Chapter 19: Crenshaw vs Beverly

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(Thank you to longlivemo for voting)

"I have an announcement girls!" Coach Kelly told us, but the girls kept talking.

"Yo bitches shut it!" I yelled quieting the girls.

"You've been hanging out with JJ to much," Hailee told me making me smile.

"Yeah I know," i laughed.

"Anyways. At the end of this week we will be having a competition against south Crenshaw. It is only our squad, so we will be doing the routine we have been practicing. Also, I have finally determined your captains. Congratulations to Haylee and Pheonix," me and haylee hugged eachother.

"Your dismissed. Good practice. I need to see you Pheonix, " coach kelly said making my stomache drop.

"Yes?" I asked nervous.

"I've been notified you will have a gymnastics competition after the game on friday. UCLA scouts will be there," she told me.

"UCLA. That's a game changer. You think I'm good enough?" I asked her in shock.

"Absolutely. You and haylee need to get dressed then go to the football locker room to be interviewed for their film," she said and I left to change into my school clothes.

I told haylee and we walked over reviewing practices and what to change.

"You to. Haylee first!" Clint said ushering haylee into the office.

I noticed Spencer seeming upset,"you good?

"Not really," he answered.

"Why?" I asked Spencer who just shrugged his sholders.

"I used a quote from my dad," he whispered.

"Which one?"

"tackle my problems, block out my fears, and always finish strong no matter what."

"It isnt your fault," I said gripping his hand.

"Or yours," he told me.

"Pheonix. Come on!" Clint motioned me in.

"So, you are the new cheer captain, how does it feel?" Rochelle asked me.

"Its an honor. I never imagined I'd have this shot," I said with a genuine smile.

"I know theres been some rumors going around. Does that deter from the joy?" She asked me.

"Some days. But I have amazing friends. That football team is like my brothers. My cheer squad have become my sisters. With them anything is possible," I said with a smile.

"What pushed you to come here?" Rochelle asked me.

"My brother shawn. He wanted better for me when him and my other brother brandon. If it wasnt for him I'm not sure I'd be alive," I admitted.

"Did your parents push you?" She asked me.

"I never knew my dad and I barely know my mom. My brother and his best friend raised me and shawn," I said sadly.

"I'm sorry," she said,"last question. Your grew up in the life of gangs. What advice do you have for girls or even guys in your situation?"

"This was told to me when I was ten years old. Everyone knows to join a gang you have to kill. The man who raised me told me,'if you can kill a man what cant you do? And if you can kill a man it changes you, like it changed me.' I never wanted it to change me," I said.

She turned off the camera and I rushed out. I saw jordan on his phone so I went to check on him.

"Hey, J, you okay?" I asked him grabbing his arm.

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