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I have debated whether or not say something for quite a while. However, the longer I wait the more stories I see that are popping up. With a platform that I have been given i feel its important to post this.

Before everything started blowing up about the way African Americans were treated I was blind to it all. I was living in my white privileged buble. I had no clue how bad it was.

It was honestly this show that started to open my eyes. Then the brutal murder of George floyd caught my eyes. After that story I started looking online and asked some of my friends about the encounters they have had with racism.  It took me less then a week to see why people were having protest.

Police brutality exist around us. It doesn't mean all cops are bad, but we now know that some are.

Racial stereotypes happen all the time. Mean comments and looks are said nd given everyday. We may have come a long way as a country, but we still have a long way to go.

So, do your research. If you still think there is no racism in america you are being blind to the world around you. Ask your friends. The evidence is apparent. There is still racism in America, and its heartbreaking and disgusting.

I'm sorry if I'm not giving this movement the speech it deserves. As a white america I could never know the pain people of color go through every day. I pray for you all everyday so you will be safe. I love you all.


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