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pietro maximoff... or sonic? speedster?

MARLENE wore the boots she landed in New Jersey with years ago along with her black jeans and a shirt she vaguely remembered to be Tony's that must have gotten stuck in her basket after laundry. It had the band Black Sabbath on it, which she knew he enjoyed. Covering it with a black leather jacket, she ignored his stare on her as she hurried onto the Quinjet to fly to Sokovia. They had received a hit that a Hydra research base was located there. Once they were in the air, Tony snapped his fingers at her.

"Hey! I want my shirt back, Elsa!"

Marlene grinned. "Right here? Sorry, Tone. I don't think that's appropriate," she teased as Natasha snorted a laugh next to her.

Natasha then handed her a belt, wrapping it around her waist. Once she clicked it into place, she put two guns in the holsters. She winked at Marlene. "That way you have other ways to protect yourself, Miss Witch."

"Thanks," she whispered as she sat back down next to Bruce.

Bruce shrugged toward her. "Do you even know how to work a gun?"

"Can't be hard," Marlene chirped causing Steve to take a not so subtle scoot over from the gun near him. "Oh, c'mon, Steve. I'm fine."

Steve nodded. "Totally believe it."

Marlene bit back her smile. It was an hour later that she stood when Clint called he was landing. Natasha looked out the window. "They have bunkers out. Loads of guards. Bruce... we might need a Code Green."

Bruce sighed. "I had a feeling. Just hoping for otherwise."

Tony's helmet slid down over his face. "Let's do it, Avengers. In and out. Find the scepter."

Thor opened the hatch, rushing out first. Steve took his motorbike from the bottom of the Quinjet when Clint opened the bottom hatch. Marlene stayed close to Clint as she flew, eyes and hands lit blue as they looked out for enemies.

Suddenly, they heard bullets being blasted before Tony screamed, "Shit!"

Marlene grinned, using her energy to create a shield to protect Clint from oncoming bullets as he triggered his explosive arrows. When she dropped the shield, he reigned hell on the guards around him.

"Language!" Steve called, before he grunted in pain. "Jarvis, what's the view from upstairs?"

"The central building is protected by some kind of energy shield. Strucker's technology is well beyond any other Hydra base we've taken," Jarvis responded just as Marlene sent a wave of energy to three guards in front of her. She grinned when they did not get back up.

Thor called out, "Loki's scepter must be here. Strucker couldn't mount this defense without it. At long last."

"At long last is lasting a little long, boys," Natasha added.

Clint sent an arrow at a soldier behind Marlene that was aiming for her. "Yeah. I think we lost the element of surprise."

"Wait a second. No one else is going to deal with the fact that Cap just said language?" Tony quipped.

"Are you surprised?" Marlene asked back, going into the minds of the group on the nearest bunker, having them explode themselves.

"I know," Steve said with a sigh. "It just slipped out."

Moving to a new area, keeping Clint secure as she rose in the air, she heard Jarvis say, "Sir, the city is taking fire."

"Well, we know Strucker's not going to worry about civilian casualties. Send in the Iron Legion," Tony commanded. "Elsa? Can you find Strucker's mind?"

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