𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟕

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people can be enemies and lovers,
at the same time, you know.
- willa cather


"why the shocked face y/n?" dream pointed out, with a smirk on his face.

"i thought you hated me." i grinned.

"oh now why would you think that? i find you so approachable, almost like... a bed of nails." he laughed.

"well who says i want you near me?" i ask, moving my eyes from the stars now to his face.

he moves his body off of the balcony wall and then puts his feet on the floor. he bends down and puts his lips right by my ear.

"that's for you to decide, angel." he whispers. he then turns around and walks out of the door and i can hear him leave my bedroom.

my cheeks blush and my mind runs wild. i quickly snap out of it when i realize what i am thinking about. i can't think about him like that. i don't even know why i get butterflies when he is around me. dream is nothing but rude to me, i shouldn't feel something when im around him. the only thing i should feel is hatred, the hate i have towards the king.

i hop off of my balcony rail and onto the light gray concrete it was made out of. i walk over to the door and open it, making my way over to my closet. i search through all of the clothes and finally find a pair of silk pajamas. i change out of the green dress i was in and slip on the green silk shorts and the green silk button up top. the top was revealing but in a way that showed my body perfectly.

i walk over to my bed and pull back the sheets. i fluff my pillows and then climb it. i reach over to my nightstand and the pull the string attached to the lamp sitting on the table, causing all the light in the room to diminish. i lay my head down and close my eyes drifting off to sleep, thinking about my king i hate.


as my eyes open to the daylight filling my room, i can hear the chickens and other animals making noise outside. i climb out of bed and walk over to my closet. i search my hands through all of the clothes, or should i say dresses, my eyes finally meet a short dark green dress that has gray jewels on the neckline. i pull it out of the closet and also take the matching heels that go with it. i change out of my night gown and into the dress, slipping on the heels. i walk over to the dresser and look at myself in the mirror. i curl my hair and do my makeup, i keep it light because i don't really like the full face makeup look.

i walk over to my door, turn the handle and walk out. as i get down the stairs can hear talking coming from the ballroom. i walk in that direction and am met by a man that i have seen before. it was the man who sat across from me in the dining hall when i first arrived here. the man with the curly long horns and the dark red eyes. he has the same black suit he had on when i first met him.

"oh y/n, pleasure seeing you here" he smiles, and looks down at me. "i was just looking for you."

"you were?" i ask, now making eye contact with him. "i'm sorry, but i don't even know your name." i explained.

"my name is jschlatt. i'm the king's second in line." he replies.

"nice to meet you, jschlatt." i answer. "what does second in line mean?"

"it means if anything bad happens to the king, i will be next in line to take his place." he smiles, but stops when i turn my head to the side in confusion.

"i-i think i'm going to go and find dream." i say, my nerves picking up.

"why?" he asks. "i think we should just go sit and talk in the dining hall." he states, taking my wrist into his hand aggressively."

"n-no i don't think i will." i answer back, now looking at my wrist in his hand trying to pull it away.

"y/n, just be a doll and follow me" he claims, reaching into his pocket and unveiling a red dagger. he sticks it blade up under my chin and i can feel him start to pull me away from the ballroom.

"let go of me." i plead, as i start to raise my voice. i use all my strength to hold on, feet in place but i'm not strong enough. i start to get dragged towards the exit of the castle, the dagger under my chin threatening to penetrate at any second.  

there is nothing i can do, i either get killed or die trying to escape him. he picks up his pace which makes me do the same. my feet finally stop when we reach the exit to the castle. i can see jschlatt's hand reach for the door handle, but he stops when he hears a voice from down the hall.

"schlatt, let her go." i hear someone yell from behind me.


word count: 902

my king i hate || 𝐝𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦𝐰𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐤𝐞𝐧Where stories live. Discover now