Chapter 6: homecoming part 2

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"What's going on?" I asked seeing Coop and Spence in Mrs. Bakers office.

"Is shawn. Me and him are in trouble," Coop told me.

"What do you mean? Is my brother hurt?" I asked sitting down.

"No, but we pissed off tyrone," she told me.

"Shit! Why tyrone?"

"You know him?" Mrs. Baker asked.

"Not like shawn. I know sometimes he comes by the house. I know hes a perv. I know hes murdered, but dont have proof," I told her.

"We need proof. Maybe if we could get shawn to testify, " laura suggested.

"My brother doesnt play that game," i said and coop agreed.

"We need him to protect the Two of you," Laura told us.

"Bad day to have cheer practice," I mumbled.

"We'll go talk to shawn," spence told me.

"Aight. I'll be by after cheer," I told them.

"Bye guys," I said and went upstairs to get ready for practice.

"You look like your about to have a panic attack," jordan said from the door.

"Feel like it to," I noted putting everything in my cheerbag.

"Are you okay?" He asked me.

"I will be," I said and pushed by him.

I got jordan to drive me to school so I wouldn't be late for practice. Me and hailee started to stretch together.

"You seem stressed," she noted.

"Big comp. brother's in danger. Great day," I mumbled.

"Damn," she said and I nodded my head.

"You ready?" I asked.

"Born ready."

Our final practice before tonight went amazing. My tumbling is on point. Our routine is smooth. Our stunt group was killing it. Nothing could stop us.

"Im going to go see my dumbass brother," I told hailee.

"Have fun," she said waving after me.

I took the bus over to crenshaw. I was actually excited for tonight. I cant wait for Shawn to see me cheer.

I got out and approached his house. I saw him smiling and talking into a phone. I guess they figured something out. I was about to call out to him then I saw a man in blue appear.

"This is for bonez," he said and shot my brother in the chest.

I put my hand over my mouth to stop my scream. He as soon as he did it. Once it was clear I ran to my brother.

"Hey. It's going to be okay," I said calmly, applying pressure the wound.

"Good luck tonight. I'm sorry," he gasped out.

"You have nothing to apologize for. You saved me," I said.

"I always knew you'd get out. I love you, Bitch," he said weakly.

"I love you to, Asshole," I said.

He managed a weak smile. For one second I though it would be okay. Then his eyes glazed over. His chest quit rising and falling.

He was dead.

"No! Shawn wake up!" I screamed clinging to his dead body.

"No!" Coop yelled running out.

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