Chapter 31: Awkward Chaos

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(A/N. Question of the day, what do you think Pheonixs summer secret is?)

Pheonix's POV

"So I'm finally good?" I asked the doctor standing up.

"You are finally recovered from your appendicitis surgery," he told me,"and you can get back to cheering at where again?"


My stomach was hurting becuase I had appendicitis. During my recovery from yet another surgery, I decided where I was going to stay. Beverly is my home.

I got nothing in Crenshaw. My brothers are dead. My mom is in jail and so is Preach. Me and Spencer, well after this summer we may never recover. Me and darnell, well we better off as friends. Atleast in Beverly theres only one person I'd wish to avoid for the rest of my life.

"Thank you, doc. Hopefully I wont be seeing you again, " I laughed.

"I hope so too."

I grabbed my keys from my bag and drove to the school. Yes I still have Shawn's car, it's the last thing I have from him. As I parked the car I grabbed my stomach. There is still some residual pain, but i didnt want the doctor to know.

"Hello Co-pres," olivia told me with a fake smile.

I faked one as well and took a sip from her cup. This summer was bad and I started to drink. That and I started cutting again. Not that anyone knows nor cares.

Me and her started to paint the rest of the black lives matter mural at the entrance of the school. Spencer and leila showed up a few minutes later and I avoided Spencer's eyes, as did Olivia.

"Still awkward?"Olivia asked me.

"I haven't looked at him since that night."

"Me either."

"You two going to avoid me forever?" Spencer asked us.

"I plan on it," I said glaring at him.

"You need to get over it," he told me.

I looked him straight in the eyes and said,"I hate you Spencer James. And that ain't gonna change."

"Alright. Break it up!" JJ yelled running between us.

"I ain't gonna hit a girl!" Spencer said throwing his hands up, still not breaking eye contact.

"It aint Pheonix I'm worried about," JJ sassed.

Since I drifted away from everyone over the summer I became closer to JJ.  Spencer shook his head and walked off. Jj squeezed my hand comforting. I took another sip of Olivia's cup. Then another person I'd wish to avoid walked in.

"Hey, Nix," asher said to me.

"Hey, ash," I said awkwardly.

I am here. Facing him.

"I thought you'd be back next week."

"Surprise," he said with jazz hands.

I nodded my head and walked away. Suddenly I was being suffocated in a room full of people I used to be inseparable with. Now all I wished for was separation.

Olivia finished the mural and I smiled at the. The black live matter was written in bright yellow writing.

"Its good that this is here. Bout time this was realized," I told the group.

There was no arguement. Once everyone dispersed JJ came over.

"Ya coming to my half birthday party?" He asked me.

"I wouldnt miss it for the world, J," I said and hopped on his back.

He walked me out to my car and set me in my car. I grabbed my keys and started the car driving to my interview. That's what happens when your ranked in the top 40 floor gymnast of the country.

"So,you didn't follow Spencer James to Crenshaw, why not?" The man asked me.

"Crenshaw ain't no longer my home. Beverly is. It ain't nothing against Crenshaw, it just ain't home no more."

"Interesting. So you domt think South Crenshaw High is worth saving?"

"No. I absolutely think it does and I hope it does. But it doesnt need me to save it," I explained.

"And beverly needs you to save them?"

"This ain't about saving anyone!" I snapped,"this is about doing what's best for me."

"And beverly is what's best for you."

"Yes. Can we have some questions about me being in the top 40 gymnast of the country. Thirty three to be exact?" I demanded.

"Feisty arent ya," the interviewer sneered.

I rolled my eyes and continued the interview. Then one question took me off guard.

"So do you think your opportunities came from you being pretty?" He asked me.

"I'm sorry, what?"

"Well. I mean no one wants to stare at an ugly girl, so do you think you are where you are becuase your pretty?"

"No. I dont. I think I'm here becuase I worked my ass off for it. I'm here becuase I had a brother who sacrifie everything for me to get an opportunity. So no, it isnt because I'm pretty its becuase of sacrifices. Can we please finish this interview without any more sexist and degrading comments," I told him.

Once I finished the interview I drove back to the bakers home. I still live here since I'm still going to school here. I start the day after JJs half birthday party. So in two days.

Time skip - next day JJs half birthday party

I was chilling with JJ sipping whiskey from a hydro flask. I claimed it was water so no one questioned me. We were just enjoying a nice celebration when jordan lost his temper and punched Spencer in the face. His interview got twisted like mine, but it was still nice to see him punched in the face.

"And you ain't much better. I'm sorry you had to come and save us!" Jordan screamed at me.

I simply flipped him off and continued to drink. That's the best way to respond to Jordan whens hes mad, dont give a damn.

After the two baboons ruined JJ's party I pulled him aside to give him his gift. He opened it and a smile lit up on his face.

"I know it's not your birthday but I thought I'd get this for you," I told him smiling.

He held a football signed by rob Gronkowski with a boyish grin on his face.


"He was at a Walmart," I told him.

I stayed with JJ for a few more minutes before leaving to meet up with Darnell at slausons. I was a little drunk but I've driven through worse. Once there me and him discussed our plans for the school year.

"Ya know, I'm glad we stayed friends," he told me.

"Your the only one I've stayed friends with in this whole mess," I sighed.

Then a voice I wasnt expecting to hear called behind me,"hello Phoenix."

"I'll leave you to it. Bye, Nix," Darnell said and left the situation.

I turned around and faced the person.

"Hello, Dad."

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