancing to this. She let out a breathy laugh. "Were you a dancer?" she asked, eyes opening to see a pained expression on his face. "Oh, sorry. Right. Was she pretty?"

Steve nodded. "Beautiful."

"Is she still alive?" Marlene asked.

"She is. I plan to visit her soon," Steve said before walking off toward the kitchen, done with that conversation. "Are you hungry?"

"Starved," she said softly. "There is only one bedroom," she stated.

"Right. I told Fury I'd take the couch," he said with a nod as he opened his fridge to grab a drink for himself before turning to offer her one. She grabbed it with a smile.

"Well, the couch looks rather comfortable. I can sleep there," Marlene said.

Steve shook his head, taking a swig of drink. "No. No, I couldn't let you take the couch."

"Why not?"

"It's fine, Marls. I can sleep on the couch," he said, ignoring her question.

"What if we rotate?" Marlene asked with a smile. "Swap every night."

Steve paused, seeing the hopefulness in her eyes. He sighed. "Fine. But you're getting the bed tonight. You look exhausted."

Marlene shrugged. "My powers are draining." She laughed. "It's as if I'm still using them, but I know no one is using the Mind Stone."

Steve nodded. "You just need a good night's rest. Go put a movie in while I put the pizza in the oven. Do you like pizza?"

Marlene tilted her head. "I don't know. I think I've had it before. Do you like it?"

"Sure," Steve replied with a laugh.

"Then, I'm sure it's going to be fine," she said with a smile as she turned to find Steve's movie collection.

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