epilogue one: will you marry my

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(A/N. The next chapter will be the wedding. Tell me, what was yalls favorite part?)

I waited inpatiently for my scores. I preformed well, but was it well enough. I needed a damn near perfect score to place first. First at the olympics for a floo routine.

Finally my name was called and when they read my score I collapsed on the ground in a fit of happy tears. I did it!

All the nights I stayed up practicing. All the tears and effort put into this sport has been worth it, becuase I made it.

All the times people said I would go no where. Told me i should be dead or I'd end up prison. None of it mattered.

Shawn I hope you can see this because I made it. Thanks to you I made it.

"In Thrid place, Suni Lee from The United States!" We heard over the speakers.

"In second place, Jade Carey from The United States!"

"Finally, in first place, Pheonix Scott from The United States!"

I walked up to the podium and accepted my medal. All three of us cried on the podium. We all had spent our whole lives to here and prove that all the time, effort, and money was worth it.

After the podium we had pictures and interview that entertained us. When I could finally go home I was tired and over the moon. Asher was waiting for me by my car.

"I knew you could win gold, baby," he said kissing me,"there was no competition. "

"Thank you Asher," I said kissing him again.

"I do remember a little promise I made you," he said intertwining our hands before kneeling,"if you won gold we'd get married. Baby you won gold."

"Oh shit," I mumbled my brain not processing this.

"Ever since you showed up at Beverly my life was never the same. You opened my eyes to everything around me. When everyone abandoned me, you fought for me. And when I though I'd forever just be your best friend, you let me be more and I couldn't be anymore grateful becuase I love you Pheonix Scott. So what do you say, want to get married?" He asked me.

"Hell yeah," I said leaning down and kissing him.

He slipped a turquoise ring on my finger in the middle of the kiss. He's mine and I am his. We are in love and we are happy. 

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