Chapter 27:Who Dun It

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(Thank you to MeekJ517 for voting. Sorry for not updating yesterday. Sophomore year is kicking my ass and it's only the first week.)

"Where were you when tyrone Moore was shot?" A police officer asked me.

"I was cheering at a beverly game. Then I went home becuase my legal guardian was seeing if she won DA."

"Your injured," the officer noted.

"I had no buisness trying to cheer, but that isn't a crime," I told the officer.

"Do you know who may have done it. Gang members, a drug deal, etc?" He asked me.

"I'm not involved. I wouldnt know," I told the officer.

"Okay. We will stay in contact," I was then dismissed.

Thank god for a solid alibi. They would love to put me away for this. I walked out to see Asher, Chris, and Spencer.

"Their releasing you?" Chris asked me.

"I have a solid alibi. Whys asher here?"

"We figured a white boy confirming your alibi would help," spencer said.

"Solid reasoning. I'm just glad tyrone cant hurt me anymore," I told them walking out.

"Its over. You will no longer be in danger becuase Tyrone, " asher said hugging me.

"Thank fucking god," I said.

I went home to mama Grace's to see my mom in the livingroom.

"I gets it's been a long day but am i hallucinating?" I asked my friends.

"Its yo mom," Spencer said.

"This is your mom? Hi I'm asher. I've been her emotional support best friend," he said.

"God bless you. Shes needs alot," my mom said.

"Already starting with the pleasantries. Wheres maya? I miss her," I asked my mom.

"I left her in Louisiana. Didnt feel safe to bring her," my mom said.

"If you come back up bring maya." I said.

"I thought you'd be more excited to see me," my mom said.

"You left without even asking me if I wanted to go. No goodbye. Just a phone call. You took maya and I never got to say goodbye," I said to her.

"I thought seeing you would bring up bad memories, " she defended.

"Whatever. I'm going to hang out with Darnell. Is he in his room?" I asked mama grace.

"Yes dear," she told me.

"Bye asher. See ya chris," I said and headed to his room.

"Dont you want to spend time with me," my mom asked.

"Wouldnt want to try anything new," I told her.

I walked into darnells room and collapsed on his bed next to him.

"Rough day, baby?" He asked putting his arms around me.

"Yeah. I shouldn't have pushed my injury," I told him.

"Nope. Just sleep now. You'll feel better tomorrow, " he told me.

I fell asleep in his arms. The next morning I woke up to see him smiling down at at me.

"Not weird at all stalker," I said to him.

"Shut up. You know you love me," he teased.

"Yeah, whatever," I said and kissed his lips.

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