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Chapter 971 - White River City's Transformation

Star-Moon City, Ouroboros's Guild Residence:

Bursting into the meeting room, the tall, robust Berserker Fierce Snake hurried to Gentle Snow's side and quietly reported, "Guild Leader, good news! You've been worried that we wouldn't be able to sell the materials fast enough, right? Awhile ago, we found someone willing to purchase all of our rare herbs and ores! Moreover, the Attribute Gemstones' sales in the various major cities are going quite well. We'll collect the necessary funds in no time!"

"Alright." Gentle Snow's expression, which had been tense until now, finally relaxed. "Assemble the materials in the various warehouses immediately."

Selling all of the materials Ouroboros had, even at 80% market value, in such a short time would be a daunting task. After all, there was a limit to how much the market could digest.

If they could not gather the required funds in time, her proposal would have been nothing but talk.

Now that someone wanted to spend the Coins to purchase their stock, they had helped her considerably.

When Gentle Snow finished instructing Fierce Snake, the several company representative Elders came back online.

"How did you manage to get an answer so quickly?" Gentle Snow felt something off when she saw the several Elders.

Such an important decision wasn't easy to make. At the very least, these companies would have had to hold an emergency meeting with their directors before making a decision, yet these Elders had only been gone for less than ten minutes.

"Have you decided to submit to Blackwater in the end?" Gentle Snow's expression darkened.

She had only recently chased away Cao Chenhua after much difficulty and snatched back control of the Guild, which had originally belonged to her elder brother. She had never expected several of Ouroboros's investors to abandon them just as she was starting to push the Guild onto the right track.

With just her family's company, she could not stand against these major companies when they worked together.

"Guild Leader Snow, please understand that this is a world where the strong eat the weak. Our companies simply cannot stand against the Blackwater Corporation. Please prepare to hand over the position of Ouroboros's Guild Leader. We also hope that you will support the new Guild Leader. As for the White Clan Group's Shares, we will buy them back in three days." After the company representative Elders gave their answer, they sighed powerlessly as they logged out of the game.

Although they were only the representatives of their respective companies, they knew that their companies had already signed a private agreement with the Blackwater Corporation. They no longer intended to play with the White Clan Group as they had found a new playmate.

"Despicable! How could they do something like this!?"

"We were blind...to think we actually accepted these companies investments in the Guild."

The dozen or so Elders, who had fought long and hard with Ouroboros, started to bash the investors. To them, Ouroboros was their home. They had worked for Ouroboros for over twenty years. Now that someone else was taking over their Guild, why wouldn't they be angry?

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