Chapter 26: distractions

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(Thank you to LakenyaBrown123 for voting.)

I went home to Beverly and started to work on my jumps. I no longer care about what doctors told me. I need a distraction.

Write me in the halftime routine. I'm ready.

Coach kelly
Are you sure. I need to see you before I can.

Where and when

I went back to working on jumps, ignoring the pang in my stomach. She texted me to meet her at the school. She wanted it done today so I could learn the routine if cleared.

"Ready?" She asked me.

I nodded. She had me start of with jumps. When she wasnt looking I would grimace in pain and clutch my stomach. After jumps I did our dance. That part wasnt bad. Then it was time for tumbling. That hurt like a son of a bitch.

"Pheonix you did it. Are you sure this is in your best interest?" Coach kelly asked me.

"Certain," I packed my things up and left.

By now night had fallen. I was walking out to my car when I heard his voice.

"You need help little girl?" The voice of tyrone sounded.

I ran over to see him with some ten year old girl. I quickly stepped between then.

"Little girl. Go," I told her.

"He said he'd help me?" She said innocently.

"Trust me. Go," the little girl complied leaving me alone with tyrone.

"Want me again?" I asked stepping closer to me.

"I didnt want you the first time. Leave me alone," I said reaching into my bag to grab my knife.

"Shush. You know you did," he said coming closer to me.

I put my knife up,"I will stab you. You killed my brothers, raped me, and put preach in jail. Step any closer and I'll join him there."

"Is there an issue here?" Asher asked coming out of the school.

"Who are you?" Tyrone snarled.

"A rich white boy who could have you put away," asher threatened.

"I'll see you again Pheonix Scott," tyrone said.

"No. You wont," asher told him.

I turned and gave asher a hug.

"You saved me!" I yelled into his chest.

"You would have been fine. You had your knife this time," he said holding me tight.

I drove asher home then headed back to the bakers. I went upstairs into my bathroom. I grabbed my blade and cut. I didnt realize how deep or how many until there was a small pool of blood.

I grabbed my phone and called asher.

"Get over here now! Please!" I begged through tears.

"On my way," he hung up the phone.

I put my wrist under the running water of the sink. The blood mixed with the water and red was going down the drain.

I'm going to die!

"Pheonix let me in," I opened the door.

He gasped and grabbed a rag and put pressure on my wrist.

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