Chapter 38: Picking

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(A/N. Question of the day, who should she pick. Asher or Spencer. Very important A/N at the bottom)

"Just becuase you'd pick em, doesnt mean it's the best option," I told JJ," I mean you did hire strippers."

"Yes, but they gave good life advice," JJ told me.

"I mean. What if it's the wrong decision?" I asked the boy.

"Do you think it's the wrong decision?" He asked me.

"I dont know. But I want the love triangle over, so I'm going to talk to them figure this out once and for all."

The next day I went to school and was talking with the girls. Today they would be giving the nominees for homecoming queen and king. There were three nominees for each category.

"For homecoming king, our nominees are Asher Adams, JJ Parker, and Jordan baker!" We all cheered as the names were announced.

"For the girls we have Leila Keyton, Olivia Baker, and Pheonix scott!"

"May the best queen win," leila said.

"I will," I told her.

The laughing was cut short when asher was in front of us.

"Good luck," I said to him.

"You too."

After school I went to Spencer's to talk. I needed to make a decision and the best way was to talk to the boys.

"Listen. I fucked up, but God I still hope you pick me. It's always been us. I was there when brandon died. I was there when Preach went to jail. I was there when shawn joined. You been there for me since my pops died. Phoenix we are meant to be. I realized now that I lost you, that I am in love with you," he explained.

"You've said that before."

"You right. But I mean it this time," he told me,"please believe me Nix. You are the best thing that's ever walked into my life. I hope that I'm that for you," he explained to me.

After he fought for me to pick him I went to preaches. Th is left me more confused. Did I want to forgive him. Did I trust him enough not to hurt me in the same way again. I know this is just a high school relationship but I dont want to be hurt again. I dont I history to repeat its self. Would Spencer hurt me again?

I need talk to this with my dad.

"Phoenix, this is a decision only you can make," he told me.

"Damnit. Dad that isnt helpful!" I yelled.

"I know who you should pick, but it's your job to decide it for yourself," he told me.

"How do I know."

"The most important person in your life is."

I thought of someone.

"Is who?"

"Whod you think?" He asked, leaving me speechless.

This left me more confused. That one question isnts supposed to help me. It has to me complex then this, right?

The next day at beverly I was talking about my plans to get homecoming queen when asher interrupted.

"We need to talk."

I nodded my head and followed him. We walked out to the football feild and sat in the stands. We didnt say anything, just stared out onto the feild.

"I turned down venessa today becuase the only girl I want is you. But, can I ask a question first?" He asked, continuing to stare forward.

"Go ahead."

"Who was there for you?" He asked.

"What do you mean?"

"Who was there when shawn died, the one to hold you close and didnt care about the blood. Who was there all the nights you cried about his death. Who was there when you cut. Who was there when you were shot. Who was the one to say no to another girl becuase they wanted you.

whoever you choose, I'll be here. Weather it's as a best freind or boyfriend. But dont forget who's been here all along. And know with me, you never took second place."

He left me speechless. But me and asher would be risking an amazing friendship. What if we break up and loose home forever. Could I bare to lose my best friend becuase we wanted to try to be more then best friends. But what if we worked out. What if we were one of the stories of people who dated in highschool and got married. But what if we were the story of the two best friends who ruined a great friendship.

A few minutes later JJ came out. He noticed me staring and sat next to me.

"Did it help?" he asked me.

"I know who I'm going to pick," I sighed.

"Is it who you originally thought youd pick?" He asked me.

"Nope. But it's like Preach said, only I can make the decision and it has to be what's best for me. Everyone else's feeling be damned."

"That's my girl. Have a back bone. Wanna drive my car to their house?" He asked me.

"Will you ride with me?" I asked the boy.


We were driving to the person I picks house when a tire blew and we spun out into the concrete. JJ called nine one one and the cops were on our way. My stitched up head was open again. Then a thought hit me. A scary thought.

"JJ, if we dont switch seat we are going to have a big issue," I told him.

"What?" He asked confused.

"I'm not going to pass the sobriety test," I panicked,"please switch seats with me, Jay!"

(A/N. I am starting yet another all american story.

Who should the love story he about?


Anyone else?

I wont do Jordan cause he has so many stories. Love you all and please comment)

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