Chapter 16: Should I Stay or Should I Go

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(Thank you to EmeraldRaby, OnMySpooky, and youalreadyknow72671 for voting)

"How bad could today be?" I asked trying to prep myself to get out of the car

"Bad," asher said getting in my passenger seat,"why cant you just report the rape, and dont give me the bullshit answer you gave Spencer and me."

"I cant snitch on Tyrone," I whispered.

"Why?" He pressed.

"Cause that gets you killed. Let the slut shaming begin," I muttered hopping put of my car, asher following suit.

I walked into the school and heard slut being said as i walked by. I kept a straight face as I walked through the halls.

"Wanna fuck me next slut? Maybe instead of a picture we could record it?" A guy asked as I walked by, and my eyes watered up as I pushed by.

I sat I'm English with my head. Down. We turned in our essays and received another one. Once the bell rang I reluctantly went back into the hallway.

"What can I do?" Asher asked me.

"Are you sleeping with him next?" A girl asked me as I walked by.

"Nothing. It'll fade by tomorrow, " i told him back.

After practice I quickly left and drove to Crenshaw. I couldn't deal with beverly anymore. I walked into slausons only to have darnell storm up to me.

"Outside. Not in here," I said.

About that time an empty walked past me say,"slut."

"You flirted with me when you with another guy," he said angrily.

"Its not like that-"

"I was starting to like you. I'm not mad that you slept with a guy. I'm no virgin. I'm mad you were with someone and led me on," he ranted.

I stared at him for a minute. We had been getting close, but did I trust him enough to say it.

"I guess your not who everyone says you are," he sighed turning to walk away.

"I was raped," I said suddenly, and he turned to me.

"I was a virgin before that picture. That guy raped me. Someone took a picture and sent it to everyone in Beverly and apparently Crenshaw, " I whispered.

"I'm a jerk," he said pulling me into a hug.

"Eh, you like the third person I've seen today who hasn't called me a slut. That's puts you pretty low on the jerk list," I mumbled into his chest.

"That bad?"


"Want to come over?" He asked me and I nodded my head.

We got in my car and drove to Corey's house.

"Hey Pheonix. Good to see you!" Corey said hugging me.

"Hey corey," I said hugging him back.

"Any word on Spencer's decision?" He asked.

"We're fighting right now. Wouldnt know," i shrugged and followed Darnell to his room.

I looked around and saw football trophies and football posters. I also saw some pictures of him and corey and his mom.

"I like your room," I told him.

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