Chapter 13: Championship

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(A/N I am skipping the last episode except for the party becuase I cant involve Pheonix. So this chapter will have the party then the last episode)

"Ready to party?" I asked Spencer.

"Oh yeah. Totally in the party mood," he mumbled.

We walked in and I went over to Chris and Cam.

"I need drugs or alcohol," I told the boys.

"Been a bad week?" Chris asked.

"Oh yeah. Me and Spencer had a huge fight. Then the night we make up Jordan and Olivia arent talking to me," I told them.

"Well, heres some virgin lemonade and no drugs," cam said handing me a cup.

"I stand by, the one time I almost overdosed wasnt my fault," I mumbled.

"Still scared the hell out of everyone," chris said.

"I bet I could take more then you," Brandon tested after he found our I was doing drugs.

"Is this a good idea. I've only done them four or five times?" I asked him.

"Yeah. Its cant go wrong. Here are your pills," he said handing me alot.

"You ready to get your asses beat?" I asked the boys sipping my lemonade.

"No, cause we gonna win," cam said making me roll my eyes.

"I swear, you are the only person who would be cool talking to two of your exes," asher said coming up behind me, JJ following.

"Hey guys," I smiled.

Then a fight broke out.

"Jordan let him go!" I said running over to grab him.

"Oh shut the hell up!" He said punching me in the gut.

"Jordan your making a scene," I said between coughs.

"This is your fault. You knew for years!" He said raising his hand to hit me again.

"Hit her, I dare you dawg," cam said running up behind him.

"Why do you are. She obvious wasnt a enough to get you to stay," jordan growled then slapped me in the face.

"Hey! Partys over! Not you baker," chris growled coming over.

"The bitch deserved it! Spencer didnt know. He just found out. You knew for years!" Jordan yelled pushing me against the wall.

"Stop. Please. I didnt have any other choice," I said holding in tears.

"Yes you did!" He said hitting me again.

"Oh fuck this!" Cam yelled throwing him off of me.

Chris and Cam started beating the crap out him.

"Stop. He has a game this week," he said weakly.

"Pheonix," cam growled.

"Stop. Let's go," I said struggling to my feet, my ribs were hurting.

"I got you," chris said picking me up bridal style.

"I can drive home," I told him.

"You sure?" Chris asked.

"Yeah. I'll text you when I get there," I said and drove to Preachs.

I texted chris I was hom and grabbed some frozen vegetables from the freezer.

"What happened to you?" I heard Preach ask.

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