Chapter 43: Chaos

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(So...these are going to be the lat chapter of this story. I will have a few epilogues and its it. Thank you for reading. Question of the day. What was your favorite chapter of the book and why?)

"Asher. We should get married?" I said laying my head in his lap.

"Why?" He asked barely looking up from the coastal california pamphlet.

"I dunno. Jordan and simone are," I said to him.

"If you win a gold medal at the olympics I'll marry you," he said to me.

"Your lucky my knee was just a strain," I said with a smirk.

Asher just laughed and kept reading. Me and asher are doing great. If I'm honest with myself I loved him from the start, and now that we are together it feels right. It feels perfect.

I heard the front door open amd my dad knocked on the door.

"We are fully clothed!" I yelled.

The door slowly opened and Preach stood there with a worried look on his face.

"Asher it's time you head home," preach said shakily.

"Yes sir," asher said.

Asher gave me a kiss and left through my window.

"I like him. Hes respectful," preach today me before sitting on my bed.

"What's up?" I asked him.

"I have someone for you to meet. I want you know I didnt keep this a secret, I didnt know."

"Dad, what happened?" I asked growing concerned.

My dad led me into the living room where a little girl sat on the couch. She was nodding her head back and forth and kicking her feet. Her face lit up when we made eye contact.

"Are you my big sister?" She asked with a smile.

"S-Sister?" I stuttered looking at Preach.

He nodded his head and looked down. I have another siblings. All of my siblings arent dead.

"Are you okay?" She asked me.

I pulled her into my arms and held her tight,"I'm all good. My name is Pheonix."

"I'm Naomi," she said with a smile.

(I forgot her name, dont hate me)

I sat with Naomi and listened to her talk. I was amazed, how did Preach not know about her. After Naomi went to bed preach came back into the living room.

"Your aloud to not be okay with this. I know its alot," preach told me.

"I like her, she is sweet," I told him.

"I didnt mean for this to be the timing. I wanted to wait until after the trials, but then mo found out she was here and I didnt want you to find out by her," he told me.

"Its okay dad, really," I said leaning into him.

"I love you Pheonix, " he said to me.

"I love you too," I said to him.

We sat in silence just thinking about what the future would bring.

Time skip - Olyimpic Trials

"We need to talk," my coach said pulling me aside.

"What's wrong?" I asked him.

"You knee. It's a second degree sprain," he told me.

"Can I still compete?" Were the first words out my mouth.

"Pheonix. Making the team is hard enough without a sprain..."

"Can I compete?" I reiterated.

"Its up to you," he said with a sigh,"but you do run the risk of further injury."

"I'm competing," I told him and went back to stretching.

My first even was balance beam. I did my routine barely breathing from my nerves. One wrong move and it's all over. Everything I worked for depends on my balance. I did my routine and was ready for my dismount. It was three back handsprings into three backflips.  Taking one last breath I did it and landed perfectly. I walked to my coach and drank water waiting for the results and preparing for vault.

My vault and bar routine went just as well as my beam. All that was left was my floor routine and it had to be absolutely perfect. My kneed was throbbed but as soon as I stepped onto the floor it went away. As soon as my music hit I melted away into my preformance.

Once I walked off the floor I let a few tears fall. I did my routine and I took a shot at what some consider an impossible goal. If shawn could see me now, all I hope is he would be proud.

We sat in anticipation for someone to let me know if I had made it on the team. I waited for hours and was sick with nerves. Finally someone approached me.

"Pheonix Scott, Congratulations, you have made is onto the Tokyo 2021 Olympi team."

As soon as I heard those words I let out a sob. I did it. I made it. I went for my goals and accomplished it. Asher ran over and gave me hug and kissed me.

"Congratulations baby!" He said holding me as I sobbed happy tears.

I did it. I accomplished my dreams with everything against me. I didn't let gang life stop me, I didn't my family stop me, i did let injuries or mental trauma stop me. I did it. And I'm so damn proud of myself.

(A/N. Thank you for reading. I love you all and please comment your thoughts. Epilogues will be up soon)

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